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What to Bring Camping

This is just a checklist that I made of things to remember to bring with when we go camping. It's probably missing some things, let me know if you think of anything. See also the hiking list. Of course this if more geared towards car camping -- I've never really been backpacking! If I go I suppose I'll have to make another list... Have a good trip!

 tarp / groundcloth for under tent
 brush for sweeping out tent
 extra tarp?
 sleeping bag
 sleeping bag pad or air mattress
 pillow and wool blanket
 lantern w/ spare mantles
 lantern tree hanger / rope
 flashlight w/ backup batteries and extra light bulb
 geek (head) light
 extra batteries D, AA and AAA.

 bow saw
 hatchet w/ mallet on backside
 fire-starter or newspaper
 portable shovel
 metal fire poker / tongs?
 smore sticks?
 fire extinguisher

 mess kit including

fork, knife, spoon cup, mug plate, bowl frying pan sauce pan(s), one large
 pocket knife / chopping knife / whetstone
 spatula, tongs, can opener
 salt / pepper / spices
 food / beverages / beer / liquor / mixers
 paper towels
 dish rag / dish pan / scrubber / soap
 folding table
 extra propane fuel
 cooler with ice
 extra tin foil for cooking on the fire!

 jumper cables
 tire sealant
 hi lift jack
 toolbox including:

socket sets, box wrenches, screwdriver, tie wraps, shovel, plug wrench duct tape, plyers
 large water jerry can (full of water)
 bug spray
 citronella candles?
 first aide kit including:
tweezers, rubbing alcohol, bandage tape, butterfly closures, neosporin finger splint, band-aides, ace bandage, q tips / cotton swabs hydrocortisone cream, solarcaine, thermometer?, square gauze pads betadine, moleskin, advil, tylenol
 radios / CB
 maps of the area / hike?
 trash / recycling bags
 clothes line / clothes pins
 water purification tablets

 playing cards / chips?
 digital camera
 Frisbee? kite?

 hiking boots
 slippers / flip-flops
 rain boots
 hiking socks
 normal socks
 extra socks
 long johns
 extra underwear
 long-sleeved T-shirt
 windbreaker / jacket
 brightly colored bandanna
 camelback / water bottle
 winter hat?
 baseball cap
 dirty clothes bag

 toothbrush / toothpaste / floss
 q tips
 soap / soap case / washcloth / sun shower?
 extra TP
 tidy wipes
 razor? shaving cream? (depending on how scruffy you want to look)
 nail clippers?

camping_list.html was last updated 19 July 2013 and is Copyright (C) 2002-2019 by Scott Gasch (scott.gasch@gmail.com).