--- /dev/null
+import requests
+import os
+import json
+import time
+import constants
+import datetime
+import file_writer
+import globals
+import httplib
+import json
+import renderer
+import secrets
+APP_ID = "Vj8pQggXLhLy0WHahglCD4N1nAkkXQtGYpq2HrHD7H1nvmbT55KqtN6RSF4ILB/i"
+HOST_URI = "myqexternal.myqdevice.com"
+LOGIN_ENDPOINT = "api/v4/User/Validate"
+DEVICE_LIST_ENDPOINT = "api/v4/UserDeviceDetails/Get"
+DEVICE_SET_ENDPOINT = "api/v4/DeviceAttribute/PutDeviceAttribute"
+class MyQDoor:
+ myq_device_id = None
+ myq_lamp_device_id = None
+ myq_device_descr = None
+ myq_device_update_ts = None
+ myq_device_state = None
+ myq_security_token = None
+ def __init__(self, device_id, lamp_id, descr, update_ts, state, token):
+ self.myq_device_id = device_id
+ self.myq_lamp_device_id = lamp_id
+ self.myq_device_descr = descr
+ self.myq_device_update_ts = update_ts
+ self.myq_device_state = state
+ self.myq_security_token = token
+ def update(self, update_ts, state):
+ self.myq_device_update_ts = update_ts
+ self.myq_device_state = state
+ def get_name(self):
+ return self.myq_device_descr
+ def get_update_ts(self):
+ return self.myq_device_update_ts
+ def open(self):
+ self.change_door_state("open")
+ def close(self):
+ self.change_door_state("close")
+ def lamp_on(self):
+ self.change_lamp_state("on")
+ def lamp_off(self):
+ self.change_lamp_state("off")
+ def get_status(self):
+ state = self.myq_device_state
+ if state == "1":
+ return "open"
+ elif state == "2":
+ return "closed"
+ elif state == "3":
+ return "stopped"
+ elif state == "4":
+ return "opening"
+ elif state == "5":
+ return "closing"
+ elif state == "8":
+ return "moving"
+ elif state == "9":
+ return "open"
+ else:
+ return str(state) + ", an unknown state for the door."
+ def get_state_icon(self):
+ state = self.myq_device_state
+ if (state == "1" or state == "9"):
+ return "/icons/garage_open.png"
+ elif (state == "2"):
+ return "/icons/garage_closed.png"
+ elif (state == "4"):
+ return "/icons/garage_opening.png"
+ elif (state == "5" or state == "8"):
+ return "/icons/garage_closing.png"
+ else:
+ return str(state) + ", an unknown state for the door."
+ def get_lamp_status(self):
+ state = self.check_lamp_state()
+ if state == "0":
+ return "off"
+ elif state == "1":
+ return "on"
+ else:
+ return "unknown"
+ def change_device_state(self, payload):
+ device_action = requests.put(
+ 'https://{host_uri}/{device_set_endpoint}'.format(
+ host_uri=HOST_URI,
+ device_set_endpoint=DEVICE_SET_ENDPOINT),
+ data=payload,
+ headers={
+ 'MyQApplicationId': APP_ID,
+ 'SecurityToken': self.myq_security_token
+ }
+ )
+ return device_action.status_code == 200
+ def change_lamp_state(self, command):
+ newstate = 1 if command.lower() == "on" else 0
+ payload = {
+ "attributeName": "desiredlightstate",
+ "myQDeviceId": self.myq_lamp_device_id,
+ "AttributeValue": newstate
+ }
+ return self.change_device_state(payload)
+ def change_door_state(self, command):
+ open_close_state = 1 if command.lower() == "open" else 0
+ payload = {
+ 'attributeName': 'desireddoorstate',
+ 'myQDeviceId': self.myq_device_id,
+ 'AttributeValue': open_close_state,
+ }
+ return self.change_device_state(payload)
+ def check_door_state(self):
+ return self.myq_device_state
+# def check_lamp_state(self):
+# return self.check_device_state(self.myq_lamp_device_id, "lightstate")
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "MyQ device(%s/%s), last update %s, current state %s" % (
+ self.myq_device_descr,
+ self.myq_device_id,
+ self.myq_device_update_ts,
+ self.get_status());
+class MyQService:
+ myq_security_token = ""
+ myq_device_list = {}
+ def __init__(self, username, password):
+ self.username = username
+ self.password = password
+ def login(self):
+ params = {
+ 'username': self.username,
+ 'password': self.password
+ }
+ login = requests.post(
+ 'https://{host_uri}/{login_endpoint}'.format(
+ host_uri=HOST_URI,
+ login_endpoint=LOGIN_ENDPOINT),
+ json=params,
+ headers={
+ 'MyQApplicationId': APP_ID
+ }
+ )
+ auth = login.json()
+ self.myq_security_token = auth.get('SecurityToken')
+ return True
+ def get_raw_device_list(self):
+ devices = requests.get(
+ 'https://{host_uri}/{device_list_endpoint}'.format(
+ host_uri=HOST_URI,
+ device_list_endpoint=DEVICE_LIST_ENDPOINT),
+ headers={
+ 'MyQApplicationId': APP_ID,
+ 'SecurityToken': self.myq_security_token
+ })
+ return devices.json().get('Devices')
+ def get_devices(self):
+ return self.myq_device_list
+ def update_devices(self):
+ devices = self.get_raw_device_list()
+ if devices is None:
+ return False
+ for dev in devices:
+ if dev["MyQDeviceTypeId"] != 7: continue
+ identifier = str(dev["MyQDeviceId"])
+ update_ts = None
+ state = None
+ name = None
+ for attr in dev["Attributes"]:
+ key = attr["AttributeDisplayName"]
+ value = attr["Value"]
+ if (key == "doorstate"):
+ state = value
+ ts = int(attr["UpdatedTime"]) / 1000.0
+ update_ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts)
+ elif (key == "desc"):
+ name = value
+ if (identifier in self.myq_device_list):
+ self.myq_device_list[identifier].update(
+ update_ts, state)
+ else:
+ device = MyQDoor(identifier,
+ None,
+ name,
+ update_ts,
+ state,
+ self.myq_security_token)
+ self.myq_device_list[identifier] = device
+ return True
+class garage_door_renderer(renderer.debuggable_abstaining_renderer):
+ def __init__(self, name_to_timeout_dict):
+ super(garage_door_renderer, self).__init__(name_to_timeout_dict, False)
+ self.myq_service = MyQService(secrets.myq_username,
+ secrets.myq_password)
+ self.myq_service.login()
+ self.myq_service.update_devices()
+ def debug_prefix(self):
+ return "myq"
+ def periodic_render(self, key):
+ self.debug_print("*** Executing action %s ***" % key)
+ if key == "Poll MyQ":
+ return self.myq_service.update_devices()
+ elif key == "Update Page":
+ return self.update_page()
+ else:
+ raise error("Unknown operaiton")
+ def do_door(self, name):
+ doors = self.myq_service.get_devices()
+ now = datetime.datetime.now()
+ is_night = now.hour <= 7 or now.hour >= 21
+ for key in doors:
+ door = doors[key]
+ if door.get_name() == name:
+ ts = door.get_update_ts()
+ delta = now - ts
+ d = int(delta.total_seconds())
+ days = divmod(d, constants.seconds_per_day)
+ hours = divmod(days[1], constants.seconds_per_hour)
+ minutes = divmod(hours[1], constants.seconds_per_minute)
+ width = 0
+ if is_night and door.get_status() == "open":
+ color = "border-color: #ff0000;"
+ width = 15
+ else:
+ color = ""
+ width = 0
+ return """
+<TD WIDTH=49%%>
+ <FONT STYLE="font-size:26pt">%s<BR>
+ <IMG SRC="%s"
+ HEIGHT=250
+ STYLE="border-style: solid; border-width: %dpx; %s">
+ <BR>
+ <B>%s</B></FONT><BR>
+ for %d day(s), %02d:%02d.
+</TD>""" % (name,
+ door.get_state_icon(),
+ width,
+ color,
+ door.get_status(),
+ days[0], hours[0], minutes[0])
+ return None
+ def update_page(self):
+ f = file_writer.file_writer(constants.myq_pagename)
+ now = datetime.datetime.now()
+ f.write("""
+<H1>Garage Door Status</H1>
+<!-- Last updated at %s -->
+ <TR>
+""" % now)
+ html = self.do_door("Near House")
+ if html == None:
+ return False
+ f.write(html)
+ html = self.do_door("Middle Door")
+ if html == None:
+ return False
+ f.write(html)
+ f.write("""
+ </TR>
+ f.close()
+ return True