#!/usr/bin/env python3 # © Copyright 2021-2022, Scott Gasch """This is a module for wrapping around python programs and doing some minor setup and tear down work for them. With it, you will get: * The ability to break into pdb on unhandled exceptions, * automatic support for :file:`config.py` (argument parsing) * automatic logging support for :file:`logging.py`, * the ability to enable code profiling, * the ability to enable module import auditing, * optional memory profiling for your program, * ability to set random seed via commandline, * automatic program timing and reporting, * more verbose error handling and reporting, Most of these are enabled and/or configured via commandline flags (see below). """ import functools import importlib import importlib.abc import logging import os import sys from inspect import stack from pyutils import config, logging_utils from pyutils.argparse_utils import ActionNoYes # This module is commonly used by others in here and should avoid # taking any unnecessary dependencies back on them. logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) cfg = config.add_commandline_args( f'Bootstrap ({__file__})', 'Args related to python program bootstrapper and Swiss army knife', ) cfg.add_argument( '--debug_unhandled_exceptions', action=ActionNoYes, default=False, help='Break into pdb on top level unhandled exceptions.', ) cfg.add_argument( '--show_random_seed', action=ActionNoYes, default=False, help='Should we display (and log.debug) the global random seed?', ) cfg.add_argument( '--set_random_seed', type=int, nargs=1, default=None, metavar='SEED_INT', help='Override the global random seed with a particular number.', ) cfg.add_argument( '--dump_all_objects', action=ActionNoYes, default=False, help='Should we dump the Python import tree before main?', ) cfg.add_argument( '--audit_import_events', action=ActionNoYes, default=False, help='Should we audit all import events?', ) cfg.add_argument( '--run_profiler', action=ActionNoYes, default=False, help='Should we run cProfile on this code?', ) cfg.add_argument( '--trace_memory', action=ActionNoYes, default=False, help='Should we record/report on memory utilization?', ) ORIGINAL_EXCEPTION_HOOK = sys.excepthook def handle_uncaught_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): """ Top-level exception handler for exceptions that make it past any exception handlers in the python code being run. Logs the error and stacktrace then maybe attaches a debugger. """ msg = f'Unhandled top level exception {exc_type}' logger.exception(msg) print(msg, file=sys.stderr) if issubclass(exc_type, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.__excepthook__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb) return else: import io import traceback tb_output = io.StringIO() traceback.print_tb(exc_tb, None, tb_output) print(tb_output.getvalue(), file=sys.stderr) logger.error(tb_output.getvalue()) tb_output.close() # stdin or stderr is redirected, just do the normal thing if not sys.stderr.isatty() or not sys.stdin.isatty(): ORIGINAL_EXCEPTION_HOOK(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb) else: # a terminal is attached and stderr isn't redirected, maybe debug. if config.config['debug_unhandled_exceptions']: logger.info("Invoking the debugger...") import pdb pdb.pm() else: ORIGINAL_EXCEPTION_HOOK(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb) class ImportInterceptor(importlib.abc.MetaPathFinder): """An interceptor that always allows module load events but dumps a record into the log and onto stdout when modules are loaded and produces an audit of who imported what at the end of the run. It can't see any load events that happen before it, though, so move bootstrap up in your __main__'s import list just temporarily to get a good view. """ def __init__(self): from pyutils.collectionz.trie import Trie self.module_by_filename_cache = {} self.repopulate_modules_by_filename() self.tree = Trie() self.tree_node_by_module = {} def repopulate_modules_by_filename(self): self.module_by_filename_cache.clear() for ( _, mod, ) in sys.modules.copy().items(): # copy here because modules is volatile if hasattr(mod, '__file__'): fname = getattr(mod, '__file__') else: fname = 'unknown' self.module_by_filename_cache[fname] = mod @staticmethod def should_ignore_filename(filename: str) -> bool: return 'importlib' in filename or 'six.py' in filename def find_module(self, fullname, path): raise Exception( "This method has been deprecated since Python 3.4, please upgrade." ) def find_spec(self, loaded_module, path=None, _=None): s = stack() for x in range(3, len(s)): filename = s[x].filename if ImportInterceptor.should_ignore_filename(filename): continue loading_function = s[x].function if filename in self.module_by_filename_cache: loading_module = self.module_by_filename_cache[filename] else: self.repopulate_modules_by_filename() loading_module = self.module_by_filename_cache.get(filename, 'unknown') path = self.tree_node_by_module.get(loading_module, []) path.extend([loaded_module]) self.tree.insert(path) self.tree_node_by_module[loading_module] = path msg = f'*** Import {loaded_module} from {filename}:{s[x].lineno} in {loading_module}::{loading_function}' logger.debug(msg) print(msg) return msg = f'*** Import {loaded_module} from ?????' logger.debug(msg) print(msg) def invalidate_caches(self): pass def find_importer(self, module: str): if module in self.tree_node_by_module: node = self.tree_node_by_module[module] return node return [] # Audit import events? Note: this runs early in the lifetime of the # process (assuming that import bootstrap happens early); config has # (probably) not yet been loaded or parsed the commandline. Also, # some things have probably already been imported while we weren't # watching so this information may be incomplete. # # Also note: move bootstrap up in the global import list to catch # more import events and have a more complete record. IMPORT_INTERCEPTOR = None for arg in sys.argv: if arg == '--audit_import_events': IMPORT_INTERCEPTOR = ImportInterceptor() sys.meta_path.insert(0, IMPORT_INTERCEPTOR) def dump_all_objects() -> None: """Helper code to dump all known python objects.""" messages = {} all_modules = sys.modules for obj in object.__subclasses__(): if not hasattr(obj, '__name__'): continue klass = obj.__name__ if not hasattr(obj, '__module__'): continue class_mod_name = obj.__module__ if class_mod_name in all_modules: mod = all_modules[class_mod_name] if not hasattr(mod, '__name__'): mod_name = class_mod_name else: mod_name = mod.__name__ if hasattr(mod, '__file__'): mod_file = mod.__file__ else: mod_file = 'unknown' if IMPORT_INTERCEPTOR is not None: import_path = IMPORT_INTERCEPTOR.find_importer(mod_name) else: import_path = 'unknown' msg = f'{class_mod_name}::{klass} ({mod_file})' if import_path != 'unknown' and len(import_path) > 0: msg += f' imported by {import_path}' messages[f'{class_mod_name}::{klass}'] = msg for x in sorted(messages.keys()): logger.debug(messages[x]) print(messages[x]) def initialize(entry_point): """ Remember to initialize config, initialize logging, set/log a random seed, etc... before running main. If you use this decorator around your main, like this:: from pyutils import bootstrap @bootstrap.initialize def main(): whatever if __name__ == '__main__': main() You get: * The ability to break into pdb on unhandled exceptions, * automatic support for :file:`config.py` (argument parsing) * automatic logging support for :file:`logging.py`, * the ability to enable code profiling, * the ability to enable module import auditing, * optional memory profiling for your program, * ability to set random seed via commandline, * automatic program timing and reporting, * more verbose error handling and reporting, Most of these are enabled and/or configured via commandline flags (see below). """ @functools.wraps(entry_point) def initialize_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # Hook top level unhandled exceptions, maybe invoke debugger. if sys.excepthook == sys.__excepthook__: sys.excepthook = handle_uncaught_exception # Try to figure out the name of the program entry point. Then # parse configuration (based on cmdline flags, environment vars # etc...) entry_filename = None entry_descr = None try: entry_filename = entry_point.__code__.co_filename entry_descr = entry_point.__code__.__repr__() except Exception: if ( '__globals__' in entry_point.__dict__ and '__file__' in entry_point.__globals__ ): entry_filename = entry_point.__globals__['__file__'] entry_descr = entry_filename config.parse(entry_filename) if config.config['trace_memory']: import tracemalloc tracemalloc.start() # Initialize logging... and log some remembered messages from # config module. logging_utils.initialize_logging(logging.getLogger()) config.late_logging() # Maybe log some info about the python interpreter itself. logger.debug( 'Platform: %s, maxint=0x%x, byteorder=%s', sys.platform, sys.maxsize, sys.byteorder, ) logger.debug('Python interpreter version: %s', sys.version) logger.debug('Python implementation: %s', sys.implementation) logger.debug('Python C API version: %s', sys.api_version) if __debug__: logger.debug('Python interpreter running in __debug__ mode.') else: logger.debug('Python interpreter running in optimized mode.') logger.debug('Python path: %s', sys.path) # Allow programs that don't bother to override the random seed # to be replayed via the commandline. import random random_seed = config.config['set_random_seed'] if random_seed is not None: random_seed = random_seed[0] else: random_seed = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(4), 'little') if config.config['show_random_seed']: msg = f'Global random seed is: {random_seed}' logger.debug(msg) print(msg) random.seed(random_seed) # Do it, invoke the user's code. Pay attention to how long it takes. logger.debug('Starting %s (program entry point)', entry_descr) ret = None from pyutils import stopwatch if config.config['run_profiler']: import cProfile from pstats import SortKey with stopwatch.Timer() as t: cProfile.runctx( "ret = entry_point(*args, **kwargs)", globals(), locals(), None, SortKey.CUMULATIVE, ) else: with stopwatch.Timer() as t: ret = entry_point(*args, **kwargs) logger.debug('%s (program entry point) returned %s.', entry_descr, ret) if config.config['trace_memory']: snapshot = tracemalloc.take_snapshot() top_stats = snapshot.statistics('lineno') print() print("--trace_memory's top 10 memory using files:") for stat in top_stats[:10]: print(stat) if config.config['dump_all_objects']: dump_all_objects() if config.config['audit_import_events']: if IMPORT_INTERCEPTOR is not None: print(IMPORT_INTERCEPTOR.tree) walltime = t() (utime, stime, cutime, cstime, elapsed_time) = os.times() logger.debug( '\n' 'user: %.4fs\n' 'system: %.4fs\n' 'child user: %.4fs\n' 'child system: %.4fs\n' 'machine uptime: %.4fs\n' 'walltime: %.4fs', utime, stime, cutime, cstime, elapsed_time, walltime, ) # If it doesn't return cleanly, call attention to the return value. if ret is not None and ret != 0: logger.error('Exit %s', ret) else: logger.debug('Exit %s', ret) sys.exit(ret) return initialize_wrapper