"""A bunch of color names mapped into RGB tuples and some methods for
setting the text color, background, etc... using ANSI escape
import contextlib
def clear() -> str:
+ """Clear screen ANSI escape sequence"""
return "\e[H\e[2J"
def clear_screen() -> str:
+ """Clear screen ANSI escape sequence"""
return "\e[H\e[2J"
def reset() -> str:
+ """Reset text attributes to 'normal'"""
return "\e[m"
def normal() -> str:
+ """Reset text attributes to 'normal'"""
return "\e[m"
def bold() -> str:
+ """Set text to bold"""
return "\e[1m"
def italic() -> str:
+ """Set text to italic"""
return "\e[3m"
def italics() -> str:
+ """Set text to italic"""
return italic()
def underline() -> str:
+ """Set text to underline"""
return "\e[4m"
def strikethrough() -> str:
+ """Set text to strikethrough"""
return "\e[9m"
def strike_through() -> str:
+ """Set text to strikethrough"""
return strikethrough()
def is_16color(num: int) -> bool:
+ """Is num a valid 16 color number?"""
return num in (255, 128)
def is_216color(num: int) -> bool:
+ """Is num a valid 256 color number?"""
return num in set([0, 95, 135, 175, 223, 255])
def _simple_color_number(red: int, green: int, blue: int) -> int:
+ """Construct a simple color number"""
r = red > 0
g = green > 0
b = blue > 0
def fg_16color(red: int, green: int, blue: int) -> str:
+ """Set foreground color using 16 color mode"""
code = _simple_color_number(red, green, blue) + 30
bright_count = 0
if red > 128:
def bg_16color(red: int, green: int, blue: int) -> str:
+ """Set background using 16 color mode"""
code = _simple_color_number(red, green, blue) + 40
bright_count = 0
if red > 128:
def fg_216color(red: int, green: int, blue: int) -> str:
+ """Set foreground using 216 color mode"""
r = _pixel_to_216color(red)
g = _pixel_to_216color(green)
b = _pixel_to_216color(blue)
def bg_216color(red: int, green: int, blue: int) -> str:
+ """Set background using 216 color mode"""
r = _pixel_to_216color(red)
g = _pixel_to_216color(green)
b = _pixel_to_216color(blue)
def fg_24bit(red: int, green: int, blue: int) -> str:
+ """Set foreground using 24bit color mode"""
return f"\e[38;2;{red};{green};{blue}m"
def bg_24bit(red: int, green: int, blue: int) -> str:
+ """Set background using 24bit color mode"""
return f"\e[48;2;{red};{green};{blue}m"
force_216color are passed (respectively). Otherwise the code will
do what it thinks best.
+ Args:
+ name: the name of the color to set
+ red: the color to set's red component value
+ green: the color to set's green component value
+ blue: the color to set's blue component value
+ force_16color: force fg to use 16 color mode
+ force_216color: force fg to use 216 color mode
+ Returns:
+ String containing the ANSI escape sequence to set desired foreground
>>> import string_utils as su
>>> su.to_base64(fg('blue'))
if name is not None and name == 'reset':
return '\033[39m'
contrasting color given the red, green, blue of a background
color or a color name of the background color.
+ Args:
+ name: the name of the color to contrast
+ red: the color to contrast's red component value
+ green: the color to contrast's green component value
+ blue: the color to contrast's blue component value
+ Returns:
+ An RGB tuple containing a contrasting color
>>> pick_contrasting_color(None, 20, 20, 20)
(255, 255, 255)
def guess_name(name: str) -> str:
+ """Try to guess what color the user is talking about"""
best_guess = None
max_ratio = None
for possibility in COLOR_NAMES_TO_RGB:
"""Returns an ANSI color code for changing the current background
+ Args:
+ name: the name of the color to set
+ red: the color to set's red component value
+ green: the color to set's green component value
+ blue: the color to set's blue component value
+ force_16color: force bg to use 16 color mode
+ force_216color: force bg to use 216 color mode
>>> import string_utils as su
>>> su.to_base64(bg("red")) # b'\x1b[48;5;196m'
if name is not None and name == 'reset':
return '\033[49m'