#!/usr/bin/env python3 import functools import math from typing import List from heapq import heappush, heappop class RunningMedian: def __init__(self): self.lowers, self.highers = [], [] def add_number(self, number): if not self.highers or number > self.highers[0]: heappush(self.highers, number) else: heappush(self.lowers, -number) # for lowers we need a max heap self.rebalance() def rebalance(self): if len(self.lowers) - len(self.highers) > 1: heappush(self.highers, -heappop(self.lowers)) elif len(self.highers) - len(self.lowers) > 1: heappush(self.lowers, -heappop(self.highers)) def get_median(self): if len(self.lowers) == len(self.highers): return (-self.lowers[0] + self.highers[0])/2 elif len(self.lowers) > len(self.highers): return -self.lowers[0] else: return self.highers[0] def gcd_floats(a: float, b: float) -> float: if a < b: return gcd_floats(b, a) # base case if abs(b) < 0.001: return a return gcd_floats(b, a - math.floor(a / b) * b) def gcd_float_sequence(lst: List[float]) -> float: if len(lst) <= 0: raise ValueError("Need at least one number") elif len(lst) == 1: return lst[0] assert len(lst) >= 2 gcd = gcd_floats(lst[0], lst[1]) for i in range(2, len(lst)): gcd = gcd_floats(gcd, lst[i]) return gcd def truncate_float(n: float, decimals: int = 2): """Truncate a float to a particular number of decimals.""" assert decimals > 0 and decimals < 10 multiplier = 10 ** decimals return int(n * multiplier) / multiplier @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1024, typed=True) def is_prime(n: int) -> bool: """Returns True if n is prime and False otherwise""" if not isinstance(n, int): raise TypeError("argument passed to is_prime is not of 'int' type") # Corner cases if n <= 1: return False if n <= 3: return True # This is checked so that we can skip middle five numbers in below # loop if (n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0): return False i = 5 while i * i <= n: if (n % i == 0 or n % (i + 2) == 0): return False i = i + 6 return True