// antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 ./dateparse_utils.g4 // Hi, self. In ANTLR grammars, there are two separate types of symbols: those // for the lexer and those for the parser. The former begin with a CAPITAL // whereas the latter begin with lowercase. The order of the lexer symbols // is the order that the lexer will recognize them in. There's a good tutorial // on this shit at: // // https://tomassetti.me/antlr-mega-tutorial/ // // There are also a zillion premade grammars at: // // https://github.com/antlr/grammars-v4 grammar dateparse_utils; parse : SPACE* dateExpr | SPACE* timeExpr | SPACE* dateExpr SPACE* dtdiv? SPACE* timeExpr | SPACE* timeExpr SPACE* tddiv? SPACE+ dateExpr ; dateExpr : singleDateExpr | baseAndOffsetDateExpr ; timeExpr : singleTimeExpr | baseAndOffsetTimeExpr ; singleTimeExpr : twentyFourHourTimeExpr | twelveHourTimeExpr | specialTimeExpr ; twentyFourHourTimeExpr : hour ((SPACE|tdiv)+ minute ((SPACE|tdiv)+ second ((SPACE|tdiv)+ micros)? )? )? SPACE* tzExpr? ; twelveHourTimeExpr : hour ((SPACE|tdiv)+ minute ((SPACE|tdiv)+ second ((SPACE|tdiv)+ micros)? )? )? SPACE* ampm SPACE* tzExpr? ; ampm: ('a'|'am'|'p'|'pm'|'AM'|'PM'|'A'|'P'); singleDateExpr : monthDayMaybeYearExpr | dayMonthMaybeYearExpr | yearMonthDayExpr | specialDateMaybeYearExpr | nthWeekdayInMonthMaybeYearExpr | firstLastWeekdayInMonthMaybeYearExpr | deltaDateExprRelativeToTodayImplied | dayName ; monthDayMaybeYearExpr : monthExpr (SPACE|ddiv)+ dayOfMonth ((SPACE|ddiv)+ year)? ; dayMonthMaybeYearExpr : dayOfMonth (SPACE|ddiv)+ monthName ((SPACE|ddiv)+ year)? ; yearMonthDayExpr : year (SPACE|ddiv)+ monthExpr (SPACE|ddiv)+ dayOfMonth ; nthWeekdayInMonthMaybeYearExpr : nth SPACE+ dayName SPACE+ ('in'|'of') SPACE+ monthName ((ddiv|SPACE)+ year)? ; firstLastWeekdayInMonthMaybeYearExpr : firstOrLast SPACE+ dayName (SPACE+ ('in'|'of'))? SPACE+ monthName ((ddiv|SPACE)+ year)? ; specialDateMaybeYearExpr : (thisNextLast SPACE+)? specialDate ((SPACE|ddiv)+ year)? ; thisNextLast: (THIS|NEXT|LAST) ; baseAndOffsetDateExpr : baseDate SPACE+ deltaPlusMinusExpr | deltaPlusMinusExpr SPACE+ baseDate ; deltaDateExprRelativeToTodayImplied : nFoosFromTodayAgoExpr | deltaRelativeToTodayExpr ; deltaRelativeToTodayExpr : thisNextLast SPACE+ deltaUnit ; nFoosFromTodayAgoExpr : unsignedInt SPACE+ deltaUnit SPACE+ AGO_FROM_NOW ; baseDate: singleDateExpr ; baseAndOffsetTimeExpr : deltaPlusMinusTimeExpr SPACE+ baseTime | baseTime SPACE+ deltaPlusMinusTimeExpr ; baseTime: singleTimeExpr ; deltaPlusMinusExpr : nth SPACE+ deltaUnit (SPACE+ deltaBeforeAfter)? ; deltaNextLast : (NEXT|LAST) ; deltaPlusMinusTimeExpr : countUnitsBeforeAfterTimeExpr | fractionBeforeAfterTimeExpr ; countUnitsBeforeAfterTimeExpr : nth (SPACE+ deltaTimeUnit)? SPACE+ deltaTimeBeforeAfter ; fractionBeforeAfterTimeExpr : deltaTimeFraction SPACE+ deltaTimeBeforeAfter ; deltaUnit: (YEAR|MONTH|WEEK|DAY|WEEKDAY|WORKDAY) ; deltaTimeUnit: (SECOND|MINUTE|HOUR|WORKDAY) ; deltaBeforeAfter: (BEFORE|AFTER) ; deltaTimeBeforeAfter: (BEFORE|AFTER) ; monthExpr : monthName | monthNumber ; year: DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT ; specialDate: SPECIAL_DATE ; dayOfMonth : DIGIT DIGIT? ('st'|'ST'|'nd'|'ND'|'rd'|'RD'|'th'|'TH')? | KALENDS (SPACE+ 'of')? | IDES (SPACE+ 'of')? | NONES (SPACE+ 'of')? ; firstOrLast: (FIRST|LAST) ; nth: (DASH|PLUS)? DIGIT+ ('st'|'ST'|'nd'|'ND'|'rd'|'RD'|'th'|'TH')? ; unsignedInt: DIGIT+ ; deltaTimeFraction: DELTA_TIME_FRACTION ; specialTimeExpr: specialTime (SPACE+ tzExpr)? ; specialTime: SPECIAL_TIME ; dayName: WEEKDAY ; monthName: MONTH_NAME ; monthNumber: DIGIT DIGIT? ; hour: DIGIT DIGIT? ; minute: DIGIT DIGIT ; second: DIGIT DIGIT ; micros: DIGIT DIGIT? DIGIT? DIGIT? DIGIT? DIGIT? DIGIT? ; ddiv: (SLASH|DASH|',') ; tdiv: (COLON|DOT) ; dtdiv: ('T'|'t'|'at'|'AT'|','|';') ; tddiv: ('on'|'ON'|','|';') ; tzExpr : ntz | ltz ; ntz: (PLUS|DASH) DIGIT DIGIT COLON? DIGIT DIGIT ; ltz: UPPERCASE_STRING ; // ---------------------------------- SPACE: [ \t\r\n] ; COMMENT: '#' ~[\r\n]* -> skip ; THE: ('the'|'The') SPACE* -> skip ; DASH: '-' ; PLUS: '+' ; SLASH: '/' ; DOT: '.' ; COLON: ':' ; MONTH_NAME: (JAN|FEB|MAR|APR|MAY|JUN|JUL|AUG|SEP|OCT|NOV|DEC) ; JAN : 'jan' | 'Jan' | 'JAN' | 'January' | 'january' ; FEB : 'feb' | 'Feb' | 'FEB' | 'February' | 'february' ; MAR : 'mar' | 'Mar' | 'MAR' | 'March' | 'march' ; APR : 'apr' | 'Apr' | 'APR' | 'April' | 'april' ; MAY : 'may' | 'May' | 'MAY' ; JUN : 'jun' | 'Jun' | 'JUN' | 'June' | 'june' ; JUL : 'jul' | 'Jul' | 'JUL' | 'July' | 'july' ; AUG : 'aug' | 'Aug' | 'AUG' | 'August' | 'august' ; SEP : 'sep' | 'Sep' | 'SEP' | 'sept' | 'Sept' | 'SEPT' | 'September' | 'september' ; OCT : 'oct' | 'Oct' | 'OCT' | 'October' | 'october' ; NOV : 'nov' | 'Nov' | 'NOV' | 'November' | 'november' ; DEC : 'dec' | 'Dec' | 'DEC' | 'December' | 'december' ; WEEKDAY: (SUN|MON|TUE|WED|THU|FRI|SAT) ; SUN : 'sun' | 'Sun' | 'SUN' | 'suns' | 'Suns' | 'SUNS' | 'sunday' | 'Sunday' | 'sundays' | 'Sundays' ; MON : 'mon' | 'Mon' | 'MON' | 'mons' | 'Mons' | 'MONS' | 'monday' | 'Monday' | 'mondays' | 'Mondays' ; TUE : 'tue' | 'Tue' | 'TUE' | 'tues' | 'Tues' | 'TUES' | 'tuesday' | 'Tuesday' | 'tuesdays' | 'Tuesdays' ; WED : 'wed' | 'Wed' | 'WED' | 'weds' | 'Weds' | 'WEDS' | 'wednesday' | 'Wednesday' | 'wednesdays' | 'Wednesdays' ; THU : 'thu' | 'Thu' | 'THU' | 'thur' | 'Thur' | 'THUR' | 'thurs' | 'Thurs' | 'THURS' | 'thursday' | 'Thursday' | 'thursdays' | 'Thursdays' ; FRI : 'fri' | 'Fri' | 'FRI' | 'fris' | 'Fris' | 'FRIS' | 'friday' | 'Friday' | 'fridays' | 'Fridays' ; SAT : 'sat' | 'Sat' | 'SAT' | 'sats' | 'Sats' | 'SATS' | 'saturday' | 'Saturday' | 'saturdays' | 'Saturdays' ; WEEK : 'week' | 'Week' | 'weeks' | 'Weeks' | 'wks' ; DAY : 'day' | 'Day' | 'days' | 'Days' ; HOUR : 'hour' | 'Hour' | 'hours' | 'Hours' | 'hrs' ; MINUTE : 'min' | 'Min' | 'MIN' | 'mins' | 'Mins' | 'MINS' | 'minute' | 'Minute' | 'minutes' | 'Minutes' ; SECOND : 'sec' | 'Sec' | 'SEC' | 'secs' | 'Secs' | 'SECS' | 'second' | 'Second' | 'seconds' | 'Seconds' ; MONTH : 'month' | 'Month' | 'months' | 'Months' ; YEAR : 'year' | 'Year' | 'years' | 'Years' | 'yrs' ; SPECIAL_DATE : TODAY | YESTERDAY | TOMORROW | NEW_YEARS_EVE | NEW_YEARS_DAY | MARTIN_LUTHER_KING_DAY | PRESIDENTS_DAY | EASTER | MEMORIAL_DAY | INDEPENDENCE_DAY | LABOR_DAY | COLUMBUS_DAY | VETERANS_DAY | HALLOWEEN | THANKSGIVING_DAY | CHRISTMAS_EVE | CHRISTMAS ; SPECIAL_TIME : NOON | MIDNIGHT ; NOON : ('noon'|'Noon'|'midday'|'Midday') ; MIDNIGHT : ('midnight'|'Midnight') ; // today TODAY : ('today'|'Today'|'now'|'Now') ; // yeste YESTERDAY : ('yesterday'|'Yesterday') ; // tomor TOMORROW : ('tomorrow'|'Tomorrow') ; // easte EASTER : 'easter' SUN? | 'Easter' SUN? ; // newye NEW_YEARS_DAY : 'new years' | 'New Years' | 'new years day' | 'New Years Day' | 'new year\'s' | 'New Year\'s' | 'new year\'s day' | 'New year\'s Day' ; // newyeeve NEW_YEARS_EVE : 'nye' | 'NYE' | 'new years eve' | 'New Years Eve' | 'new year\'s eve' | 'New Year\'s Eve' ; // chris CHRISTMAS : 'christmas' | 'Christmas' | 'christmas day' | 'Christmas Day' | 'xmas' | 'Xmas' | 'xmas day' | 'Xmas Day' ; // chriseve CHRISTMAS_EVE : 'christmas eve' | 'Christmas Eve' | 'xmas eve' | 'Xmas Eve' ; // mlk MARTIN_LUTHER_KING_DAY : 'martin luther king day' | 'Martin Luther King Day' | 'mlk day' | 'MLK Day' | 'MLK day' | 'mlk' | 'MLK' ; // memor MEMORIAL_DAY : 'memorial' | 'Memorial' | 'memorial day' | 'Memorial Day' ; // indep INDEPENDENCE_DAY : 'independence day' | 'Independence day' | 'Independence Day' ; // labor LABOR_DAY : 'labor' | 'Labor' | 'labor day' | 'Labor Day' ; // presi PRESIDENTS_DAY : 'presidents\' day' | 'president\'s day' | 'presidents day' | 'presidents' | 'president\'s' | 'presidents\'' | 'Presidents\' Day' | 'President\'s Day' | 'Presidents Day' | 'Presidents' | 'President\'s' | 'Presidents\'' ; // colum COLUMBUS_DAY : 'columbus' | 'columbus day' | 'indiginous peoples day' | 'indiginous peoples\' day' | 'Columbus' | 'Columbus Day' | 'Indiginous Peoples Day' | 'Indiginous Peoples\' Day' ; // veter VETERANS_DAY : 'veterans' | 'veterans day' | 'veterans\' day' | 'Veterans' | 'Veterans Day' | 'Veterans\' Day' ; // hallo HALLOWEEN : 'halloween' | 'Halloween' ; // thank THANKSGIVING_DAY : 'thanksgiving' | 'thanksgiving day' | 'Thanksgiving' | 'Thanksgiving Day' ; FIRST: ('first'|'First') ; LAST: ('last'|'Last'|'this past') ; THIS: ('this'|'This'|'this coming') ; NEXT: ('next'|'Next') ; AGO_FROM_NOW: (AGO|FROM_NOW) ; AGO: ('ago'|'Ago'|'back'|'Back') ; FROM_NOW: ('from now'|'From Now') ; BEFORE: ('to'|'To'|'before'|'Before'|'til'|'until'|'Until') ; AFTER: ('after'|'After'|'from'|'From'|'past'|'Past') ; DELTA_TIME_FRACTION: ('quarter'|'Quarter'|'half'|'Half') ; DIGIT: ('0'..'9') ; IDES: ('ides'|'Ides') ; NONES: ('nones'|'Nones') ; KALENDS: ('kalends'|'Kalends') ; WORKDAY : 'workday' | 'workdays' | 'work days' | 'working days' | 'Workday' | 'Workdays' | 'Work Days' | 'Working Days' ; UPPERCASE_STRING: [A-Z]+ ;