Hi There! Thanks for visiting. Here's the scoop on
my friends:

Well, let's see...
Scott's my boyfriend and my best friend. We like to do anything and nothing together -- ski, play soccer, work on his Jeep or on my house, watch weird shows on the Discovery channel, geek out on computer programs and theory. We met at Virginia Tech. He works at Microsoft.
Here we are at Patrick and Christina's wedding.

There are a lot of other Virginia Tech Hokies out here in Seattle, including Scott's roommate Scott, Carolyn, Lisa, GT, John, Rich, probably a few more. Those are all computer science people who work at Microsoft (except Lisa, who works for Intel, at Microsoft). Then there's Andy, who was in civil engineering (works at Boeing) and Steve B., who studied some kind of biotech thing at Tech. I met Rob at my gym. He was in communications. We have a pretty good crowd to watch football games with.

There are a bunch of people from Tech that I really miss here. Maybe I can find their web pages (duh, like you're interested...). Scott and I used to hang out with Bryan, Leslie, Brian, Jeremy, Keith, Eli, Sarah, Randy, Yuhui, Tommy, Kevin, John B. and Cullen. Where are some of these people now??
Here are Leslie, Keith, Sarah, Eli, Bryan, Scott and Jeremy when we all got together for a football game.

Most of us also liked to play (roller blade) hockey, along with Craig G., Cara and Craig S., and Matt. Other grad students I liked to have fun with are Christina and Patrick, Philip, Bo and his wife Florence, Laura, Andy, and Brian A. I can't make it to Liezel and Are's wedding in India this Christmas. Fernando is a riot. Some of these guys are still in Blacksburg, and I'm jealous.

So, these are my friends from "back home". I'll add links as I find them. This page is just to help me remember everybody. Here are some other things we shouldn't forget (I wasn't around for all these):

OK, I'm getting too nostalgic writing this, so I'll switch to my friends here in Seattle. Most of my friends here I know through either work or soccer, or I've met as friends of friends. I won't list a bunch of names (I know it doesn't mean anything to you anyway). The only one I know has a web site is my co-worker Laurie's husband Chris. He's a jazz musician worth checking out!

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Soccer links
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[ Favorite places in Seattle ]
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Enjoy your stay!
