#!/usr/bin/env python3 """This is an augmented interval tree for storing ranges and identifying overlaps as described by: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interval_tree. """ from __future__ import annotations from functools import total_ordering from typing import Any, Generator, Optional, Union from overrides import overrides from pyutils.collectionz import bst Numeric = Union[int, float] @total_ordering class NumericRange(object): """Essentially a tuple of numbers denoting a range with some added helper methods on it.""" def __init__(self, low: Numeric, high: Numeric): """Creates a NumericRange. Args: low: the lowest point in the range (inclusive). high: the highest point in the range (inclusive). .. warning:: If low > high this code swaps the parameters and keeps the range rather than raising. """ if low > high: temp: Numeric = low low = high high = temp self.low: Numeric = low self.high: Numeric = high self.highest_in_subtree: Numeric = high def __lt__(self, other: NumericRange) -> bool: return self.low < other.low @overrides def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, NumericRange): return False return self.low == other.low and self.high == other.high def overlaps_with(self, other: NumericRange) -> bool: return self.low <= other.high and self.high >= other.low def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.low}..{self.high}" class AugmentedIntervalTree(bst.BinarySearchTree): @staticmethod def _assert_value_must_be_range(value: Any) -> None: if not isinstance(value, NumericRange): raise Exception( "AugmentedIntervalTree expects to use NumericRanges, see bst for a " + "general purpose tree usable for other types." ) @overrides def _on_insert(self, parent: Optional[bst.Node], new: bst.Node) -> None: AugmentedIntervalTree._assert_value_must_be_range(new.value) for ancestor in self.parent_path(new): assert ancestor if new.value.high > ancestor.value.highest_in_subtree: ancestor.value.highest_in_subtree = new.value.high @overrides def _on_delete(self, parent: Optional[bst.Node], deleted: bst.Node) -> None: if parent: new_highest_candidates = [parent.value.high] if parent.left: new_highest_candidates.append(parent.left.value.highest_in_subtree) if parent.right: new_highest_candidates.append(parent.right.value.highest_in_subtree) parent.value.highest_in_subtree = max(new_highest_candidates) def find_one_overlap(self, to_find: NumericRange) -> Optional[NumericRange]: """Identify and return one overlapping node from the tree. Args: to_find: the interval with which to find an overlap. Returns: An overlapping range from the tree or None if no such ranges exist in the tree at present. >>> tree = AugmentedIntervalTree() >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(20, 24)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(18, 22)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(14, 16)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(1, 30)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(25, 30)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(29, 33)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(5, 12)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(1, 6)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(13, 18)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(16, 28)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(21, 27)) >>> tree.find_one_overlap(NumericRange(6, 7)) 1..30 """ return self._find_one_overlap(self.root, to_find) def _find_one_overlap( self, root: bst.Node, x: NumericRange ) -> Optional[NumericRange]: if root is None: return None if root.value.overlaps_with(x): return root.value if root.left: if root.left.value.highest_in_subtree >= x.low: return self._find_one_overlap(root.left, x) if root.right: return self._find_one_overlap(root.right, x) return None def find_all_overlaps( self, to_find: NumericRange ) -> Generator[NumericRange, None, None]: """Yields ranges previously added to the tree that overlaps with to_find argument. Args: to_find: the interval with which to find all overlaps. Returns: A (potentially empty) sequence of all ranges in the tree that overlap with the argument. >>> tree = AugmentedIntervalTree() >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(20, 24)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(18, 22)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(14, 16)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(1, 30)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(25, 30)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(29, 33)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(5, 12)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(1, 6)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(13, 18)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(16, 28)) >>> tree.insert(NumericRange(21, 27)) >>> for x in tree.find_all_overlaps(NumericRange(19, 21)): ... print(x) 20..24 18..22 1..30 16..28 21..27 >>> del tree[NumericRange(1, 30)] >>> for x in tree.find_all_overlaps(NumericRange(19, 21)): ... print(x) 20..24 18..22 16..28 21..27 """ if self.root is None: return yield from self._find_all_overlaps(self.root, to_find) def _find_all_overlaps( self, root: bst.Node, x: NumericRange ) -> Generator[NumericRange, None, None]: if root is None: return None if root.value.overlaps_with(x): yield root.value if root.left: if root.left.value.highest_in_subtree >= x.low: yield from self._find_all_overlaps(root.left, x) if root.right: if root.right.value.highest_in_subtree >= x.low: yield from self._find_all_overlaps(root.right, x) if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()