Root directory of the kitchen kiosk project. It works like this: is the main entry point. It has two jobs: start up a chooser thread that picks what the kiosk is currently showing by moving a symlink called current.html in the ./pages/ directory. It has a kinda crazy semantic for doing this: 1. it looks for all files that look like [name]_[weight]_[staleness].html 2. it sees if there are any trigger conditions (e.g. movement on a webcam) and, if so, it choose the appropriate page (./pages/hidden/*) 3. otherwise it does a weighted random selection based on [weight], as long as [staleness] is not too stale. The other main thread in kiosk is a renderer thread which knows how to go out and fetch information from the web somewhere and make a page with a filename of something like [basename]_[weight]_[staleness].html. It makes a bunch of these off in ./pages and refreshes them at periodic intervals. All of this code is in and it's kinda ugly. Feel free to mail me if you have questions: