#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Global configuration driven by commandline arguments (even across different modules). Usage: module.py: ---------- import config parser = config.add_commandline_args( "Module", "Args related to module doing the thing.", ) parser.add_argument( "--module_do_the_thing", type=bool, default=True, help="Should the module do the thing?" ) main.py: -------- import config def main() -> None: parser = config.add_commandline_args( "Main", "A program that does the thing.", ) parser.add_argument( "--dry_run", type=bool, default=False, help="Should we really do the thing?" ) config.parse() # Very important, this must be invoked! If you set this up and remember to invoke config.parse(), all commandline arguments will play nicely together: % main.py -h usage: main.py [-h] [--module_do_the_thing MODULE_DO_THE_THING] [--dry_run DRY_RUN] Module: Args related to module doing the thing. --module_do_the_thing MODULE_DO_THE_THING Should the module do the thing? Main: A program that does the thing --dry_run Should we really do the thing? Arguments themselves should be accessed via config.config['arg_name']. e.g. if not config.config['dry_run']: module.do_the_thing() """ import argparse import logging import os import pprint import sys from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional # This module is commonly used by others in here and should avoid # taking any unnecessary dependencies back on them. # Note: at this point in time, logging hasn't been configured and # anything we log will come out the root logger. logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Defer logging messages until later when logging has been initialized. saved_messages: List[str] = [] # Make a copy of the original program arguments. program_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) original_argv = [arg for arg in sys.argv] # A global parser that we will collect arguments into. args = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=None, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, fromfile_prefix_chars="@", epilog=f'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n{program_name} uses config.py ({__file__}) for global, cross-module configuration setup and parsing.\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' ) # Keep track of if we've been called and prevent being called more # than once. config_parse_called = False # A global configuration dictionary that will contain parsed arguments. # It is also this variable that modules use to access parsed arguments. # This is the data that is most interesting to our callers; it will hold # the configuration result. config: Dict[str, Any] = {} def add_commandline_args(title: str, description: str = ""): """Create a new context for arguments and return a handle.""" return args.add_argument_group(title, description) group = add_commandline_args( f'Global Config ({__file__})', 'Args that control the global config itself; how meta!', ) group.add_argument( '--config_loadfile', metavar='FILENAME', default=None, help='Config file from which to read args in lieu or in addition to commandline.', ) group.add_argument( '--config_dump', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display the global configuration on STDERR at program startup.', ) group.add_argument( '--config_savefile', type=str, metavar='FILENAME', default=None, help='Populate config file compatible --config_loadfile to save config for later use.', ) def is_flag_already_in_argv(var: str): """Is a particular flag passed on the commandline?""" for _ in sys.argv: if var in _: return True return False def parse(entry_module: Optional[str]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Main program should call this early in main()""" global config_parse_called if config_parse_called: logger.warning('config.parse has already been called; ignoring spurious invocation') return config global saved_messages # If we're about to do the usage message dump, put the main module's # argument group last in the list (if possible) so that when the user # passes -h or --help, it will be visible on the screen w/o scrolling. reordered_action_groups = [] global prog for arg in sys.argv: if arg == '--help' or arg == '-h': for group in args._action_groups: if entry_module is not None and entry_module in group.title: reordered_action_groups.append(group) elif program_name in group.title: reordered_action_groups.append(group) else: reordered_action_groups.insert(0, group) args._action_groups = reordered_action_groups # Examine the environment variables that match known flags. For a # flag called --example_flag the corresponding environment # variable would be called EXAMPLE_FLAG. usage_message = args.format_usage() optional = False var = '' for x in usage_message.split(): if x[0] == '[': optional = True if optional: var += f'{x} ' if x[-1] == ']': optional = False var = var.strip() var = var.strip('[') var = var.strip(']') chunks = var.split() if len(chunks) > 1: var = var.split()[0] # Environment vars the same as flag names without # the initial -'s and in UPPERCASE. env = var.strip('-').upper() if env in os.environ: if not is_flag_already_in_argv(var): value = os.environ[env] saved_messages.append( f'Initialized from environment: {var} = {value}' ) from string_utils import to_bool if len(chunks) == 1 and to_bool(value): sys.argv.append(var) elif len(chunks) > 1: sys.argv.append(var) sys.argv.append(value) var = '' env = '' else: next # Look for loadfile and read/parse it if present. loadfile = None saw_other_args = False grab_next_arg = False for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if 'config_loadfile' in arg: pieces = arg.split('=') if len(pieces) > 1: loadfile = pieces[1] else: grab_next_arg = True elif grab_next_arg: loadfile = arg else: saw_other_args = True if loadfile is not None: if saw_other_args: print( 'WARNING: ignoring some commandline arguments; only args in --config_loadfile be parsed.', file=sys.stderr ) if not os.path.exists(loadfile): print(f'--config_loadfile argument must be a file, {loadfile} not found.', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) with open(loadfile, 'r') as rf: newargs = rf.readlines() newargs = [arg.strip('\n') for arg in newargs if 'config_savefile' not in arg] sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] + newargs # Parse (possibly augmented, possibly completely overwritten) # commandline args with argparse normally and populate config. known, unknown = args.parse_known_args() config.update(vars(known)) # Reconstruct the argv with unrecognized flags for the benefit of # future argument parsers. For example, unittest_main in python # has some of its own flags. If we didn't recognize it, maybe # someone else will. sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] + unknown # Check for savefile and populate it if requested. savefile = config['config_savefile'] if savefile and len(savefile) > 0: with open(savefile, 'w') as wf: wf.write( "\n".join(original_argv[1:]) ) # Also dump the config on stderr if requested. if config['config_dump']: dump_config() config_parse_called = True return config def has_been_parsed() -> bool: """Has the global config been parsed yet?""" global config_parse_called return config_parse_called def dump_config(): """Print the current config to stdout.""" print("Global Configuration:", file=sys.stderr) pprint.pprint(config, stream=sys.stderr) def late_logging(): """Log messages saved earlier now that logging has been initialized.""" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) global saved_messages for _ in saved_messages: logger.debug(_)