raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(e) from e
+def valid_byte_count(txt: str) -> int:
+ """If the string is a valid number of bytes, return an integer
+ representing the requested byte count. This method uses
+ :meth:`string_utils.suffix_string_to_number` to parse and and
+ accepts / understands:
+ - plain numbers (123456)
+ - numbers with ISO suffixes (Mb, Gb, Pb, etc...)
+ If the byte count is not parsable, raise an ArgumentTypeError.
+ Args:
+ txt: data passed to a commandline arg expecting a duration.
+ Returns:
+ An integer number of bytes or raises ArgumentTypeError on
+ error.
+ Sample usage::
+ cfg.add_argument(
+ '--max_file_size',
+ type=argparse_utils.valid_byte_count,
+ default=(1024 * 1024),
+ metavar='NUM_BYTES',
+ help='The largest file we may create',
+ )
+ >>> valid_byte_count('1Mb')
+ 1048576
+ >>> valid_byte_count("1234567")
+ 1234567
+ >>> valid_byte_count("1.2Gb")
+ 1288490188
+ >>> valid_byte_count('1.2') # <--- contains a decimal
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ argparse.ArgumentTypeError: Invalid byte count: 1.2
+ >>> valid_byte_count(1234567) # <--- not a string
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ argparse.ArgumentTypeError: Invalid byte count: 1234567
+ >>> valid_byte_count('On a dark and stormy night')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ argparse.ArgumentTypeError: Invalid byte count: On a dark and stormy night
+ """
+ from pyutils.string_utils import suffix_string_to_number
+ try:
+ num_bytes = suffix_string_to_number(txt)
+ if num_bytes:
+ return num_bytes
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"Invalid byte count: {txt}")
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.exception("Exception while parsing a supposed byte count: %s", txt)
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(e) from e
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest