#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # Ask a yes or no question function ask_y_n() { local prompt default reply if [ "${2:-}" = "Y" ]; then prompt="Y/n" default=Y elif [ "${2:-}" = "N" ]; then prompt="y/N" default=N else prompt="y/n" default= fi while true; do echo -ne "$1 [$prompt] " read -n 1 -t 5 reply " exit 1 fi VERSION=$1 PREVIOUS_VERSION=$(git tag --sort=-creatordate | head -1) git tag --format='%(creatordate:short)%09%(refname:strip=2)' echo echo "PREVIOUS_VERSION=${PREVIOUS_VERSION}" echo if ! ask_y_n "About to cut (build, test, package, give you the command to upload) $VERSION, ok?" "N"; then echo "Ok, exiting instead." exit 0 fi LAST_TAG=$(git tag | tail -1) if [ "${LAST_TAG}" == "${VERSION}" ]; then echo "Last tag is the same as ${VERSION}?! Aborted." exit 1 fi echo echo "Ok, here are the commit message of changes since the last version..." git log $LAST_TAG..HEAD pause echo echo echo "Ok, running pyutils and scottutilz tests including test_some_dependencies.py..." cd ../scottutilz/tests ./run_tests.py --all --coverage cd ../../pyutils pause echo echo echo "Creating a git tag for version ${VERSION}" git tag -a "${VERSION}" -m "cut_version.sh ${VERSION}" CHANGES=$(git log --pretty="- %s" $VERSION...$LAST_TAG) printf "# 🎁 Release notes (\`$VERSION\`)\n\n## Changes\n$CHANGES\n\n## Metadata\n\`\`\`\nThis version -------- $VERSION\nPrevious version ---- $PREVIOUS_VERSION\nTotal commits ------- $(echo "$CHANGES" | wc -l)\n\`\`\`\n" >> release_notes.md echo "Updating pyproject.toml with this version number" cat ./pyproject.template | sed s/##VERSION##/$VERSION/g > ./pyproject.toml echo "Building wheel..." python -m build echo "Checking in wheel package under dist/" cd dist WHEEL=pyutils-${VERSION}-py3-none-any.whl if [ ! -f ${WHEEL} ]; then echo "Can't find ${WHEEL}?!" exit 1 fi LINK=pyutils-latest-py3-none-any.whl git rm -f ${LINK} ln -s ${WHEEL} ${LINK} git add ${WHEEL} git add ${LINK} for FILE in *.whl; do md5 ${FILE} > ${FILE}.md5 done git add *.md5 cd .. git commit -a -m "Cut version ${VERSION}" -m "${CHANGES}" echo "Pushing changes to git" git push echo "Done. To upload, run: \"twine upload --verbose --repository pypi dist/*\""