#!/usr/bin/env python3 # © Copyright 2021-2022, Scott Gasch """Helper methods dealing with functions.""" from typing import Callable def function_identifier(f: Callable) -> str: """ Given a named `Callable`, return a string that identifies it. Usually that string is just "__module__:__name__" but there's a corner case: when __module__ is __main__ (i.e. the callable is defined in the same module as __main__). In this case, f.__module__ returns "__main__" instead of the file that it is defined in. Work around this using `pathlib.Path`. Args: f: a Callable Returns: A unique identifier for that callable in the format module:function that avoids the pseudo-module '__main__' >>> function_identifier(function_identifier) 'function_utils:function_identifier' """ if f.__module__ == '__main__': from pathlib import Path import __main__ module = __main__.__file__ module = Path(module).stem return f'{module}:{f.__name__}' else: return f'{f.__module__}:{f.__name__}' if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()