#!/usr/bin/env python3 # © Copyright 2021-2022, Scott Gasch """A helper to facilitate quick manual labeling of ML training data.""" import logging import os import sys import time import warnings from abc import abstractmethod from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set import argparse_utils import config logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) parser = config.add_commandline_args( f"ML Quick Labeler ({__file__})", "Args related to quick labeling of ML training data", ) parser.add_argument( "--ml_quick_label_skip_list_path", default="./qlabel_skip_list.txt", metavar="FILENAME", type=argparse_utils.valid_filename, help="Path to file in which to store already labeled data.", ) parser.add_argument( "--ml_quick_label_use_skip_lists", default=True, action=argparse_utils.ActionNoYes, help='Should we use a skip list file to speed up execution?', ) parser.add_argument( "--ml_quick_label_overwrite_labels", default=False, action=argparse_utils.ActionNoYes, help='Enable overwriting existing labels; default is to not relabel.', ) class QuickLabelHelper: '''To use this quick labeler your code must create a subclass of this class and implement the abstract methods below. See comments for detailed semantics.''' @abstractmethod def get_candidate_files(self) -> List[str]: '''This must return a list of raw candidate files for labeling.''' pass @abstractmethod def get_features_for_file(self, filename: str) -> Optional[str]: '''Given a raw file, return its features file.''' pass @abstractmethod def render_example(self, filename: str, features: str, lines: List[str]) -> None: '''Render a raw file with its features for the user.''' pass @abstractmethod def unrender_example(self, filename: str, features: str, lines: List[str]) -> None: '''Unrender a raw file with its features (if necessary)...''' pass @abstractmethod def ask_current_model_about_example( self, filename: str, features: str, lines: List[str], ) -> Any: '''Ask the current ML model about this example, if necessary.''' pass @abstractmethod def get_labelling_keystrokes(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: '''What keystrokes should be considered valid label actions and what label does each keystroke map into. e.g. if you want to ask the user to hit 'y' for 'yes' and code that as 255 in your features or to hit 'n' for 'no' and code that as 0 in your features, return: { 'y': 255, 'n': 0 } ''' pass @abstractmethod def get_everything_label(self) -> Any: '''If this returns something other than None it indicates that every example selected should be labeled with this result. Caveat emptor, we will klobber all your files. ''' pass @abstractmethod def get_label_feature(self) -> str: '''What feature denotes the example's label? This is used to detect when examples already have a label and to assign labels to examples.''' pass def _maybe_read_skip_list() -> Set[str]: '''Reads the skip list (files to just bypass) into memory if using.''' ret: Set[str] = set() if config.config['ml_quick_label_use_skip_lists']: quick_skip_file = config.config['ml_quick_label_skip_list_path'] if os.path.exists(quick_skip_file): with open(quick_skip_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: line = line[:-1] line.strip() ret.add(line) logger.debug('Read %s and found %d entries.', quick_skip_file, len(ret)) return ret def _maybe_write_skip_list(skip_list) -> None: '''Writes the skip list (files to just bypass) to disk if using.''' if config.config['ml_quick_label_use_skip_lists']: quick_skip_file = config.config['ml_quick_label_skip_list_path'] with open(quick_skip_file, 'w') as f: for filename in skip_list: filename = filename.strip() if len(filename) > 0: f.write(f'{filename}\n') logger.debug('Updated %s', quick_skip_file) def quick_label(helper: QuickLabelHelper) -> None: # Ask helper for an initial set of files. images = helper.get_candidate_files() if len(images) == 0: logger.warning('No images files to operate on.') return # Filter out any that can't be converted to features or already have a # label (unless they used --ml_qukck_label_overwrite_labels). filtered_images = [] skip_list = _maybe_read_skip_list() for image in images: if image in skip_list: logger.debug('Skipping %s because of the skip list', image) continue features = helper.get_features_for_file(image) if features is None or not os.path.exists(features): msg = f'{image}/{features}: {features} doesn\'t exist, SKIPPING.' logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg) continue label_label = helper.get_label_feature() label = None with open(features, 'r') as rf: lines = rf.readlines() for line in lines: line = line[:-1] if line.startswith(label_label): label = line if label and not config.config['ml_quick_label_overwrite_labels']: msg = f'{image}/{features}: already has label, SKIPPING' logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg) continue filtered_images.append((image, features)) if len(filtered_images) == 0: logger.warning('No image files to operate on (post filter).') return cursor = 0 import input_utils while True: assert 0 <= cursor < len(filtered_images) image = filtered_images[cursor][0] assert os.path.exists(image) features = filtered_images[cursor][1] assert features and os.path.exists(features) filtered_lines = [] label = None with open(features, 'r') as rf: lines = rf.readlines() for line in lines: line = line[:-1] if not line.startswith(label_label): filtered_lines.append(line) else: label = line # Render... helper.render_example(image, features, filtered_lines) # Prompt... print( f'{cursor} of {len(filtered_images)} {cursor/len(filtered_images)*100.0:.1f}%): {image}, {features}' ) if label: print(f' ...Already labelled: {label}') else: print(' ...Currently unlabeled') guess = helper.ask_current_model_about_example(image, features, filtered_lines) if guess: print(f' ...Model says {guess}') print() # Did they want everything labelled the same? label_everything = helper.get_everything_label() if label_everything: filtered_lines.append(f"{label_label}: {label_everything}\n") with open(features, 'w') as f: f.writelines(line + '\n' for line in filtered_lines) if config.config['ml_quick_label_use_skip_lists']: skip_list.add(image) cursor += 1 if cursor >= len(filtered_images): helper.unrender_example(image, features, filtered_lines) break # Otherwise ask about each example. else: labelling_keystrokes = helper.get_labelling_keystrokes() valid_keystrokes = ['<', '>', 'Q', '?'] valid_keystrokes += labelling_keystrokes.keys() prompt = ','.join(valid_keystrokes) print(f'What should I do ({prompt})? ', end='') sys.stdout.flush() keystroke = input_utils.single_keystroke_response(valid_keystrokes) print() if keystroke == 'Q': logger.info('Ok, stopping for now. Labeled examples are written to disk') helper.unrender_example(image, features, filtered_lines) break elif keystroke == '?': print( ''' > = Don't label, move to the next example. < = Don't label, move to the previous example. Q = Quit labeling now. ? = This message. else = These keystrokes assign a label to the example and persist it.''' ) time.sleep(3.0) elif keystroke == '>': cursor += 1 if cursor >= len(filtered_images): print('Wrapping around...') cursor = 0 elif keystroke == '<': cursor -= 1 if cursor < 0: print('Wrapping around...') cursor = len(filtered_images) - 1 elif keystroke in labelling_keystrokes: label_value = labelling_keystrokes[keystroke] filtered_lines.append(f"{label_label}: {label_value}\n") with open(features, 'w') as f: f.writelines(line + '\n' for line in filtered_lines) if config.config['ml_quick_label_use_skip_lists']: skip_list.add(image) cursor += 1 if cursor >= len(filtered_images): print('Wrapping around...') cursor = 0 else: print(f'Unknown keystroke: {keystroke}') helper.unrender_example(image, features, filtered_lines) _maybe_write_skip_list(skip_list)