#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# © Copyright 2021-2023, Scott Gasch
Utilities for dealing with and creating text chunks. For example:
- Make a bar graph / progress graph,
- make a spark line,
- left, right, center, justify text,
- word wrap text,
- indent / dedent text,
- create a header line,
- draw a box around some text.
import contextlib
import enum
import logging
import math
import os
import re
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, Generator, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union
from pyutils import string_utils
from pyutils.ansi import fg, reset
from pyutils.exceptions import PyUtilsUnreadableConsoleException
logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)
class RowsColumns:
"""Row + Column"""
rows: int = 0
"""Numer of rows"""
columns: int = 0
"""Number of columns"""
def get_console_rows_columns() -> RowsColumns:
The number of rows/columns on the current console or None
if we can't tell or an error occurred.
Exception: if the console size can't be determined.
from pyutils.exec_utils import cmd
rows: Union[Optional[str], int] = os.environ.get("LINES", None)
cols: Union[Optional[str], int] = os.environ.get("COLUMNS", None)
if not rows or not cols:
size = os.get_terminal_size()
rows = size.lines
cols = size.columns
except Exception:
rows = None
cols = None
if not rows or not cols:
logger.debug("Rows: %s, cols: %s, trying stty.", rows, cols)
rows, cols = cmd(
"stty size",
except Exception:
rows = None
cols = None
if not rows or not cols:
raise PyUtilsUnreadableConsoleException("Can't determine console size?!")
return RowsColumns(int(rows), int(cols))
class BarGraphText(enum.Enum):
"""What kind of text to include at the end of the bar graph?"""
NONE = (0,)
"""None, leave it blank."""
"""N / K"""
def bar_graph(
current: int,
total: int,
width: int = 70,
text: BarGraphText = BarGraphText.PERCENTAGE,
fgcolor: str = fg("school bus yellow"),
left_end: str = "[",
right_end: str = "]",
redraw: bool = True,
) -> None:
"""Draws a progress graph at the current cursor position.
current: how many have we done so far?
total: how many are there to do total?
text: how should we render the text at the end?
width: how many columns wide should be progress graph be?
fgcolor: what color should "done" part of the graph be?
left_end: the character at the left side of the graph
right_end: the character at the right side of the graph
redraw: if True, omit a line feed after the carriage return
so that subsequent calls to this method redraw the graph
See also :meth:`bar_graph_string`, :meth:`sparkline`.
'[███████████████████████████████████ ] 0.5'
ret = "\r" if redraw else "\n"
bar = bar_graph_string(
print(bar, end=ret, flush=True, file=sys.stderr)
def _make_bar_graph_text(
text: BarGraphText, current: int, total: int, percentage: float
if text == BarGraphText.NONE:
return ""
elif text == BarGraphText.PERCENTAGE:
return f"{percentage:.1f}"
elif text == BarGraphText.FRACTION:
return f"{current} / {total}"
raise ValueError(text)
def bar_graph_string(
current: int,
total: int,
text: BarGraphText = BarGraphText.PERCENTAGE,
width: int = 70,
fgcolor: str = fg("school bus yellow"),
reset_seq: str = reset(),
left_end: str = "[",
right_end: str = "]",
) -> str:
"""Returns a string containing a bar graph.
current: how many have we done so far?
total: how many are there to do total?
text: how should we render the text at the end?
width: how many columns wide should be progress graph be?
fgcolor: what color should "done" part of the graph be?
reset_seq: sequence to use to turn off color
left_end: the character at the left side of the graph
right_end: the character at the right side of the graph
ValueError: if percentage is invalid
See also :meth:`bar_graph`, :meth:`sparkline`.
>>> bar_graph_string(5, 10, fgcolor='', reset_seq='')
'[███████████████████████████████████ ] 0.5'
if total != 0:
percentage = float(current) / float(total)
percentage = 0.0
if percentage < 0.0 or percentage > 1.0:
raise ValueError(percentage)
txt = _make_bar_graph_text(text, current, total, percentage)
whole_width = math.floor(percentage * width)
if whole_width == width and width != 0:
whole_width -= 1
part_char = "▉"
elif whole_width == 0 and percentage > 0.0:
part_char = "▏"
remainder_width = (percentage * width) % 1
part_width = math.floor(remainder_width * 8)
part_char = [" ", "▏", "▎", "▍", "▌", "▋", "▊", "▉"][part_width]
return (
+ fgcolor
+ "█" * whole_width
+ part_char
+ " " * (width - whole_width - 1)
+ reset_seq
+ right_end
+ " "
+ txt
def sparkline(numbers: List[float]) -> Tuple[float, float, str]:
Makes a "sparkline" little inline histogram graph. Auto scales.
numbers: the population over which to create the sparkline
a three tuple containing:
* the minimum number in the population
* the maximum number in the population
* a string representation of the population in a concise format
See also :meth:`bar_graph`, :meth:`bar_graph_string`.
>>> sparkline([1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 3, 5, 7])
(1, 10, '▁▁▂▄█▂▄▆')
>>> sparkline([104, 99, 93, 96, 82, 77, 85, 73])
(73, 104, '█▇▆▆▃▂▄▁')
_bar = "▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█" # Unicode: 9601, 9602, 9603, 9604, 9605, 9606, 9607, 9608
barcount = len(_bar)
min_num, max_num = min(numbers), max(numbers)
span = max_num - min_num
sline = "".join(
_bar[min([barcount - 1, int((n - min_num) / span * barcount)])] for n in numbers
return min_num, max_num, sline
def distribute_strings(
strings: List[str],
width: int = 80,
padding: str = " ",
) -> str:
Distributes strings into a line for justified text.
strings: a list of string tokens to distribute
width: the width of the line to create
padding: the padding character to place between string chunks
The distributed, justified string.
See also :meth:`justify_string`, :meth:`justify_text`.
>>> distribute_strings(['this', 'is', 'a', 'test'], width=40)
' this is a test '
ret = " " + " ".join(strings) + " "
assert len(string_utils.strip_ansi_sequences(ret)) < width
x = 0
while len(string_utils.strip_ansi_sequences(ret)) < width:
spaces = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(r" ([^ ]|$)", ret)]
where = spaces[x]
before = ret[:where]
after = ret[where:]
ret = before + padding + after
x += 1
if x >= len(spaces):
x = 0
return ret
def _justify_string_by_chunk(string: str, width: int = 80, padding: str = " ") -> str:
Justifies a string chunk by chunk.
string: the string to be justified
width: how wide to make the output
padding: what padding character to use between chunks
the justified string
>>> _justify_string_by_chunk("This is a test", 40)
'This is a test'
>>> _justify_string_by_chunk("This is a test", 20)
'This is a test'
assert len(string_utils.strip_ansi_sequences(string)) <= width
padding = padding[0]
first, *rest, last = string.split()
w = width - (
+ len(string_utils.strip_ansi_sequences(last))
ret = first + distribute_strings(rest, width=w, padding=padding) + last
return ret
def justify_string(
string: str, *, width: int = 80, alignment: str = "c", padding: str = " "
) -> str:
"""Justify a string to width with left, right, center of justified
string: the string to justify
width: the width to justify the string to
alignment: a single character indicating the desired alignment:
* 'c' = centered within the width
* 'j' = justified at width
* 'l' = left alignment
* 'r' = right alignment
padding: the padding character to use while justifying
ValueError: if alignment argument is invalid.
>>> justify_string('This is another test', width=40, alignment='c')
' This is another test '
>>> justify_string('This is another test', width=40, alignment='l')
'This is another test '
>>> justify_string('This is another test', width=40, alignment='r')
' This is another test'
>>> justify_string('This is another test', width=40, alignment='j')
'This is another test'
alignment = alignment[0]
padding = padding[0]
while len(string_utils.strip_ansi_sequences(string)) < width:
if alignment == "l":
string += padding
elif alignment == "r":
string = padding + string
elif alignment == "j":
return _justify_string_by_chunk(string, width=width, padding=padding)
elif alignment == "c":
if len(string) % 2 == 0:
string += padding
string = padding + string
raise ValueError('alignment must be l, r, j, or c.')
return string
def justify_text(
text: str, *, width: int = 80, alignment: str = "c", indent_by: int = 0
) -> str:
"""Justifies text with left, right, centered or justified alignment
and optionally with initial indentation.
text: the text to be justified
width: the width at which to justify text
alignment: a single character indicating the desired alignment:
* 'c' = centered within the width
* 'j' = justified at width
* 'l' = left alignment
* 'r' = right alignment
indent_by: if non-zero, adds n prefix spaces to indent the text.
The justified text.
See also :meth:`justify_text`.
>>> justify_text('This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. This is only a test.',
... width=40, alignment='j') #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
'This is a test of the emergency\\nbroadcast system. This is only a test.'
retval = ""
indent = ""
if indent_by > 0:
indent += " " * indent_by
line = indent
for word in text.split():
if (
+ len(string_utils.strip_ansi_sequences(word))
) > width:
line = line[1:]
line = justify_string(line, width=width, alignment=alignment)
retval = retval + "\n" + line
line = indent
line = line + " " + word
if len(string_utils.strip_ansi_sequences(line)) > 0:
if alignment != "j":
retval += "\n" + justify_string(line[1:], width=width, alignment=alignment)
retval += "\n" + line[1:]
return retval[1:]
def generate_padded_columns(text: List[str]) -> Generator:
"""Given a list of strings, break them into columns using :meth:`split`
and then compute the maximum width of each column. Finally,
distribute the columular chunks into the output padding each to
the proper width.
text: a list of strings to chunk into padded columns
padded columns based on text.split()
>>> for x in generate_padded_columns(
... [ 'reading writing arithmetic',
... 'mathematics psychology physics',
... 'communications sociology anthropology' ]):
... print(x.strip())
reading writing arithmetic
mathematics psychology physics
communications sociology anthropology
max_width: Dict[int, int] = defaultdict(int)
for line in text:
for pos, word in enumerate(line.split()):
max_width[pos] = max(
max_width[pos], len(string_utils.strip_ansi_sequences(word))
for line in text:
out = ""
for pos, word in enumerate(line.split()):
width = max_width[pos]
word = justify_string(word, width=width, alignment="l")
out += f"{word} "
yield out
def wrap_string(text: str, n: int) -> str:
text: the string to be wrapped
n: the width after which to wrap text
The wrapped form of text
chunks = text.split()
out = ""
width = 0
for chunk in chunks:
if width + len(string_utils.strip_ansi_sequences(chunk)) > n:
out += "\n"
width = 0
out += chunk + " "
width += len(string_utils.strip_ansi_sequences(chunk)) + 1
return out
class Indenter(contextlib.AbstractContextManager):
Context manager that indents stuff (even recursively). e.g.::
with Indenter(pad_count = 8) as i:
with i:
with i:
i.print('1, 2, 3')
1, 2, 3
def __init__(
pad_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
pad_char: str = " ",
pad_count: int = 4,
"""Construct an Indenter.
pad_prefix: an optional prefix to prepend to each line
pad_char: the character used to indent
pad_count: the number of pad_chars to use to indent
self.level = -1
if pad_prefix is not None:
self.pad_prefix = pad_prefix
self.pad_prefix = ""
self.padding = pad_char * pad_count
def __enter__(self):
self.level += 1
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb) -> Literal[False]:
self.level -= 1
if self.level < -1:
self.level = -1
return False
def print(self, *arg, **kwargs):
text = string_utils._sprintf(*arg, **kwargs)
print(self.pad_prefix + self.padding * self.level + text, end="")
def box(
title: Optional[str] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
width: int = 80,
color: str = "",
) -> str:
Make a nice unicode box (optionally with color) around some text.
title: the title of the box
text: the text in the box
width: the box's width
color: the box's color
the box as a string
See also :meth:`print_box`, :meth:`preformatted_box`.
>>> print(box('title', 'this is some text', width=20).strip())
│ title │
│ │
│ this is some │
│ text │
assert width > 4
if text is not None:
text = justify_text(text, width=width - 4, alignment="l")
return preformatted_box(title, text, width=width, color=color)
"single_rounded": {
"tr_corner": "╭",
"t_hline": "─",
"tl_corner": "╮",
"r_vline": "│",
"l_vline": "│",
"bl_corner": "╰",
"b_hline": "─",
"br_corner": "╯",
"block": {
"tr_corner": "▛",
"t_hline": "▀",
"tl_corner": "▜",
"r_vline": "▐",
"l_vline": "▌",
"bl_corner": "▙",
"b_hline": "▄",
"br_corner": "▟",
"single": {
"tr_corner": "┌",
"t_hline": "─",
"tl_corner": "┐",
"r_vline": "│",
"l_vline": "│",
"bl_corner": "└",
"b_hline": "─",
"br_corner": "┘",
"double": {
"tr_corner": "╔",
"t_hline": "═",
"tl_corner": "╗",
"r_vline": "║",
"l_vline": "║",
"bl_corner": "╚",
"b_hline": "═",
"br_corner": "╝",
"space": {
"tr_corner": " ",
"t_hline": " ",
"tl_corner": " ",
"r_vline": " ",
"l_vline": " ",
"bl_corner": " ",
"b_hline": " ",
"br_corner": " ",
"dashed": {
"tr_corner": "┏",
"t_hline": "╌",
"tl_corner": "┓",
"r_vline": "╎",
"l_vline": "╎",
"bl_corner": "┗",
"b_hline": "╌",
"br_corner": "┛",
def print_box(
title: Optional[str] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
width: int = 80,
color: str = "",
kind: str = 'default',
) -> None:
"""Draws a box with nice rounded corners.
title: the title of the box
text: the text inside the box
width: the width of the box
color: the box's color
kind: the box type
Prints a box with your text on the console to sys.stdout.
See also :meth:`preformatted_box`, :meth:`box`.
>>> print_box('Title', 'This is text', width=30)
│ Title │
│ │
│ This is text │
>>> print_box(None, 'OK', width=6)
│ OK │
print(preformatted_box(title, text, width=width, color=color, kind=kind), end="")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest