print(self.pad_prefix + self.padding * self.level + text, end='')
-def header(title: str, *, width: int = 80, color: str = ''):
+def header(
+ title: str,
+ *,
+ width: Optional[int] = None,
+ align: Optional[str] = None,
+ style: Optional[str] = 'solid',
Returns a nice header line with a title.
- >>> header('title', width=60, color='')
+ >>> header('title', width=60, style='ascii')
'----[ title ]-----------------------------------------------'
- w = width
- w -= len(string_utils.strip_ansi_sequences(title)) + 4
- if w >= 4:
- left = 4 * '-'
- right = (w - 4) * '-'
- if color != '' and color is not None:
- r = reset()
- else:
- r = ''
- return f'{left}[ {color}{title}{r} ]{right}'
+ if not width:
+ width = get_console_rows_columns().columns
+ if not align:
+ align = 'left'
+ if align == 'left':
+ left = 4
+ right = width - (left + len(string_utils.strip_ansi_sequences(title)) + 4)
+ elif align == 'right':
+ right = 4
+ left = width - (right + len(string_utils.strip_ansi_sequences(title)) + 4)
+ else:
+ left = int((width - (len(string_utils.strip_ansi_sequences(title)) + 4)) / 2)
+ right = left
+ if style == 'solid':
+ line_char = '━'
+ begin = ''
+ end = ''
+ elif style == 'dashed':
+ line_char = '┅'
+ begin = ''
+ end = ''
- return ''
+ line_char = '-'
+ begin = '['
+ end = ']'
+ return line_char * left + begin + ' ' + title + ' ' + end + line_char * right
def box(