This is Scott's pyutils module. See for details. Some code in this library came from other sources. As required by clause 4 of the Apache 2.0 License and clause 3 of the PSF License, this NOTICE file describes changes Scott Gasch made to any preexisting code regardless its original License. All such original code was used in a manner compliant with its original License and is enumerated in this file. This file also contains URLs pointing at the orginal source of all forked code. 1. As noted in, that file is a fork of work by Davide Zanotti. Davide's original code is here: David's code was released under the MIT license and the original license text is preserved in Scott's modifications include: + Added these routines: strip_escape_sequences, suffix_string_to_number, number_to_suffix_string, extract_ip_v4, extract_ip_v6, extract_mac_address, extract_ip, to_bool, to_date, valid_date, to_datetime, valid_datetime, squeeze, indent, dedent, sprintf, strip_ansi_sequences, SprintfStdout, capitalize_first_letter, it_they, is_are, pluralize, make_contractions, thify, ngrams, ngrams_presplit, bigrams, trigrams, shuffle_columns_into_list, shuffle_columns_into_dict, interpolate_using_dict, to_ascii, to_base64, is_base64, from_base64, chunk, to_bitstring, is_bitstring, from_bitstring, ip_v4_sort_key, path_ancestors_before_descendants_sort_key, replace_all, and replace_nth. + Added type annotations everywhere, + Wrote doctests everywhere, + Added sphinx style pydocs, + Wrote a supplimental unittest (tests/, + Added logging. 2. As noted in, that file is a fork of work by LuizaLabs and available here: The original work was released under the MIT license and the original license text is preserved in Scott's modifications include: + Adding a unittest (tests/, + Added type hints, + Changes to locking scope, + Minor cleanup and style tweaks, + Added sphinx style pydocs. 3. The timeout decortator in is based on original work by Stephen "Zero" Chappell published in ActiveState code recipes and covered by the PSF license. It is from here: The original PSF license text is included in the relevant section of Scott's modifications include: + Adding docs + comments including a doctest unittest, + Minor cleanup and style tweaks, + Added type hints. Thank you to everyone who makes their code available for reuse by others and contributes to the open source ecosystem. Scott is especially grateful to the authors of the projects above. Thank you. Any code not mentioned in this NOTICE file is work by Scott Gasch, is copyrighted by him, and is released under the Apache 2.0 license described in the LICENSE file. If you make modifications to such code, please comply with the Apache 2.0 license by retaining the LICENSE and copyright in your work and by adding your own NOTICEs about the changes you make. See for details.