#!/usr/bin/env python3 # © Copyright 2021-2022, Scott Gasch """ A :class:`Future` that can be treated as a substutute for the result that it contains and will not block until it is used. At that point, if the underlying value is not yet available yet, it will block until the internal result actually becomes available. Results from :class:`parallelize.parallelize` are returned wrapped in :class:`SmartFuture` instances. Also contains some utilility code for waiting for one/many futures. """ from __future__ import annotations import concurrent import concurrent.futures as fut import logging from typing import Callable, List, Set, TypeVar from overrides import overrides # This module is commonly used by others in here and should avoid # taking any unnecessary dependencies back on them. from pyutils import id_generator from pyutils.parallelize.deferred_operand import DeferredOperand logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) T = TypeVar("T") def wait_any( futures: List[SmartFuture], *, callback: Callable = None, log_exceptions: bool = True, timeout: float = None, ): """Await the completion of any of a collection of SmartFutures and invoke callback each time one completes, repeatedly, until they are all finished. Args: futures: A collection of SmartFutures to wait on callback: An optional callback to invoke whenever one of the futures completes log_exceptions: Should we log (warning + exception) any underlying exceptions raised during future processing or silently ignore them? timeout: invoke callback with a periodicity of timeout while awaiting futures Returns: A :class:`SmartFuture` from the futures list with a result available without blocking. """ real_futures = [] smart_future_by_real_future = {} completed_futures: Set[fut.Future] = set() for x in futures: assert isinstance(x, SmartFuture) real_futures.append(x.wrapped_future) smart_future_by_real_future[x.wrapped_future] = x while len(completed_futures) != len(real_futures): try: newly_completed_futures = concurrent.futures.as_completed( real_futures, timeout=timeout ) for f in newly_completed_futures: if callback is not None: callback() completed_futures.add(f) if log_exceptions and not f.cancelled(): exception = f.exception() if exception is not None: logger.exception( "Future 0x%x raised an unhandled exception and exited.", id(f), exc_info=exception, ) raise exception yield smart_future_by_real_future[f] except concurrent.futures.TimeoutError: if callback is not None: callback() if callback is not None: callback() def wait_all( futures: List[SmartFuture], *, log_exceptions: bool = True, ) -> None: """Wait for all of the SmartFutures in the collection to finish before returning. Args: futures: A collection of futures that we're waiting for log_exceptions: Should we log (warning + exception) any underlying exceptions raised during future processing or silently ignore them? Returns: Only when all futures in the input list are ready. Blocks until such time. """ real_futures = [] for x in futures: assert isinstance(x, SmartFuture) real_futures.append(x.wrapped_future) (done, not_done) = concurrent.futures.wait( real_futures, timeout=None, return_when=concurrent.futures.ALL_COMPLETED ) if log_exceptions: for f in real_futures: if not f.cancelled(): exception = f.exception() if exception is not None: logger.exception( "Future 0x%x raised an unhandled exception and exited.", id(f), exc_info=exception, ) raise exception assert len(done) == len(real_futures) assert len(not_done) == 0 class SmartFuture(DeferredOperand): """This is a SmartFuture, a class that wraps a normal :class:`Future` and can then be used, mostly, like a normal (non-Future) identifier of the type of that SmartFuture's result. Using a FutureWrapper in expressions will block and wait until the result of the deferred operation is known. """ def __init__(self, wrapped_future: fut.Future) -> None: """ Args: wrapped_future: a normal Python :class:`concurrent.Future` object that we are wrapping. """ super().__init__(set(["id", "wrapped_future", "get_id", "is_ready"])) assert isinstance(wrapped_future, fut.Future) self.wrapped_future = wrapped_future self.id = id_generator.get("smart_future_id") # Note: if you are adding any settable properties to this # class, go add them to the set in DeferredOperand.__setattr__() def get_id(self) -> int: """ Returns: A unique identifier for this instance. """ return self.id def is_ready(self) -> bool: """ Returns: True if the wrapped future is ready without blocking, False otherwise. """ return self.wrapped_future.done() # You shouldn't have to call this; instead, have a look at defining a # method on DeferredOperand base class. @overrides def _resolve(self, timeout=None) -> T: return self.wrapped_future.result(timeout)