package ======================== Right now this package only contains an implementation that allows you to define and evaluate Access Control Lists (ACLs) easily. For example:: even = acl.SetBasedACL( allow_set=set([2, 4, 6, 8, 10]), deny_set=set([1, 3, 5, 7, 9]), order_to_check_allow_deny=acl.Order.ALLOW_DENY, default_answer=False, ) self.assertTrue(even(2)) self.assertFalse(even(3)) self.assertFalse(even(-4)) ACLs can also be defined based on other criteria, for example:: a_or_b = acl.StringWildcardBasedACL( allowed_patterns=['a*', 'b*'], order_to_check_allow_deny=acl.Order.ALLOW_DENY, default_answer=False, ) self.assertTrue(a_or_b('aardvark')) self.assertTrue(a_or_b('baboon')) self.assertFalse(a_or_b('cheetah')) Or:: weird = acl.StringREBasedACL( denied_regexs=[re.compile('^a.*a$'), re.compile('^b.*b$')], order_to_check_allow_deny=acl.Order.DENY_ALLOW, default_answer=True, ) self.assertTrue(weird('aardvark')) self.assertFalse(weird('anaconda')) self.assertFalse(weird('blackneb')) self.assertTrue(weird('crow')) There are implementations for wildcards, sets, regular expressions, allow lists, deny lists, sequences of user defined predicates, etc... You can also just subclass the base :class:`SimpleACL` interface to define your own ACLs easily. Its __call__ method simply needs to decide whether an item is allowed or denied. Once a :class:`SimpleACL` is defined, it can be used in :class:`CompoundACLs`:: a_b_c = acl.StringWildcardBasedACL( allowed_patterns=['a*', 'b*', 'c*'], order_to_check_allow_deny=acl.Order.ALLOW_DENY, default_answer=False, ) c_d_e = acl.StringWildcardBasedACL( allowed_patterns=['c*', 'd*', 'e*'], order_to_check_allow_deny=acl.Order.ALLOW_DENY, default_answer=False, ) conjunction = acl.AllCompoundACL( subacls=[a_b_c, c_d_e], order_to_check_allow_deny=acl.Order.ALLOW_DENY, default_answer=False, ) self.assertFalse(conjunction('aardvark')) self.assertTrue(conjunction('caribou')) self.assertTrue(conjunction('condor')) self.assertFalse(conjunction('eagle')) self.assertFalse(conjunction('newt')) a :class:`CompoundACL` can also be used inside another :class:`CompoundACL` so this should be a flexible framework when defining complex access control requirements: There are two flavors of :class:`CompoundACLs`: :class:`AllCompoundACL` and :class:`AnyCompoundAcl`. The former only admits an item if all of its sub-acls admit it and the latter will admit an item if any of its sub-acls admit it.: Submodules ---------- module --------------------------- .. automodule:: :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Module contents --------------- .. automodule:: :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: