* capture printed messages into the info log (:code:`--logging_captures_prints`),
* and optionally clear unwanted logging handlers added by other imports
before this one (:code:`--logging_clear_preexisting_handlers`).
+ * There are also :class:`LoggerAdapter` classes to implement prefix/suffix
+ functionality without using :class:`LoggingContext` by wrapping the
+ logger included.
To use this functionality, call :meth:`initialize_logging` early
in your program entry point. If you use the
class PrefixAddingFilter(logging.Filter):
+ """A filter that adds a string prefix to the log record for the
+ formatter to later fill in. Requires a %(prefix)s in the format
+ string.
+ """
def __init__(self, prefix: str, klobber: bool = False):
if prefix:
self.prefix = ""
self.klobber = klobber
+ @overrides
def filter(self, record: logging.LogRecord):
if self.klobber:
record.prefix = self.prefix
class SuffixAddingFilter(logging.Filter):
+ """A filter that adds a string suffix to the log record for the
+ formatter to later fill in. Requires a %(suffix)s in the format
+ string.
+ """
def __init__(self, suffix: str, klobber: bool = False):
if suffix:
self.suffix = ""
self.klobber = klobber
+ @overrides
def filter(self, record: logging.LogRecord):
if self.klobber:
record.suffix = self.suffix
class PrependingLogAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
+ """:class:`LoggingContext` adds prefixes and suffixes using a
+ logging.Filter that must insert "prefix" or "suffix" members into
+ each log record by using :class:`PrefixAddingFilter` and
+ :class:`SuffixAddingFilter`. This relies on the logging format
+ string containing a %(prefix)s and a %(suffix)s to work correctly.
+ This is an alternate approach that basically just wraps the logger
+ in a class that has the same interface and thunks most calls down
+ to the wrapped logger. It might be useful if you don't want to use
+ :class:`LoggingContext` or its friends.
+ >>> logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".PrependingLogAdapter")
+ >>> logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ >>> logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout))
+ At this point logger doesn't have any format string and so it is
+ missing %(prefix)s and %(suffix)s. It also doesn't have a
+ :class:`PrefixAddingFilter` or :class:`SuffixAddingFilter` added.
+ So using it in a :class:`LoggingContext` will not work.
+ But we can still add a prefix or suffix by just wrapping it:
+ >>> logger.info("TEST")
+ >>> log = PrependingLogAdapter.wrap_logger('prefix> ', logger)
+ >>> log.info("TEST")
+ prefix> TEST
+ """
def process(self, msg, kwargs):
return f'{self.extra.get("prefix", "")}{msg}', kwargs
class AppendingLogAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
+ """:class:`LoggingContext` adds prefixes and suffixes using a
+ logging.Filter that must insert "prefix" or "suffix" members into
+ each log record by using :class:`PrefixAddingFilter` and
+ :class:`SuffixAddingFilter`. This relies on the logging format
+ string containing a %(prefix)s and a %(suffix)s to work correctly.
+ This is an alternate approach that basically just wraps the logger
+ in a class that has the same interface and thunks most calls down
+ to the wrapped logger. It might be useful if you don't want to use
+ :class:`LoggingContext` or its friends.
+ >>> logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".AppendingLogAdapter")
+ >>> logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ >>> logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout))
+ At this point logger doesn't have any format string and so it is
+ missing %(prefix)s and %(suffix)s. It also doesn't have a
+ :class:`PrefixAddingFilter` or :class:`SuffixAddingFilter` added.
+ So using it in a :class:`LoggingContext` will not work.
+ But we can still add a prefix or suffix by just wrapping it:
+ >>> logger.info("TEST")
+ >>> log = AppendingLogAdapter.wrap_logger('!!!', logger)
+ >>> log.info("TEST")
+ TEST!!!
+ """
def process(self, msg, kwargs):
return f'{msg}{self.extra.get("suffix", "")}', kwargs
about it.
>>> logging_format = "%(prefix)s%(message)s%(suffix)s"
- >>> logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ >>> logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".LoggingContext")
>>> logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
>>> handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
>>> handler.setFormatter(
wired in under :meth:`initialize_logging` so that the
timestamps in log messages have millisecond level
converter = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp # type: ignore
def _construct_logging_format() -> str:
+ """Figure out the root logging format string based on commandling args."""
# Custom or default --logging_format?
if config.config["logging_format"]:
fmt = config.config["logging_format"]
def _construct_handlers_list(
logging_format: str, facility_name: Optional[str]
) -> List[logging.Handler]:
+ """Create the list of handlers to be added to the root logger
+ based on commandline flags.
+ """
retval: List[logging.Handler] = []
# --logging_syslog (optionally with --logging_syslog_facility)
+ # --logging_info_is_print echoes any message to logger.info(x) as
+ # a print statement on stdout.
+ if config.config["logging_info_is_print"]:
+ print_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+ print_handler.addFilter(OnlyInfoFilter())
+ retval.append(print_handler)
if len(retval) == 0:
return retval
def _add_logging_handlers_and_filters(
logger: logging.Logger, handlers: List[logging.Handler]
) -> None:
+ """Adds a list of handlers to the root logger."""
for handler in handlers:
# These two are always present and set %(prefix) and %(suffix)
# if appropriate (see :class:`LoggingContext`) or make them
# empty string.
- handler.addFilter(PrefixAddingFilter(""))
- handler.addFilter(SuffixAddingFilter(""))
+ handler.addFilter(PrefixAddingFilter("", False))
+ handler.addFilter(SuffixAddingFilter("", False))
# --logging_squelch_repeats allows code to request repeat logging
# messages (identical log site and message contents) to be
- # --logging_info_is_print echoes any message to logger.info(x) as
- # a print statement on stdout.
- if config.config["logging_info_is_print"]:
- handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
- handler.addFilter(OnlyInfoFilter())
- logger.addHandler(handler)
def initialize_logging(logger=None) -> logging.Logger:
"""Initialize logging for the program. See module level comments
it will call this for you. See :meth:`pyutils.bootstrap.initialize`
for more details.
return logging.getLogger()