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books I've enjoyed:

Currently reading: Manfred Schroeder's Fractals, Chaos, and Power Laws: Minutes from an Infinite Paradise. Since I can't understand all of what I'm reading there, I take a break and read John Grisham's The Street Lawyer. A friend has recommended James Gleik's Chaos for presentation in layman's terms.
Recently read: Kate Elliot's Jaran, a sci-fi fantasy that was engaging but turned into more of an adventure-romance story than I would have liked. I haven't decided if I want to read the next in the series or not. Reminded me a little of Donald E. McGuinn's Warrior, which I also enjoyed.

Scott and his roommate Scott are avid readers, and they've introduced me to some great books. Among the best books I've read are George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Fire and Ice" series: It's clearly a big hit with a lot of people, as there are numerous web sites devoted to it. There are a lot of characters and some interesting intrique and some subleties that (like in the real world) make it hard to discern the actors' motivations. Here's a guide that might help.

Scott also gave me Terry Brooks' Shanara series to read, plus Robin Hobb's Farseer (Assassin) series, which I really liked.

Calvin Clawson's Mathematical Mysteries
An entertaining history of the discover of relationships among numbers. Includes the Golden mean, Fibbonacci numbers, prime numbers, and some surprising ways that Pi and e keep popping up.
I actually read Albert Einstein's Relativity. It's written in very clear and understandable terms and is enjoyable. But I'm not so smart that I could explain much of it to anyone else, and it's not like I can read more than a couple pages at a time without having to stop and rest!
I had given Alfred Lansing's Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage to my grandparents for Christmas last year. They gave it back to me, saying that once they started reading it they couldn't put it down. They were right - it's an amazing tale. I also read the story of the supply ship, Aurora, whose crew met a worse fate than that of the Endurance (I wouldn't have thought it possible!). That book is called Shackleton's Forgotten Men: The Untold Tale of an Antarctic Tragedy.

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