I played a little soccer in high school and had been missing the
comradery of a team sport. After I moved out to Seattle, some
friends of friends were playing on adult league teams. I subbed with
them in a game and, through being on the subs e-mail list, I found a
team that was starting up and signed on. Then, I liked it so much that
I joined a second team. My Tuesday team is called the A-Dash, since
most of the members were contractors at Microsoft and their e-mail
addresses all started with a-. On our shirts, though, it looked more
like a-minus! My Thursday team is called Not Yet, since that was the
answer when the league asked our manager if he had a name for us.
Not Yet: (front) me, with the sunburned nose, Melanie,
Melissa, Christy. (back) Emory, Mike, Bill, Matt, David, Nathan, Suzanne.
We play in the Washington State Soccer
League. There's also the Greater
Seattle Soccer League. The rules that the leagues follow are a
little different, and the games are played with the understanding that
we all need to get up and go to work the next day. The GSSL's
web site has a lot of interesting links, including a "You make the
call" (Whistleblower)
section and directions to all the different fields here in Seattle
where we play. The WSSA pages seem to have been updated since I last
checked, and they have a good listing of links as well.
Well, maybe calling this page "Soccer Links" is a false advertisement,
since I don't have many links now. There are better links from the
and GSSL pages than I will compile, but feel free to send me links to
add. Over time, I'll try to get some pictures of my team(s) here.
Oh, yeah -- apres futbol, we like to go either to the Rose Hill Ale House in
or to Dante's in the U-District. Rose Hill has a great micro-brew
selection, good food, and is non-smoking. Dante's is a college bar,
so there are good prices, but it's a little smoky. Both places have
good food at reasonable prices. We also frequent Grady's, since
it's convenient to both Seattle-ites and East-siders, their food is
good, and the kitchen's open late. They've also been known to
give a "team discount" off pitchers -- imagine, being rewarded for
walking into a pub all dirty and smelly!
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Enjoy your stay!