#!/usr/bin/env python3 # © Copyright 2021-2022, Scott Gasch """Global program configuration driven by commandline arguments and, optionally, from saved (local or Zookeeper) configuration files... with optional support for dynamic arguments (i.e. that can change during runtime). Let's start with an example of how to use :py:mod:`pyutils.config`. It's pretty easy for normal commandline arguments because it wraps :py:mod:`argparse` (see https://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html): In your file.py:: from pyutils import config # Call add_commandline_args to get an argparse.ArgumentParser # for file.py. Each file uses a separate ArgumentParser # chained off the main namespace. parser = config.add_commandline_args( "Module", "Args related to module doing the thing.", ) # Then simply add argparse-style arguments to it, as usual. parser.add_argument( "--module_do_the_thing", type=bool, default=True, help="Should the module do the thing?" ) In your main.py:: from pyutils import config # main.py may have some arguments of its own, so add them. parser = config.add_commandline_args( "Main", "A program that does the thing.", ) parser.add_argument( "--dry_run", type=bool, default=False, help="Should we really do the thing?" ) def main() -> None: config.parse() # Then remember to call config.parse() early on. If you set this up and remember to invoke :py:meth:`pyutils.config.parse`, all commandline arguments will play nicely together across all modules / files in your program automatically. Argparse help messages will group flags by the file they affect. If you use :py:meth:`pyutils.bootstrap.initialize`, a decorator that can optionally wrap your program's entry point, it will remember to call :py:meth:`pyutils.config.parse` for you so you can omit the last part. That looks like this:: from pyutils import bootstrap @bootstrap.initialize def main(): whatever if __name__ == '__main__': main() Either way, you'll get an aggregated usage message along with flags broken down per file in help:: % main.py -h usage: main.py [-h] [--module_do_the_thing MODULE_DO_THE_THING] [--dry_run DRY_RUN] Module: Args related to module doing the thing. --module_do_the_thing MODULE_DO_THE_THING Should the module do the thing? Main: A program that does the thing --dry_run Should we really do the thing? Once :py:meth:`pyutils.config.parse` has been called (either automatically by :py:mod:`puytils.bootstrap` or manually, the program configuration state is ready in a dict-like object called `config.config`. For example, to check the state of the `--dry_run` flag:: if not config.config['dry_run']: module.do_the_thing() Using :py:mod:`pyutils.config` allows you to "save" and "load" whole sets of commandline arguments using the `--config_savefile` and the `--config_loadfile` arguments. The former saves all arguments (other than itself) to an ascii file whose path you provide. The latter reads all arguments from an ascii file whose path you provide. Saving and loading sets of arguments can make complex operations easier to set up. They also allows for dynamic arguments. If you use Apache Zookeeper, you can prefix paths to `--config_savefile` and `--config_loadfile` with the string "zk:" to cause the path to be interpreted as a Zookeeper path rather than one on the local filesystem. When loading arguments from Zookeeker, the :py:mod:`pyutils.config` code registers a listener to be notified on state change (e.g. when some other instance overwrites your Zookeeper based configuration). Listeners then dynamically update the value of any flag in the `config.config` dict whose name contains the string "dynamic". So, for example, the `--dynamic_database_connect_string` argument would be modifiable at runtime when using Zookeeper based configurations. Flags that do not contain the string "dynamic" will not change. And nothing is dynamic unless we're reading configuration from Zookeeper. For more information about Zookeeper, see https://zookeeper.apache.org/. """ import argparse import logging import os import pprint import re import sys from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional # This module is commonly used by others in here and should avoid # taking any unnecessary dependencies back on them. # Make a copy of the original program arguments immediately upon module load. PROGRAM_NAME: str = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) ORIG_ARGV: List[str] = sys.argv.copy() class OptionalRawFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter): """This formatter has the same bahavior as the normal argparse text formatter except when the help text of an argument begins with "RAW|". In that case, the line breaks are preserved and the text is not wrapped. It is enabled automatically if you use :py:mod:`pyutils.config`. Use this by prepending "RAW|" in your help message to disable word wrapping and indicate that the help message is already formatted and should be preserved. Here's an example usage:: args.add_argument( '--mode', type=str, default='PLAY', choices=['CHEAT', 'AUTOPLAY', 'SELFTEST', 'PRECOMPUTE', 'PLAY'], metavar='MODE', help='''RAW|Our mode of operation. One of: PLAY = play wordle with me! Pick a random solution or specify a solution with --template. CHEAT = given a --template and, optionally, --letters_in_word and/or --letters_to_avoid, return the best guess word; AUTOPLAY = given a complete word in --template, guess it step by step showing work; SELFTEST = autoplay every possible solution keeping track of wins/losses and average number of guesses; PRECOMPUTE = populate hash table with optimal guesses. ''', ) """ def _split_lines(self, text, width): if text.startswith("RAW|"): return text[4:].splitlines() return argparse.HelpFormatter._split_lines(self, text, width) # A global argparser that we will collect arguments in. Each module (including # us) will add arguments to a separate argument group. ARGS = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=None, formatter_class=OptionalRawFormatter, fromfile_prefix_chars="@", epilog=f"{PROGRAM_NAME} uses config.py ({__file__}) for global, cross-module configuration setup and parsing.", # I don't fully understand why but when loaded by sphinx sometimes # the same module is loaded many times causing any arguments it # registers via module-level code to be redefined. Work around # this iff the program is 'sphinx-build' conflict_handler="resolve" if PROGRAM_NAME == "sphinx-build" else "error", ) # Arguments specific to config.py. Other users should get their own group by # invoking config.add_commandline_args. GROUP = ARGS.add_argument_group( f"Global Config ({__file__})", "Args that control the global config itself; how meta!", ) GROUP.add_argument( "--config_loadfile", metavar="FILENAME", default=None, help='Config file (populated via --config_savefile) from which to read args in lieu or in addition to those passed via the commandline. Note that if the given path begins with "zk:" then it is interpreted as a zookeeper path instead of as a filesystem path. When loading config from zookeeper, any argument with the string "dynamic" in the name (e.g. --module_dynamic_url) may be modified at runtime by changes made to zookeeper (using --config_savefile=zk:path). You should therefore either write your code to handle dynamic argument changes or avoid naming arguments "dynamic" if you use zookeeper configuration paths.', ) GROUP.add_argument( "--config_dump", default=False, action="store_true", help="Display the global configuration (possibly derived from multiple sources) on STDERR at program startup time.", ) GROUP.add_argument( "--config_savefile", type=str, metavar="FILENAME", default=None, help='Populate a config file (compatible with --config_loadfile) and write it at the given path for later [re]use. If the given path begins with "zk:" it is interpreted as a zookeeper path instead of a local filesystem path. When updating zookeeper-based configs, all running programs that read their configuration from zookeeper (via --config_loadfile=zk:) will see the update. Those that also enabled --config_allow_dynamic_updates will change the value of any flags with the string "dynamic" in their names (e.g. --my_dynamic_flag or --dynamic_database_connect_string).', ) GROUP.add_argument( "--config_allow_dynamic_updates", default=False, action="store_true", help='If enabled, allow config flags with the string "dynamic" in their names to change at runtime when a new Zookeeper based configuration is created. See the --config_savefile help message for more information about this option.', ) GROUP.add_argument( "--config_rejects_unrecognized_arguments", default=False, action="store_true", help="If present, config will raise an exception if it doesn't recognize an argument. The default behavior is to ignore unknown arguments so as to allow interoperability with programs that want to use their own argparse calls to parse their own, separate commandline args.", ) GROUP.add_argument( "--config_exit_after_parse", default=False, action="store_true", help="If present, halt the program after parsing config. Useful, for example, to write a --config_savefile and then terminate.", ) class Config: """ .. warning:: Do not instantiate this class directly; it is meant to be a global singleton called `pyutils.config.CONFIG`. Instead, use :py:meth:`pyutils.config.add_commandline_args` to get an `ArgumentGroup` and add your arguments to it. Then call :py:meth:`pyutils.config.parse` to parse global configuration from your main program entry point. Everything in the config module used to be module-level functions and variables but it made the code ugly and harder to maintain. Now, this class does the heavy lifting. We still rely on some globals, though: - ARGS and GROUP to interface with argparse - PROGRAM_NAME stores argv[0] close to program invocation - ORIG_ARGV stores the original argv list close to program invocation - CONFIG and config: hold the (singleton) instance of this class. """ def __init__(self): # Has our parse() method been invoked yet? self.config_parse_called = False # A configuration dictionary that will contain parsed # arguments. This is the data that is most interesting to our # callers as it will hold the configuration result. self.config: Dict[str, Any] = {} # Defer logging messages until later when logging has been # initialized. self.saved_messages: List[str] = [] # A zookeeper client that is lazily created so as to not incur # the latency of connecting to zookeeper for programs that are # not reading or writing their config data into zookeeper. self.zk: Optional[Any] = None # Per known zk file, what is the max version we have seen? self.max_version: Dict[str, int] = {} # The argv after parsing known args. self.parsed_argv: Optional[List[str]] = None def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Optional[Any]: """If someone uses []'s on us, pass it onto self.config.""" return self.config.get(key, None) def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: self.config[key] = value def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool: return key in self.config def get(self, key: str, default: Any = None) -> Optional[Any]: return self.config.get(key, default) @staticmethod def add_commandline_args( title: str, description: str = "" ) -> argparse._ArgumentGroup: """Create a new context for arguments and return an ArgumentGroup to the caller for module-level population. Args: title: A title for your module's commandline arguments group. description: A helpful description of your module. Returns: An argparse._ArgumentGroup to be populated by the caller. """ return ARGS.add_argument_group(title, description) @staticmethod def overwrite_argparse_epilog(msg: str) -> None: """Allows your code to override the default epilog created by argparse. Args: msg: The epilog message to substitute for the default. """ ARGS.epilog = msg @staticmethod def is_flag_already_in_argv(var: str) -> bool: """ Returns: True if a particular flag is passed on the commandline and False otherwise. Args: var: The flag to search for. """ for _ in sys.argv: if var in _: return True return False @staticmethod def print_usage() -> None: """Prints the normal help usage message out.""" ARGS.print_help() @staticmethod def usage() -> str: """ Returns: program usage help text as a string. """ return ARGS.format_usage() @staticmethod def _reorder_arg_action_groups_before_help(entry_module: Optional[str]): """Internal. Used to reorder the arguments before dumping out a generated help string such that the main program's arguments come last. """ reordered_action_groups = [] for grp in ARGS._action_groups: if entry_module is not None and entry_module in grp.title: # type: ignore reordered_action_groups.append(grp) elif PROGRAM_NAME in GROUP.title: # type: ignore reordered_action_groups.append(grp) else: reordered_action_groups.insert(0, grp) return reordered_action_groups @staticmethod def _to_bool(in_str: str) -> bool: """ Args: in_str: the string to convert to boolean Returns: A boolean equivalent of the original string based on its contents. All conversion is case insensitive. A positive boolean (True) is returned if the string value is any of the following: * "true" * "t" * "1" * "yes" * "y" * "on" Otherwise False is returned. >>> to_bool('True') True >>> to_bool('1') True >>> to_bool('yes') True >>> to_bool('no') False >>> to_bool('huh?') False >>> to_bool('on') True """ return in_str.lower() in {"true", "1", "yes", "y", "t", "on"} def _process_dynamic_args(self, event): """Invoked as a callback when a zk-based config changed.""" if not self.zk: return logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: contents, meta = self.zk.get(event.path, watch=self._process_dynamic_args) logger.debug("Update for %s at version=%d.", event.path, meta.version) logger.debug( "Max known version for %s is %d.", event.path, self.max_version.get(event.path, 0), ) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Error reading data from zookeeper") from e # Make sure we process changes in order. if meta.version > self.max_version.get(event.path, 0): self.max_version[event.path] = meta.version contents = contents.decode() temp_argv = [] for arg in contents.split(): # Our rule is that arguments must contain the word # 'dynamic' if we are going to allow them to change at # runtime as a signal that the programmer is expecting # this. if "dynamic" in arg and config.config["config_allow_dynamic_updates"]: temp_argv.append(arg) logger.info("Updating %s from zookeeper async config change.", arg) if len(temp_argv) > 0: old_argv = sys.argv sys.argv = temp_argv known, _ = ARGS.parse_known_args() sys.argv = old_argv self.config.update(vars(known)) def _read_config_from_zookeeper(self, zkpath: str) -> Optional[str]: from pyutils import zookeeper if not zkpath.startswith("/config/"): zkpath = "/config/" + zkpath zkpath = re.sub(r"//+", "/", zkpath) try: if self.zk is None: self.zk = zookeeper.get_started_zk_client() if not self.zk.exists(zkpath): return None # Note: we're putting a watch on this config file. Our # _process_dynamic_args routine will be called to reparse # args when/if they change. contents, meta = self.zk.get(zkpath, watch=self._process_dynamic_args) contents = contents.decode() self.saved_messages.append( f"Setting {zkpath}'s max_version to {meta.version}" ) self.max_version[zkpath] = meta.version self.saved_messages.append(f"Read config from zookeeper {zkpath}.") return contents except Exception as e: self.saved_messages.append( f"Failed to read {zkpath} from zookeeper: exception {e}" ) return None def _read_config_from_disk(self, filepath: str) -> Optional[str]: if not os.path.exists(filepath): return None with open(filepath, "r") as rf: self.saved_messages.append(f"Read config from disk file {filepath}") return rf.read() def _augment_sys_argv_from_loadfile(self): """Internal. Augment with arguments persisted in a saved file.""" # Check for --config_loadfile in the args manually; argparse isn't # invoked yet and can't be yet. loadfile = None saw_other_args = False grab_next_arg = False for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if "config_loadfile" in arg: pieces = arg.split("=") if len(pieces) > 1: loadfile = pieces[1] else: grab_next_arg = True elif grab_next_arg: loadfile = arg else: saw_other_args = True if not loadfile or len(loadfile) == 0: return # Get contents from wherever. contents = None if loadfile[:3] == "zk:": contents = self._read_config_from_zookeeper(loadfile[3:]) else: contents = self._read_config_from_disk(loadfile) if contents: if saw_other_args: msg = f"Augmenting commandline arguments with those from {loadfile}." else: msg = f"Reading commandline arguments from {loadfile}." print(msg, file=sys.stderr) self.saved_messages.append(msg) else: msg = f"Failed to read/parse contents from {loadfile}" print(msg, file=sys.stderr) self.saved_messages.append(msg) return # Augment args with new ones. newargs = [ arg.strip("\n") for arg in contents.split("\n") if "config_savefile" not in arg ] sys.argv += newargs def dump_config(self): """Print the current config to stdout.""" print("Global Configuration:", file=sys.stderr) pprint.pprint(self.config, stream=sys.stderr) print() def _write_config_to_disk(self, data: str, filepath: str) -> None: with open(filepath, "w") as wf: wf.write(data) def _write_config_to_zookeeper(self, data: str, zkpath: str) -> None: if not zkpath.startswith("/config/"): zkpath = "/config/" + zkpath zkpath = re.sub(r"//+", "/", zkpath) try: if not self.zk: from pyutils import zookeeper self.zk = zookeeper.get_started_zk_client() encoded_data = data.encode() if len(encoded_data) > 1024 * 1024: raise Exception( f"Saved args are too large ({len(encoded_data)} bytes exceeds zk limit)" ) if not self.zk.exists(zkpath): self.zk.create(zkpath, encoded_data) self.saved_messages.append( f"Just created {zkpath}; setting its max_version to 0" ) self.max_version[zkpath] = 0 else: meta = self.zk.set(zkpath, encoded_data) self.saved_messages.append( f"Setting {zkpath}'s max_version to {meta.version}" ) self.max_version[zkpath] = meta.version except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to create zookeeper path {zkpath}") from e self.saved_messages.append(f"Saved config to zookeeper in {zkpath}") def parse(self, entry_module: Optional[str]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Main program should invoke this early in main(). Note that the :py:meth:`pyutils.bootstrap.initialize` wrapper takes care of this automatically. This should only be called once per program invocation. Args: entry_module: Optional string to ensure we understand which module contains the program entry point. Determined heuristically if not provided. Returns: A dict containing the parsed program configuration. Note that this can be safely ignored since it is also saved in `config.config` and may be used directly using that identifier. """ if self.config_parse_called: return self.config # If we're about to do the usage message dump, put the main # module's argument group last in the list (if possible) so that # when the user passes -h or --help, it will be visible on the # screen w/o scrolling. This just makes for a nicer --help screen. for arg in sys.argv: if arg in ("--help", "-h"): if entry_module is not None: entry_module = os.path.basename(entry_module) ARGS._action_groups = Config._reorder_arg_action_groups_before_help( entry_module ) # Look for --config_loadfile argument and, if found, read/parse # Note that this works by jamming values onto sys.argv; kinda ugly. self._augment_sys_argv_from_loadfile() # Parse (possibly augmented, possibly completely overwritten) # commandline args with argparse normally and populate config. known, unknown = ARGS.parse_known_args() self.config.update(vars(known)) # Reconstruct the sys.argv with unrecognized flags for the # benefit of future argument parsers. For example, # unittest_main in python has some of its own flags. If we # didn't recognize it, maybe someone else will. Or, if # --config_rejects_unrecognized_arguments was passed, die # if we have unknown arguments. if len(unknown) > 0: if config["config_rejects_unrecognized_arguments"]: raise Exception( f"Encountered unrecognized config argument(s) {unknown} with --config_rejects_unrecognized_arguments enabled; halting." ) self.saved_messages.append( f"Config encountered unrecognized commandline arguments: {unknown}" ) sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] + unknown self.parsed_argv = sys.argv[:1] + unknown # Check for savefile and populate it if requested. savefile = config["config_savefile"] if savefile and len(savefile) > 0: data = "\n".join(ORIG_ARGV[1:]) if savefile[:3] == "zk:": self._write_config_to_zookeeper(savefile[3:], data) else: self._write_config_to_disk(savefile, data) # Also dump the config on stderr if requested. if config["config_dump"]: self.dump_config() # Finally, maybe exit now if the user passed # --config_exit_after_parse indicating they want to just # update a config file and halt. self.config_parse_called = True if config["config_exit_after_parse"]: print("Exiting because of --config_exit_after_parse.") if self.zk: self.zk.stop() sys.exit(0) return self.config def has_been_parsed(self) -> bool: """Returns True iff the global config has already been parsed""" return self.config_parse_called def late_logging(self): """Log messages saved earlier now that logging has been initialized.""" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.debug("Invocation commandline: %s", ORIG_ARGV) for _ in self.saved_messages: logger.debug(_) # A global singleton instance of the Config class. CONFIG = Config() # A lot of client code uses config.config['whatever'] to lookup # configuration so to preserve this we make this, config.config, with # a __getitem__ method on it. config = CONFIG # Config didn't use to be a class; it was a mess of module-level # functions and data. The functions below preserve the old interface # so that existing clients do not need to be changed. As you can see, # they mostly just thunk into the config class. def add_commandline_args(title: str, description: str = "") -> argparse._ArgumentGroup: """Create a new context for arguments and return a handle. An alias for config.config.add_commandline_args. Args: title: A title for your module's commandline arguments group. description: A helpful description of your module. Returns: An argparse._ArgumentGroup to be populated by the caller. """ return CONFIG.add_commandline_args(title, description) def parse(entry_module: Optional[str]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Main program should call this early in main(). Note that the :code:`bootstrap.initialize` wrapper takes care of this automatically. This should only be called once per program invocation. Subsequent calls do not reparse the configuration settings but rather just return the current state. """ return CONFIG.parse(entry_module) def error(message: str, exit_code: int = 1) -> None: """ Convenience method for indicating a configuration error. """ logging.error(message) print(message, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(exit_code) def has_been_parsed() -> bool: """Returns True iff the global config has already been parsed""" return CONFIG.has_been_parsed() def late_logging() -> None: """Log messages saved earlier now that logging has been initialized.""" CONFIG.late_logging() def dump_config() -> None: """Print the current config to stdout.""" CONFIG.dump_config() def argv_after_parse() -> Optional[List[str]]: """Return the argv with all known arguments removed.""" if CONFIG.has_been_parsed(): return CONFIG.parsed_argv return None def overwrite_argparse_epilog(msg: str) -> None: """Allows your code to override the default epilog created by argparse. Args: msg: The epilog message to substitute for the default. """ Config.overwrite_argparse_epilog(msg) def is_flag_already_in_argv(var: str) -> bool: """Returns true if a particular flag is passed on the commandline and false otherwise. Args: var: The flag to search for. """ return Config.is_flag_already_in_argv(var) def print_usage() -> None: """Prints the normal help usage message out.""" Config.print_usage() def usage() -> str: """ Returns: program usage help text as a string. """ return Config.usage()