#!/usr/bin/env python3 # © Copyright 2021-2022, Scott Gasch """centcount unittest.""" import unittest from pyutils import unittest_utils from pyutils.typez.centcount import CentCount class TestCentCount(unittest.TestCase): def test_basic_utility(self): amount = CentCount(1.45) another = CentCount.parse("USD 1.45") self.assertEqual(amount, another) def test_negation(self): amount = CentCount(1.45) amount = -amount self.assertEqual(CentCount(-1.45), amount) def test_addition_and_subtraction(self): amount = CentCount(1.00) another = CentCount(2.00) total = amount + another self.assertEqual(CentCount(3.00), total) delta = another - amount self.assertEqual(CentCount(1.00), delta) neg = amount - another self.assertEqual(CentCount(-1.00), neg) neg += another self.assertEqual(CentCount(1.00), neg) neg += 1.00 self.assertEqual(CentCount(2.00), neg) neg -= 1.00 self.assertEqual(CentCount(1.00), neg) x = 1000 - amount self.assertEqual(CentCount(9.0), x) def test_multiplication(self): amount = CentCount(3.00) amount *= 3 self.assertEqual(CentCount(9.00), amount) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): another = CentCount(0.33) amount *= another def test_division(self): amount = CentCount(10.00) x = amount / 5.0 self.assertEqual(CentCount(2.00), x) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): another = CentCount(1.33) amount /= another def test_equality(self): usa = CentCount(1.0, 'USD') can = CentCount(1.0, 'CAD') self.assertNotEqual(usa, can) eh = CentCount(1.0, 'CAD') self.assertEqual(can, eh) def test_comparison(self): one = CentCount(1.0) two = CentCount(2.0) three = CentCount(3.0) neg_one = CentCount(-1) self.assertLess(one, two) self.assertLess(neg_one, one) self.assertGreater(one, neg_one) self.assertGreater(three, one) looney = CentCount(1.0, 'CAD') with self.assertRaises(TypeError): print(looney < one) def test_strict_mode(self): one = CentCount(1.0, strict_mode=True) two = CentCount(2.0, strict_mode=True) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): x = one + 2.4 self.assertEqual(CentCount(3.0), one + two) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): x = two - 1.9 self.assertEqual(CentCount(1.0), two - one) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): print(one == 1.0) self.assertTrue(CentCount(1.0) == one) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): print(one < 2.0) self.assertTrue(one < two) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): print(two > 1.0) self.assertTrue(two > one) def test_truncate_and_round(self): ten = CentCount(10.0) x = ten * 2 / 3 x.truncate_fractional_cents() self.assertEqual(CentCount(6.66), x) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()