#!/usr/bin/env python3 import random import sys import bootstrap import parallelize as p import decorator_utils import executors import math_utils @p.parallelize(method=p.Method.REMOTE) def list_primes(n): """Calculates sum of all primes below given integer n""" ret = [] for x in range(2, n): ret.append(math_utils.is_prime(x)) return ret @decorator_utils.timed def driver() -> None: results = {} for _ in range(50): n = random.randint(0, 100000) results[n] = list_primes(n) tot = 0 for _ in results[n]: tot += _ print(tot) @bootstrap.initialize def main() -> None: print(driver()) pexecutor = executors.DefaultExecutors().process_pool() pexecutor.shutdown() texecutor = executors.DefaultExecutors().thread_pool() texecutor.shutdown() rexecutor = executors.DefaultExecutors().remote_pool() rexecutor.shutdown() sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main() # print """Usage: python sum_primes.py [ncpus] # [ncpus] - the number of workers to run in parallel, # if omitted it will be set to the number of processors in the system # """ # # tuple of all parallel python servers to connect with # ppservers = () # #ppservers = ("",) # if len(sys.argv) > 1: # ncpus = int(sys.argv[1]) # # Creates jobserver with ncpus workers # job_server = pp.Server(ncpus, ppservers=ppservers) # else: # # Creates jobserver with automatically detected number of workers # job_server = pp.Server(ppservers=ppservers) # print "Starting pp with", job_server.get_ncpus(), "workers" # # Submit a job of calulating sum_primes(100) for execution. # # sum_primes - the function # # (100,) - tuple with arguments for sum_primes # # (isprime,) - tuple with functions on which function sum_primes depends # # ("math",) - tuple with module names which must be imported before sum_primes execution # # Execution starts as soon as one of the workers will become available # job1 = job_server.submit(sum_primes, (100,), (isprime,), ("math",)) # # Retrieves the result calculated by job1 # # The value of job1() is the same as sum_primes(100) # # If the job has not been finished yet, execution will wait here until result is available # result = job1() # print "Sum of primes below 100 is", result # start_time = time.time() # # The following submits 8 jobs and then retrieves the results # inputs = (100000, 100100, 100200, 100300, 100400, 100500, 100600, 100700) # jobs = [(input, job_server.submit(sum_primes,(input,), (isprime,), ("math",))) for input in inputs] # for input, job in jobs: # print "Sum of primes below", input, "is", job() # print "Time elapsed: ", time.time() - start_time, "s" # job_server.print_stats() # # Parallel Python Software: http://www.parallelpython.com