level_name = logging._levelToName.get(default_logging_level, str(default_logging_level))
- logger.debug(f'Initialized global logging; default logging level is {level_name}.')
+ logger.debug('Initialized global logging; default logging level is %s.', level_name)
if config.config['logging_clear_preexisting_handlers'] and preexisting_handlers_count > 0:
- msg = f'Logging cleared {preexisting_handlers_count} global handlers (--logging_clear_preexisting_handlers)'
- logger.warning(msg)
- logger.debug(f'Logging format specification is "{fmt}"')
+ logger.warning(
+ 'Logging cleared %d global handlers (--logging_clear_preexisting_handlers)',
+ preexisting_handlers_count,
+ )
+ logger.debug('Logging format specification is "%s"', fmt)
if config.config['logging_debug_threads']:
- logger.debug('...Logging format spec captures tid/pid (--logging_debug_threads)')
+ logger.debug('...Logging format spec captures tid/pid. (--logging_debug_threads)')
if config.config['logging_debug_modules']:
- '...Logging format spec captures files/functions/lineno (--logging_debug_modules)'
+ '...Logging format spec captures files/functions/lineno. (--logging_debug_modules)'
if config.config['logging_syslog']:
- logger.debug(f'Logging to syslog as {facility_name} with priority mapping based on level')
+ logger.debug(
+ 'Logging to syslog as %s with priority mapping based on level. (--logging_syslog)',
+ facility_name,
+ )
if config.config['logging_filename']:
- logger.debug(f'Logging to filename {config.config["logging_filename"]}')
- logger.debug(f'...with {config.config["logging_filename_maxsize"]} bytes max file size.')
- f'...and {config.config["logging_filename_count"]} rotating backup file count.'
+ 'Logging to file "%s". (--logging_filename)', config.config["logging_filename"]
+ )
+ logger.debug(
+ '...with %d bytes max file size. (--logging_filename_maxsize)',
+ config.config["logging_filename_maxsize"],
+ )
+ logger.debug(
+ '...and %d rotating backup file count. (--logging_filename_count)',
+ config.config["logging_filename_count"],
if config.config['logging_console']:
- logger.debug('Logging to the console (stderr).')
+ logger.debug('Logging to the console (stderr). (--logging_console)')
if config.config['logging_info_is_print']:
- 'Logging logger.info messages will be repeated on stdout (--logging_info_is_print)'
+ 'Logging logger.info messages will be repeated on stdout. (--logging_info_is_print)'
if config.config['logging_squelch_repeats']:
- 'Logging code allowed to request repeated messages be squelched (--logging_squelch_repeats)'
+ 'Logging code allowed to request repeated messages be squelched. (--logging_squelch_repeats)'
- 'Logging code forbidden to request messages be squelched; all messages logged (--no_logging_squelch_repeats)'
+ 'Logging code forbidden to request messages be squelched; all messages logged. (--no_logging_squelch_repeats)'
if config.config['logging_probabilistically']:
- 'Logging code is allowed to request probabilistic logging (--logging_probabilistically)'
+ 'Logging code is allowed to request probabilistic logging. (--logging_probabilistically)'
- 'Logging code is forbidden to request probabilistic logging; messages always logged (--no_logging_probabilistically)'
+ 'Logging code is forbidden to request probabilistic logging; messages always logged. (--no_logging_probabilistically)'
if config.config['lmodule']:
- f'Logging dynamic per-module logging enabled (--lmodule={config.config["lmodule"]})'
+ f'Logging dynamic per-module logging enabled. (--lmodule={config.config["lmodule"]})'
if config.config['logging_captures_prints']:
- 'Logging will capture printed data as logger.info messages (--logging_captures_prints)'
+ 'Logging will capture printed data as logger.info messages. (--logging_captures_prints)'
if logger is None:
logger = logging.getLogger()
+ # --logging_clear_preexisting_handlers removes logging handlers
+ # that were registered by global statements during imported module
+ # setup.
preexisting_handlers_count = 0
assert config.has_been_parsed()
if config.config['logging_clear_preexisting_handlers']:
preexisting_handlers_count += 1
+ # --logging_config_file pulls logging settings from a config file
+ # skipping the rest of this setup.
if config.config['logging_config_file'] is not None:
return logger
handlers: List[logging.Handler] = []
handler: Optional[logging.Handler] = None
- # Global default logging level (--logging_level)
+ # Global default logging level (--logging_level); messages below
+ # this level will be silenced.
default_logging_level = getattr(logging, config.config['logging_level'].upper(), None)
if not isinstance(default_logging_level, int):
raise ValueError(f'Invalid level: {config.config["logging_level"]}')
+ # Custom or default --logging_format?
if config.config['logging_format']:
fmt = config.config['logging_format']
fmt = '%(levelname).1s:%(filename)s[%(process)d]: %(message)s'
fmt = '%(levelname).1s:%(asctime)s: %(message)s'
+ # --logging_debug_threads and --logging_debug_modules both affect
+ # the format by prepending information about the pid/tid or
+ # file/function.
if config.config['logging_debug_threads']:
fmt = f'%(process)d.%(thread)d|{fmt}'
if config.config['logging_debug_modules']:
fmt = f'%(filename)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)s|{fmt}'
+ # --logging_syslog (optionally with --logging_syslog_facility)
+ # sets up for logging to use the standard system syslogd as a
+ # sink.
facility_name = None
if config.config['logging_syslog']:
if sys.platform not in ('win32', 'cygwin'):
+ # --logging_filename (with friends --logging_filename_count and
+ # --logging_filename_maxsize) set up logging to a file on the
+ # filesystem with automatic rotation when it gets too big.
if config.config['logging_filename']:
handler = RotatingFileHandler(
+ # --logging_console is, ahem, logging to the console.
if config.config['logging_console']:
handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
if len(handlers) == 0:
for handler in handlers:
+ # --logging_info_is_print echoes any message to logger.info(x) as
+ # a print statement on stdout.
if config.config['logging_info_is_print']:
handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+ # --logging_squelch_repeats allows code to request repeat logging
+ # messages (identical log site and message contents) to be
+ # silenced. Logging code must request this explicitly, it isn't
+ # automatic. This option just allows the silencing to happen.
if config.config['logging_squelch_repeats']:
for handler in handlers:
+ # --logging_probabilistically allows code to request
+ # non-deterministic logging where messages have some probability
+ # of being produced. Logging code must request this explicitly.
+ # This option just allows the non-deterministic behavior to
+ # happen. Disabling it will cause every log message to be
+ # produced.
if config.config['logging_probabilistically']:
for handler in handlers:
+ # --lmodule is a way to have a special logging level for just on
+ # module or one set of modules that is different than the one set
+ # globally via --logging_level.
for handler in handlers:
logger.propagate = False
+ # --logging_captures_prints, if set, will capture and log.info
+ # anything printed on stdout.
if config.config['logging_captures_prints']:
import builtins