#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Global configuration driven by commandline arguments, environment variables and saved configuration files. This works across several modules. Usage: module.py: ---------- import config parser = config.add_commandline_args( "Module", "Args related to module doing the thing.", ) parser.add_argument( "--module_do_the_thing", type=bool, default=True, help="Should the module do the thing?" ) main.py: -------- import config def main() -> None: parser = config.add_commandline_args( "Main", "A program that does the thing.", ) parser.add_argument( "--dry_run", type=bool, default=False, help="Should we really do the thing?" ) config.parse() # Very important, this must be invoked! If you set this up and remember to invoke config.parse(), all commandline arguments will play nicely together. This is done automatically for you if you're using the bootstrap module's initialize wrapper. % main.py -h usage: main.py [-h] [--module_do_the_thing MODULE_DO_THE_THING] [--dry_run DRY_RUN] Module: Args related to module doing the thing. --module_do_the_thing MODULE_DO_THE_THING Should the module do the thing? Main: A program that does the thing --dry_run Should we really do the thing? Arguments themselves should be accessed via config.config['arg_name']. e.g. if not config.config['dry_run']: module.do_the_thing() """ import argparse import logging import os import pprint import sys from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional # This module is commonly used by others in here and should avoid # taking any unnecessary dependencies back on them. # Defer logging messages until later when logging has been initialized. SAVED_MESSAGES: List[str] = [] # Make a copy of the original program arguments. PROGRAM_NAME: str = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) ORIG_ARGV: List[str] = sys.argv.copy() class OptionalRawFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter): """This formatter has the same bahavior as the normal argparse text formatter except when the help text of an argument begins with "RAW|". In that case, the line breaks are preserved and the text is not wrapped. """ def _split_lines(self, text, width): if text.startswith('RAW|'): return text[4:].splitlines() return argparse.HelpFormatter._split_lines(self, text, width) # A global parser that we will collect arguments into. ARGS = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=None, formatter_class=OptionalRawFormatter, fromfile_prefix_chars="@", epilog=f'{PROGRAM_NAME} uses config.py ({__file__}) for global, cross-module configuration setup and parsing.', ) # Keep track of if we've been called and prevent being called more # than once. CONFIG_PARSE_CALLED = False # A global configuration dictionary that will contain parsed arguments. # It is also this variable that modules use to access parsed arguments. # This is the data that is most interesting to our callers; it will hold # the configuration result. config: Dict[str, Any] = {} # It would be really nice if this shit worked from interactive python def add_commandline_args(title: str, description: str = ""): """Create a new context for arguments and return a handle.""" return ARGS.add_argument_group(title, description) group = add_commandline_args( f'Global Config ({__file__})', 'Args that control the global config itself; how meta!', ) group.add_argument( '--config_loadfile', metavar='FILENAME', default=None, help='Config file (populated via --config_savefile) from which to read args in lieu or in addition to commandline.', ) group.add_argument( '--config_dump', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display the global configuration (possibly derived from multiple sources) on STDERR at program startup.', ) group.add_argument( '--config_savefile', type=str, metavar='FILENAME', default=None, help='Populate config file compatible with --config_loadfile to save global config for later use.', ) group.add_argument( '--config_rejects_unrecognized_arguments', default=False, action='store_true', help=( 'If present, config will raise an exception if it doesn\'t recognize an argument. The ' + 'default behavior is to ignore this so as to allow interoperability with programs that ' + 'want to use their own argparse calls to parse their own, separate commandline args.' ), ) def overwrite_argparse_epilog(msg: str) -> None: ARGS.epilog = msg def is_flag_already_in_argv(var: str): """Is a particular flag passed on the commandline?""" for _ in sys.argv: if var in _: return True return False def reorder_arg_action_groups(entry_module: Optional[str]): reordered_action_groups = [] for grp in ARGS._action_groups: if entry_module is not None and entry_module in grp.title: # type: ignore reordered_action_groups.append(grp) elif PROGRAM_NAME in group.title: # type: ignore reordered_action_groups.append(grp) else: reordered_action_groups.insert(0, grp) return reordered_action_groups def augment_sys_argv_from_environment_variables(): usage_message = ARGS.format_usage() optional = False var = '' for x in usage_message.split(): if x[0] == '[': optional = True if optional: var += f'{x} ' if x[-1] == ']': optional = False var = var.strip() var = var.strip('[') var = var.strip(']') chunks = var.split() if len(chunks) > 1: var = var.split()[0] # Environment vars the same as flag names without # the initial -'s and in UPPERCASE. env = var.strip('-').upper() if env in os.environ: if not is_flag_already_in_argv(var): value = os.environ[env] SAVED_MESSAGES.append(f'Initialized from environment: {var} = {value}') from string_utils import to_bool if len(chunks) == 1 and to_bool(value): sys.argv.append(var) elif len(chunks) > 1: sys.argv.append(var) sys.argv.append(value) var = '' env = '' def augment_sys_argv_from_loadfile(): loadfile = None saw_other_args = False grab_next_arg = False for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if 'config_loadfile' in arg: pieces = arg.split('=') if len(pieces) > 1: loadfile = pieces[1] else: grab_next_arg = True elif grab_next_arg: loadfile = arg else: saw_other_args = True if loadfile is not None: if not os.path.exists(loadfile): raise Exception( f'ERROR: --config_loadfile argument must be a file, {loadfile} not found.' ) if saw_other_args: msg = f'Augmenting commandline arguments with those from {loadfile}.' else: msg = f'Reading commandline arguments from {loadfile}.' print(msg, file=sys.stderr) SAVED_MESSAGES.append(msg) with open(loadfile, 'r') as rf: newargs = rf.readlines() newargs = [arg.strip('\n') for arg in newargs if 'config_savefile' not in arg] sys.argv += newargs def parse(entry_module: Optional[str]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Main program should call this early in main(). Note that the bootstrap.initialize wrapper takes care of this automatically. """ global CONFIG_PARSE_CALLED if CONFIG_PARSE_CALLED: return config # If we're about to do the usage message dump, put the main # module's argument group last in the list (if possible) so that # when the user passes -h or --help, it will be visible on the # screen w/o scrolling. for arg in sys.argv: if arg in ('--help', '-h'): ARGS._action_groups = reorder_arg_action_groups(entry_module) # Examine the environment for variables that match known flags. # For a flag called --example_flag the corresponding environment # variable would be called EXAMPLE_FLAG. If found, hackily add # these into sys.argv to be parsed. augment_sys_argv_from_environment_variables() # Look for loadfile and read/parse it if present. This also # works by jamming these values onto sys.argv. augment_sys_argv_from_loadfile() # Parse (possibly augmented, possibly completely overwritten) # commandline args with argparse normally and populate config. known, unknown = ARGS.parse_known_args() config.update(vars(known)) # Reconstruct the argv with unrecognized flags for the benefit of # future argument parsers. For example, unittest_main in python # has some of its own flags. If we didn't recognize it, maybe # someone else will. if len(unknown) > 0: if config['config_rejects_unrecognized_arguments']: raise Exception( f'Encountered unrecognized config argument(s) {unknown} with --config_rejects_unrecognized_arguments enabled; halting.' ) SAVED_MESSAGES.append(f'Config encountered unrecognized commandline arguments: {unknown}') sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] + unknown # Check for savefile and populate it if requested. savefile = config['config_savefile'] if savefile and len(savefile) > 0: with open(savefile, 'w') as wf: wf.write("\n".join(ORIG_ARGV[1:])) # Also dump the config on stderr if requested. if config['config_dump']: dump_config() CONFIG_PARSE_CALLED = True return config def has_been_parsed() -> bool: """Has the global config been parsed yet?""" return CONFIG_PARSE_CALLED def dump_config(): """Print the current config to stdout.""" print("Global Configuration:", file=sys.stderr) pprint.pprint(config, stream=sys.stderr) print() def late_logging(): """Log messages saved earlier now that logging has been initialized.""" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) for _ in SAVED_MESSAGES: logger.debug(_)