pyutils.compress package
This subpackage includes code related to data compression.
pyutils.compress.letter_compress module
This is a simple, honestly, toy compression scheme that uses a custom alphabet of 32 characters which can each be represented in six bits instead of eight. It therefore reduces the size of data composed of only those letters by 25% without loss.
- pyutils.compress.letter_compress.compress(uncompressed: str) bytes [source]
Compress a word sequence into a stream of bytes. The compressed form will be 5/8th the size of the original. Words can be lower case letters or special_characters (above).
- Parameters:
uncompressed (str) – the uncompressed string to be compressed
- Returns:
the compressed bytes
- Raises:
ValueError – uncompressed text contains illegal character
- Return type:
>>> import binascii >>> binascii.hexlify(compress('this is a test')) b'a2133da67b0ee859d0'
>>> binascii.hexlify(compress('scot')) b'98df40'
>>> binascii.hexlify(compress('scott')) # Note the last byte b'98df4a00'
- pyutils.compress.letter_compress.decompress(compressed: bytes) str [source]
Decompress a previously compressed stream of bytes back into its original form.
- Parameters:
compressed (bytes) – the compressed data to decompress
- Returns:
The decompressed string
- Return type:
>>> import binascii >>> decompress(binascii.unhexlify(b'a2133da67b0ee859d0')) 'this is a test'
>>> decompress(binascii.unhexlify(b'98df4a00')) 'scott'