#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Utilities for dealing with "text".""" import logging import math import sys from collections import defaultdict from typing import Dict, Generator, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple from ansi import fg, reset logger = logging.getLogger(__file__) class RowsColumns(NamedTuple): rows: int columns: int def get_console_rows_columns() -> RowsColumns: """Returns the number of rows/columns on the current console.""" from exec_utils import cmd try: rows, columns = cmd( "stty size", timeout_seconds=1.0, ).split() except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) raise Exception('Can\'t determine console size?!') return RowsColumns(int(rows), int(columns)) def progress_graph( current: int, total: int, *, width=70, fgcolor=fg("school bus yellow"), left_end="[", right_end="]", redraw=True, ) -> None: """Draws a progress graph.""" percent = current / total ret = "\r" if redraw else "\n" bar = bar_graph( percent, include_text=True, width=width, fgcolor=fgcolor, left_end=left_end, right_end=right_end, ) print(bar, end=ret, flush=True, file=sys.stderr) def bar_graph( percentage: float, *, include_text=True, width=70, fgcolor=fg("school bus yellow"), reset=reset(), left_end="[", right_end="]", ) -> str: """Returns a string containing a bar graph. >>> bar_graph(0.5, fgcolor='', reset='') '[███████████████████████████████████ ] 50.0%' """ if percentage < 0.0 or percentage > 1.0: raise ValueError(percentage) if include_text: text = f"{percentage*100.0:2.1f}%" else: text = "" whole_width = math.floor(percentage * width) if whole_width == width: whole_width -= 1 part_char = "▉" elif whole_width == 0 and percentage > 0.0: part_char = "▏" else: remainder_width = (percentage * width) % 1 part_width = math.floor(remainder_width * 8) part_char = [" ", "▏", "▎", "▍", "▌", "▋", "▊", "▉"][part_width] return ( left_end + fgcolor + "█" * whole_width + part_char + " " * (width - whole_width - 1) + reset + right_end + " " + text ) def sparkline(numbers: List[float]) -> Tuple[float, float, str]: """ Makes a "sparkline" little inline histogram graph. Auto scales. >>> sparkline([1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 3, 5, 7]) (1, 10, '▁▁▂▄█▂▄▆') >>> sparkline([104, 99, 93, 96, 82, 77, 85, 73]) (73, 104, '█▇▆▆▃▂▄▁') """ _bar = '▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█' # Unicode: 9601, 9602, 9603, 9604, 9605, 9606, 9607, 9608 barcount = len(_bar) min_num, max_num = min(numbers), max(numbers) span = max_num - min_num sparkline = ''.join( _bar[min([barcount - 1, int((n - min_num) / span * barcount)])] for n in numbers ) return min_num, max_num, sparkline def distribute_strings( strings: List[str], *, width: int = 80, alignment: str = "c", padding: str = " ", ) -> str: """ Distributes strings into a line with a particular justification. >>> distribute_strings(['this', 'is', 'a', 'test'], width=40) ' this is a test ' >>> distribute_strings(['this', 'is', 'a', 'test'], width=40, alignment='l') 'this is a test ' >>> distribute_strings(['this', 'is', 'a', 'test'], width=40, alignment='r') ' this is a test' """ subwidth = math.floor(width / len(strings)) retval = "" for string in strings: string = justify_string(string, width=subwidth, alignment=alignment, padding=padding) retval += string while len(retval) > width: retval = retval.replace(' ', ' ', 1) while len(retval) < width: retval = retval.replace(' ', ' ', 1) return retval def justify_string_by_chunk(string: str, width: int = 80, padding: str = " ") -> str: """ Justifies a string. >>> justify_string_by_chunk("This is a test", 40) 'This is a test' >>> justify_string_by_chunk("This is a test", 20) 'This is a test' """ padding = padding[0] first, *rest, last = string.split() w = width - (len(first) + 1 + len(last) + 1) ret = first + padding + distribute_strings(rest, width=w, padding=padding) + padding + last return ret def justify_string( string: str, *, width: int = 80, alignment: str = "c", padding: str = " " ) -> str: """Justify a string. >>> justify_string('This is another test', width=40, alignment='c') ' This is another test ' >>> justify_string('This is another test', width=40, alignment='l') 'This is another test ' >>> justify_string('This is another test', width=40, alignment='r') ' This is another test' >>> justify_string('This is another test', width=40, alignment='j') 'This is another test' """ alignment = alignment[0] padding = padding[0] while len(string) < width: if alignment == "l": string += padding elif alignment == "r": string = padding + string elif alignment == "j": return justify_string_by_chunk(string, width=width, padding=padding) elif alignment == "c": if len(string) % 2 == 0: string += padding else: string = padding + string else: raise ValueError return string def justify_text(text: str, *, width: int = 80, alignment: str = "c") -> str: """ Justifies text. >>> justify_text('This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. This is only a test.', ... width=40, alignment='j') #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 'This is a test of the emergency\\nbroadcast system. This is only a test.' """ retval = "" line = "" for word in text.split(): if len(line) + len(word) > width: line = line[1:] line = justify_string(line, width=width, alignment=alignment) retval = retval + "\n" + line line = "" line = line + " " + word if len(line) > 0: retval += "\n" + line[1:] return retval[1:] def generate_padded_columns(text: List[str]) -> Generator: max_width: Dict[int, int] = defaultdict(int) for line in text: for pos, word in enumerate(line.split()): max_width[pos] = max(max_width[pos], len(word)) for line in text: out = "" for pos, word in enumerate(line.split()): width = max_width[pos] word = justify_string(word, width=width, alignment='l') out += f'{word} ' yield out def wrap_string(text: str, n: int) -> str: chunks = text.split() out = '' width = 0 for chunk in chunks: if width + len(chunk) > n: out += '\n' width = 0 out += chunk + ' ' width += len(chunk) + 1 return out class Indenter(object): """ with Indenter(pad_count = 8) as i: i.print('test') with i: i.print('-ing') with i: i.print('1, 2, 3') """ def __init__( self, *, pad_prefix: Optional[str] = None, pad_char: str = ' ', pad_count: int = 4, ): self.level = -1 if pad_prefix is not None: self.pad_prefix = pad_prefix else: self.pad_prefix = '' self.padding = pad_char * pad_count def __enter__(self): self.level += 1 return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): self.level -= 1 if self.level < -1: self.level = -1 def print(self, *arg, **kwargs): import string_utils text = string_utils.sprintf(*arg, **kwargs) print(self.pad_prefix + self.padding * self.level + text, end='') def header(title: str, *, width: int = 80, color: str = ''): """ Returns a nice header line with a title. >>> header('title', width=60, color='') '----[ title ]-----------------------------------------------' """ w = width w -= len(title) + 4 if w >= 4: left = 4 * '-' right = (w - 4) * '-' if color != '' and color is not None: r = reset() else: r = '' return f'{left}[ {color}{title}{r} ]{right}' else: return '' if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()