# 🎁 Release notes (`0.0.1b`) ## Changes - Add __len__ to NumericPopulation and then use it instead of a dependency on numpy. - Adds file to publish doc changes w/o waiting for cronjob. - Fixup sphinx usage examples to render correctly(?) - Towards a more type-clean mypy check. - Fix cut_version.sh for new name. - Fixup sphinx doc generation so that it works post name change. ## Metadata ``` This version -------- 0.0.1b Previous version ---- Total commits ------- 6 ``` # 🎁 Release notes (`0.0.1b2`) ## Changes - Improve documentation. - More work on improving docs. - Improve docs. - Add some example code. - Followup to previous changes in math_utils; have the code use its own len. - Moving zookeeper.py here caused a dep on kazoo. - Make markdown look nicer. - Update README with link to local git repo + previous version. - Cut version 0.0.1b ## Metadata ``` This version -------- 0.0.1b2 Previous version ---- Total commits ------- 9 ``` # 🎁 Release notes (`0.0.1b3`) ## Changes - Handle exception from os when attempting to determine console sizes. - Fall back on os.get_terminal_size() rather than calls to tput/stty when we can't figure out how big the console is. - More work to improve documentation generated by sphinx. Also fixes some type hints that were confusing mypy and re-enables the doctests in collectionz/trie + collections/bst. Some improvement of the typez/centcount and typez/money that were inspired by improving their docs. - More work to improve the quality of sphinx autodocs. - More writing examples and improving documentation. - More documentation changes but includes a change to config.py that removes the ability to set flags via environment variables. It was hacky and I don't use it. - Improve documentation in bootstrap.py. - Improve documentation in argparse_utils.py. - Improve documentation in ansi.py. - Minor logic changes (e.g. thunk one method to another) but a lot of documentation cleanup. - More documentation. - Adds function to write out an integer longhand. - Cut version 0.0.1b2 ## Metadata ``` This version -------- 0.0.1b3 Previous version ---- Total commits ------- 13 ``` # 🎁 Release notes (`0.0.1b4`) ## Changes - Update sphinx links to anonymous references to work around a warning message at docs build time. - More documentation improvements. - Fix run_tests.py to detect doctest failures and tear itself down more quickly when a test has failed. - Update remote worker records to be more instructive. - Hacky code to sort the colors on the sphinx webpage. :P - Cut version 0.0.1b3 ## Metadata ``` This version -------- 0.0.1b4 Previous version ---- Total commits ------- 6 ```