import contextlib
import logging
import math
+import re
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
strings: List[str],
width: int = 80,
- alignment: str = "c",
padding: str = " ",
) -> str:
- Distributes strings into a line with a particular justification.
+ Distributes strings into a line for justified text.
>>> distribute_strings(['this', 'is', 'a', 'test'], width=40)
- ' this is a test '
- >>> distribute_strings(['this', 'is', 'a', 'test'], width=40, alignment='l')
- 'this is a test '
- >>> distribute_strings(['this', 'is', 'a', 'test'], width=40, alignment='r')
- ' this is a test'
+ ' this is a test '
- subwidth = math.floor(width / len(strings))
- retval = ""
- for string in strings:
- string = justify_string(string, width=subwidth, alignment=alignment, padding=padding)
- retval += string
- while len(retval) > width:
- retval = retval.replace(' ', ' ', 1)
- while len(retval) < width:
- retval = retval.replace(' ', ' ', 1)
- return retval
+ ret = ' ' + ' '.join(strings) + ' '
+ assert len(ret) < width
+ x = 0
+ while len(ret) < width:
+ spaces = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(r' ([^ ]|$)', ret)]
+ where = spaces[x]
+ before = ret[:where]
+ after = ret[where:]
+ ret = before + padding + after
+ x += 1
+ if x >= len(spaces):
+ x = 0
+ return ret
def justify_string_by_chunk(string: str, width: int = 80, padding: str = " ") -> str:
Justifies a string.
>>> justify_string_by_chunk("This is a test", 40)
- 'This is a test'
+ 'This is a test'
>>> justify_string_by_chunk("This is a test", 20)
- 'This is a test'
+ 'This is a test'
+ assert len(string) <= width
padding = padding[0]
first, *rest, last = string.split()
- w = width - (len(first) + 1 + len(last) + 1)
- ret = first + padding + distribute_strings(rest, width=w, padding=padding) + padding + last
+ w = width - (len(first) + len(last))
+ ret = first + distribute_strings(rest, width=w, padding=padding) + last
return ret
>>> justify_string('This is another test', width=40, alignment='r')
' This is another test'
>>> justify_string('This is another test', width=40, alignment='j')
- 'This is another test'
+ 'This is another test'
alignment = alignment[0]
return ''
+def box(
+ title: Optional[str] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, *, width: int = 80, color: str = ''
+ """Draws a box with nice rounded corners.
+ >>> box('Title', 'This is text', width=30)
+ ╭────────────────────────────╮
+ │ Title │
+ │ │
+ │ This is text │
+ ╰────────────────────────────╯
+ """
+ assert width > 4
+ if color == '':
+ rset = ''
+ else:
+ rset = reset()
+ w = width - 2
+ print(color + '╭' + '─' * w + '╮' + rset)
+ if title is not None:
+ print(
+ color + '│' + rset + justify_string(title, width=w, alignment='c') + color + '│' + rset
+ )
+ print(color + '│' + ' ' * w + '│' + rset)
+ if text is not None:
+ for line in justify_text(text, width=w - 2, alignment='l').split('\n'):
+ tw = len(line)
+ assert tw < w
+ print(color + '│ ' + rset + line + ' ' * (w - tw - 2) + color + ' │' + rset)
+ print(color + '╰' + '─' * w + '╯' + rset)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest