#!/usr/bin/env python3 # © Copyright 2021-2022, Scott Gasch """Helpers for unittests. .. note:: When you import this we automatically wrap unittest.main() with a call to bootstrap.initialize so that we getLogger config, commandline args, logging control, etc... this works fine but it's a little hacky so caveat emptor. """ import contextlib import functools import inspect import logging import os import pickle import random import statistics import tempfile import time import unittest import warnings from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional from pyutils import bootstrap, config, function_utils logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) cfg = config.add_commandline_args( f'Logging ({__file__})', 'Args related to function decorators' ) cfg.add_argument( '--unittests_ignore_perf', action='store_true', default=False, help='Ignore unittest perf regression in @check_method_for_perf_regressions', ) cfg.add_argument( '--unittests_num_perf_samples', type=int, default=50, help='The count of perf timing samples we need to see before blocking slow runs on perf grounds', ) cfg.add_argument( '--unittests_drop_perf_traces', type=str, nargs=1, default=None, help='The identifier (i.e. file!test_fixture) for which we should drop all perf data', ) cfg.add_argument( '--unittests_persistance_strategy', choices=['FILE', 'DATABASE'], default='FILE', help='Should we persist perf data in a file or db?', ) cfg.add_argument( '--unittests_perfdb_filename', type=str, metavar='FILENAME', default=f'{os.environ["HOME"]}/.python_unittest_performance_db', help='File in which to store perf data (iff --unittests_persistance_strategy is FILE)', ) cfg.add_argument( '--unittests_perfdb_spec', type=str, metavar='DBSPEC', default='mariadb+pymysql://python_unittest:@db.house:3306/python_unittest_performance', help='Db connection spec for perf data (iff --unittest_persistance_strategy is DATABASE)', ) # >>> This is the hacky business, FYI. <<< unittest.main = bootstrap.initialize(unittest.main) class PerfRegressionDataPersister(ABC): """A base class for a signature dealing with persisting perf regression data.""" def __init__(self): pass @abstractmethod def load_performance_data(self, method_id: str) -> Dict[str, List[float]]: pass @abstractmethod def save_performance_data(self, method_id: str, data: Dict[str, List[float]]): pass @abstractmethod def delete_performance_data(self, method_id: str): pass class FileBasedPerfRegressionDataPersister(PerfRegressionDataPersister): """A perf regression data persister that uses files.""" def __init__(self, filename: str): super().__init__() self.filename = filename self.traces_to_delete: List[str] = [] def load_performance_data(self, method_id: str) -> Dict[str, List[float]]: with open(self.filename, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) def save_performance_data(self, method_id: str, data: Dict[str, List[float]]): for trace in self.traces_to_delete: if trace in data: data[trace] = [] with open(self.filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(data, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def delete_performance_data(self, method_id: str): self.traces_to_delete.append(method_id) # class DatabasePerfRegressionDataPersister(PerfRegressionDataPersister): # """A perf regression data persister that uses a database backend.""" # # def __init__(self, dbspec: str): # super().__init__() # self.dbspec = dbspec # self.engine = sa.create_engine(self.dbspec) # self.conn = self.engine.connect() # # def load_performance_data(self, method_id: str) -> Dict[str, List[float]]: # results = self.conn.execute( # sa.text(f'SELECT * FROM runtimes_by_function WHERE function = "{method_id}";') # ) # ret: Dict[str, List[float]] = {method_id: []} # for result in results.all(): # ret[method_id].append(result['runtime']) # results.close() # return ret # # def save_performance_data(self, method_id: str, data: Dict[str, List[float]]): # self.delete_performance_data(method_id) # for (mid, perf_data) in data.items(): # sql = 'INSERT INTO runtimes_by_function (function, runtime) VALUES ' # for perf in perf_data: # self.conn.execute(sql + f'("{mid}", {perf});') # # def delete_performance_data(self, method_id: str): # sql = f'DELETE FROM runtimes_by_function WHERE function = "{method_id}"' # self.conn.execute(sql) def check_method_for_perf_regressions(func: Callable) -> Callable: """ This is meant to be used on a method in a class that subclasses unittest.TestCase. When thus decorated it will time the execution of the code in the method, compare it with a database of historical perfmance, and fail the test with a perf-related message if it has become too slow. """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper_perf_monitor(*args, **kwargs): if config.config['unittests_ignore_perf']: return func(*args, **kwargs) if config.config['unittests_persistance_strategy'] == 'FILE': filename = config.config['unittests_perfdb_filename'] helper = FileBasedPerfRegressionDataPersister(filename) elif config.config['unittests_persistance_strategy'] == 'DATABASE': raise NotImplementedError( 'Persisting to a database is not implemented in this version' ) else: raise Exception('Unknown/unexpected --unittests_persistance_strategy value') func_id = function_utils.function_identifier(func) func_name = func.__name__ logger.debug('Watching %s\'s performance...', func_name) logger.debug('Canonical function identifier = "%s"', func_id) try: perfdb = helper.load_performance_data(func_id) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) msg = 'Unable to load perfdb; skipping it...' logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg) perfdb = {} # cmdline arg to forget perf traces for function drop_id = config.config['unittests_drop_perf_traces'] if drop_id is not None: helper.delete_performance_data(drop_id) # Run the wrapped test paying attention to latency. start_time = time.perf_counter() value = func(*args, **kwargs) end_time = time.perf_counter() run_time = end_time - start_time # See if it was unexpectedly slow. hist = perfdb.get(func_id, []) if len(hist) < config.config['unittests_num_perf_samples']: hist.append(run_time) logger.debug('Still establishing a perf baseline for %s', func_name) else: stdev = statistics.stdev(hist) logger.debug('For %s, performance stdev=%.2f', func_name, stdev) slowest = hist[-1] logger.debug('For %s, slowest perf on record is %.2fs', func_name, slowest) limit = slowest + stdev * 4 logger.debug('For %s, max acceptable runtime is %.2fs', func_name, limit) logger.debug( 'For %s, actual observed runtime was %.2fs', func_name, run_time ) if run_time > limit: msg = f'''{func_id} performance has regressed unacceptably. {slowest:f}s is the slowest runtime on record in {len(hist)} perf samples. It just ran in {run_time:f}s which is 4+ stdevs slower than the slowest. Here is the current, full db perf timing distribution: ''' for x in hist: msg += f'{x:f}\n' logger.error(msg) slf = args[0] # Peek at the wrapped function's self ref. slf.fail(msg) # ...to fail the testcase. else: hist.append(run_time) # Don't spam the database with samples; just pick a random # sample from what we have and store that back. n = min(config.config['unittests_num_perf_samples'], len(hist)) hist = random.sample(hist, n) hist.sort() perfdb[func_id] = hist helper.save_performance_data(func_id, perfdb) return value return wrapper_perf_monitor def check_all_methods_for_perf_regressions(prefix='test_'): """Decorate unittests with this to pay attention to the perf of the testcode and flag perf regressions. e.g. import pyutils.unittest_utils as uu @uu.check_all_methods_for_perf_regressions() class TestMyClass(unittest.TestCase): def test_some_part_of_my_class(self): ... """ def decorate_the_testcase(cls): if issubclass(cls, unittest.TestCase): for name, m in inspect.getmembers(cls, inspect.isfunction): if name.startswith(prefix): setattr(cls, name, check_method_for_perf_regressions(m)) logger.debug('Wrapping %s:%s.', cls.__name__, name) return cls return decorate_the_testcase class RecordStdout(contextlib.AbstractContextManager): """ Record what is emitted to stdout. >>> with RecordStdout() as record: ... print("This is a test!") >>> print({record().readline()}) {'This is a test!\\n'} >>> record().close() """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.destination = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(mode='r+') self.recorder: Optional[contextlib.redirect_stdout] = None def __enter__(self) -> Callable[[], tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile]: self.recorder = contextlib.redirect_stdout(self.destination) assert self.recorder is not None self.recorder.__enter__() return lambda: self.destination def __exit__(self, *args) -> Literal[False]: assert self.recorder is not None self.recorder.__exit__(*args) self.destination.seek(0) return False class RecordStderr(contextlib.AbstractContextManager): """ Record what is emitted to stderr. >>> import sys >>> with RecordStderr() as record: ... print("This is a test!", file=sys.stderr) >>> print({record().readline()}) {'This is a test!\\n'} >>> record().close() """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.destination = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(mode='r+') self.recorder: Optional[contextlib.redirect_stdout[Any]] = None def __enter__(self) -> Callable[[], tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile]: self.recorder = contextlib.redirect_stderr(self.destination) # type: ignore assert self.recorder is not None self.recorder.__enter__() return lambda: self.destination def __exit__(self, *args) -> Literal[False]: assert self.recorder is not None self.recorder.__exit__(*args) self.destination.seek(0) return False class RecordMultipleStreams(contextlib.AbstractContextManager): """ Record the output to more than one stream. """ def __init__(self, *files) -> None: super().__init__() self.files = [*files] self.destination = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(mode='r+') self.saved_writes: List[Callable[..., Any]] = [] def __enter__(self) -> Callable[[], tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile]: for f in self.files: self.saved_writes.append(f.write) f.write = self.destination.write return lambda: self.destination def __exit__(self, *args) -> Literal[False]: for f in self.files: f.write = self.saved_writes.pop() self.destination.seek(0) return False if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()