"""A helper to facilitate quick manual labeling of ML training data."""
-import glob
import logging
import os
+import sys
+import time
import warnings
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Set
+from abc import abstractmethod
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set
import argparse_utils
import config
-class InputSpec:
- """A wrapper around the input data we need to operate; should be
- populated by the caller."""
+class QuickLabelHelper:
+ '''To use this quick labeler your code must create a subclass of this
+ class and implement the abstract methods below. See comments for
+ detailed semantics.'''
- image_file_glob: Optional[str] = None
- image_file_prepopulated_list: Optional[List[str]] = None
- image_file_to_features_file: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None
- label: str = ''
- valid_keystrokes: List[str] = []
- prompt: str = ''
- keystroke_to_label: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_candidate_files(self) -> List[str]:
+ '''This must return a list of raw candidate files for labeling.'''
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_features_for_file(self, filename: str) -> Optional[str]:
+ '''Given a raw file, return its features file.'''
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def render_example(self, filename: str, features: str, lines: List[str]) -> None:
+ '''Render a raw file with its features for the user.'''
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def unrender_example(self, filename: str, features: str, lines: List[str]) -> None:
+ '''Unrender a raw file with its features (if necessary)...'''
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def ask_current_model_about_example(
+ self,
+ filename: str,
+ features: str,
+ lines: List[str],
+ ) -> Any:
+ '''Ask the current ML model about this example, if necessary.'''
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_labelling_keystrokes(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ '''What keystrokes should be considered valid label actions and what
+ label does each keystroke map into. e.g. if you want to ask
+ the user to hit 'y' for 'yes' and code that as 255 in your
+ features or to hit 'n' for 'no' and code that as 0 in your
+ features, return:
+ { 'y': 255, 'n': 0 }
+ '''
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_everything_label(self) -> Any:
+ '''If this returns something other than None it indicates that every
+ example selected should be labeled with this result. Caveat
+ emptor, we will klobber all your files.
+ '''
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_label_feature(self) -> str:
+ '''What feature denotes the example's label? This is used to detect
+ when examples already have a label and to assign labels to
+ examples.'''
+ pass
+def _maybe_read_skip_list() -> Set[str]:
+ '''Reads the skip list (files to just bypass) into memory if using.'''
-def read_skip_list() -> Set[str]:
ret: Set[str] = set()
if config.config['ml_quick_label_use_skip_lists']:
quick_skip_file = config.config['ml_quick_label_skip_list_path']
return ret
-def write_skip_list(skip_list) -> None:
+def _maybe_write_skip_list(skip_list) -> None:
+ '''Writes the skip list (files to just bypass) to disk if using.'''
if config.config['ml_quick_label_use_skip_lists']:
quick_skip_file = config.config['ml_quick_label_skip_list_path']
with open(quick_skip_file, 'w') as f:
logger.debug('Updated %s', quick_skip_file)
-def label(in_spec: InputSpec) -> None:
- import input_utils
- images = []
- if in_spec.image_file_glob is not None:
- images += glob.glob(in_spec.image_file_glob)
- elif in_spec.image_file_prepopulated_list is not None:
- images += in_spec.image_file_prepopulated_list
- else:
- raise ValueError('One of image_file_glob or image_file_prepopulated_list is required')
+def quick_label(helper: QuickLabelHelper) -> None:
+ # Ask helper for an initial set of files.
+ images = helper.get_candidate_files()
+ if len(images) == 0:
+ logger.warning('No images files to operate on.')
+ return
- skip_list = read_skip_list()
+ # Filter out any that can't be converted to features or already have a
+ # label (unless they used --ml_qukck_label_overwrite_labels).
+ filtered_images = []
+ skip_list = _maybe_read_skip_list()
for image in images:
if image in skip_list:
logger.debug('Skipping %s because of the skip list', image)
- assert in_spec.image_file_to_features_file
- features = in_spec.image_file_to_features_file(image)
+ features = helper.get_features_for_file(image)
if features is None or not os.path.exists(features):
- msg = f'File {image} yielded file {features} which does not exist, SKIPPING.'
+ msg = f'{image}/{features}: {features} doesn\'t exist, SKIPPING.'
+ logger.warning(msg)
+ warnings.warn(msg)
+ continue
+ label_label = helper.get_label_feature()
+ label = None
+ with open(features, 'r') as rf:
+ lines = rf.readlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ line = line[:-1]
+ if line.startswith(label_label):
+ label = line
+ if label and not config.config['ml_quick_label_overwrite_labels']:
+ msg = f'{image}/{features}: already has label, SKIPPING'
+ filtered_images.append((image, features))
+ if len(filtered_images) == 0:
+ logger.warning('No image files to operate on (post filter).')
+ return
+ cursor = 0
+ import input_utils
+ while True:
+ assert 0 <= cursor < len(filtered_images)
+ image = filtered_images[cursor][0]
+ assert os.path.exists(image)
+ features = filtered_images[cursor][1]
+ assert features and os.path.exists(features)
- # Render features and image.
filtered_lines = []
- with open(features, "r") as f:
- lines = f.readlines()
- saw_label = False
+ label = None
+ with open(features, 'r') as rf:
+ lines = rf.readlines()
for line in lines:
line = line[:-1]
- if in_spec.label not in line:
+ if not line.startswith(label_label):
- saw_label = True
- if not saw_label or config.config['ml_quick_label_overwrite_labels']:
- logger.info(features)
- os.system(f'xv {image} &')
- keystroke = input_utils.single_keystroke_response(
- in_spec.valid_keystrokes,
- prompt=in_spec.prompt,
- )
- os.system('killall xv')
- assert in_spec.keystroke_to_label
- label_value = in_spec.keystroke_to_label(keystroke)
- filtered_lines.append(f"{in_spec.label}: {label_value}\n")
+ label = line
+ # Render...
+ helper.render_example(image, features, filtered_lines)
+ # Prompt...
+ print(
+ f'{cursor} of {len(filtered_images)} {cursor/len(filtered_images)*100.0:.1f}%): {image}, {features}'
+ )
+ if label:
+ print(f' ...Already labelled: {label}')
+ else:
+ print(' ...Currently unlabeled')
+ guess = helper.ask_current_model_about_example(image, features, filtered_lines)
+ if guess:
+ print(f' ...Model says {guess}')
+ print()
+ # Did they want everything labelled the same?
+ label_everything = helper.get_everything_label()
+ if label_everything:
+ filtered_lines.append(f"{label_label}: {label_everything}\n")
with open(features, 'w') as f:
f.writelines(line + '\n' for line in filtered_lines)
- skip_list.add(image)
- write_skip_list(skip_list)
+ if config.config['ml_quick_label_use_skip_lists']:
+ skip_list.add(image)
+ cursor += 1
+ if cursor >= len(filtered_images):
+ helper.unrender_example(image, features, filtered_lines)
+ break
+ # Otherwise ask about each example.
+ else:
+ labelling_keystrokes = helper.get_labelling_keystrokes()
+ valid_keystrokes = ['<', '>', 'Q', '?']
+ valid_keystrokes += labelling_keystrokes.keys()
+ prompt = ','.join(valid_keystrokes)
+ print(f'What should I do ({prompt})? ', end='')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ keystroke = input_utils.single_keystroke_response(valid_keystrokes)
+ print()
+ if keystroke == 'Q':
+ logger.info('Ok, stopping for now. Labeled examples are written to disk')
+ helper.unrender_example(image, features, filtered_lines)
+ break
+ elif keystroke == '?':
+ print(
+ '''
+ > = Don't label, move to the next example.
+ < = Don't label, move to the previous example.
+ Q = Quit labeling now.
+ ? = This message.
+ else = These keystrokes assign a label to the example and persist it.'''
+ )
+ time.sleep(3.0)
+ elif keystroke == '>':
+ cursor += 1
+ if cursor >= len(filtered_images):
+ print('Wrapping around...')
+ cursor = 0
+ elif keystroke == '<':
+ cursor -= 1
+ if cursor < 0:
+ print('Wrapping around...')
+ cursor = len(filtered_images) - 1
+ elif keystroke in labelling_keystrokes:
+ label_value = labelling_keystrokes[keystroke]
+ filtered_lines.append(f"{label_label}: {label_value}\n")
+ with open(features, 'w') as f:
+ f.writelines(line + '\n' for line in filtered_lines)
+ if config.config['ml_quick_label_use_skip_lists']:
+ skip_list.add(image)
+ cursor += 1
+ if cursor >= len(filtered_images):
+ print('Wrapping around...')
+ cursor = 0
+ else:
+ print(f'Unknown keystroke: {keystroke}')
+ helper.unrender_example(image, features, filtered_lines)
+ _maybe_write_skip_list(skip_list)