#!/usr/bin/env python3 """A decorator to help with dead simple parallelization.""" import atexit import functools import typing from enum import Enum class Method(Enum): """How should we parallelize; by threads, processes or remote workers?""" THREAD = 1 PROCESS = 2 REMOTE = 3 def parallelize( _funct: typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None, *, method: Method = Method.THREAD ) -> typing.Callable: """Usage: @parallelize # defaults to thread-mode def my_function(a, b, c) -> int: ...do some slow / expensive work, e.g., an http request @parallelize(method=Method.PROCESS) def my_other_function(d, e, f) -> str: ...do more really expensice work, e.g., a network read @parallelize(method=Method.REMOTE) def my_other_other_function(g, h) -> int: ...this work will be distributed to a remote machine pool This decorator will invoke the wrapped function on: Method.THREAD (default): a background thread Method.PROCESS: a background process Method.REMOTE: a process on a remote host The wrapped function returns immediately with a value that is wrapped in a SmartFuture. This value will block if it is either read directly (via a call to result._resolve) or indirectly (by using the result in an expression, printing it, hashing it, passing it a function argument, etc...). See comments on the SmartFuture class for details. Note: you may stack @parallelized methods and it will "work". That said, having multiple layers of Method.PROCESS or Method.REMOTE may prove to be problematic because each process in the stack will use its own independent pool which may overload your machine with processes or your network with remote processes beyond the control mechanisms built into one instance of the pool. Be careful. Also note: there is a non trivial overhead of pickling code and scp'ing it over the network when you use Method.REMOTE. There's a smaller but still considerable cost of creating a new process and passing code to/from it when you use Method.PROCESS. """ def wrapper(funct: typing.Callable): @functools.wraps(funct) def inner_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): import executors import smart_future # Look for as of yet unresolved arguments in _funct's # argument list and resolve them now. newargs = [] for arg in args: newargs.append(smart_future.SmartFuture.resolve(arg)) newkwargs = {} for kw in kwargs: newkwargs[kw] = smart_future.SmartFuture.resolve(kwargs[kw]) executor = None if method == Method.PROCESS: executor = executors.DefaultExecutors().process_pool() elif method == Method.THREAD: executor = executors.DefaultExecutors().thread_pool() elif method == Method.REMOTE: executor = executors.DefaultExecutors().remote_pool() assert executor is not None atexit.register(executors.DefaultExecutors().shutdown) future = executor.submit(funct, *newargs, **newkwargs) # Wrap the future that's returned in a SmartFuture object # so that callers do not need to call .result(), they can # just use is as normal. return smart_future.SmartFuture(future) return inner_wrapper if _funct is None: return wrapper else: return wrapper(_funct)