+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.0//EN">
+ <book>
+ <bookinfo>
+ <title>Typhoon Chess Engine</title>
+ <author>
+ <firstname>Scott</firstname>
+ <surname>Gasch</surname>
+ <affiliation>
+ </affiliation>
+ </author>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>2002-2006</year>
+ </copyright>
+ <pubdate role="rcs">$Date$</pubdate>
+ <releaseinfo>$Id$</releaseinfo>
+ <abstract>
+ <para>
+This is a user's guide for the <ulink
+url="http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess">typhoon chess
+engine</ulink>. Its intended audience is the set of people who have
+downloaded a copy of my chess engine source code available at <ulink
+http://wannabe.guru.org/svn/typhoon/trunk</ulink> or have downloaded a
+precompiled binary that someone else compiled. The goal of this
+manual is to document how to build and use the chess engine. If you
+don't care about how to use typhoon are instead looking for a more
+technical discussion of how to write your own chess engine you might
+try <ulink url="http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess">
+http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess</ulink> or simply dig
+into the <ulink url="http://wannabe.guru.org/svn/typhoon/trunk">
+source code</ulink> itself.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+This user's guide is available in several formats:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><para>One large HTML file: <ulink
+ url="http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess/typhoon.html">
+ http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess/typhoon.html</ulink>
+ </para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Plain (7 bit ASCII) text: <ulink
+ url="http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess/typhoon.txt">
+ http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess/typhoon.txt</ulink>
+ </para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Adobe PostScript: <ulink
+ url="http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess/typhoon.ps">
+ http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess/typhoon.ps</ulink>
+ </para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF): <ulink
+ url="http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess/typhoon.pdf">
+ http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess/typhoon.pdf</ulink>
+ </para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Microsoft Rich Text Format (RTF): <ulink
+ url="http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess/typhoon.rtf">
+ http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess/typhoon.rtf</ulink>
+ </para></listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </abstract>
+ </bookinfo>
+ <chapter>
+ <title>Preliminaries</title>
+ <para>
+This is a the user's guide for the typhoon chess engine. It covers
+how to build, install, configure and use the engine.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+If you are impatient, have a look at the <link linkend="quickstart">
+Quick Start Guide</link> section; it
+will take you through the basics of getting the engine installed and
+working. Come back to the rest of the user's guide if you run into
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Readers with more patience may skip the Quick Start and read the rest
+of the guide in order for a run though of how to get the engine
+installed and configured. This will also familiarize you with more
+advanced topics such as how to build your own opening book from PGN
+files, how to instruct typhoon to use Eugene Nalimov format endgame
+tablebases, how to run script files and how to execute commends
+automatically at engine startup time.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+me</ulink> with questions or problems. Before you do, though, please
+read this guide and see if your query has been addressed already.
+ </para>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Introduction</title>
+ <para>
+Typhoon is a chess playing program that I've been working on for a
+few years now as a hobby. It's ugly, unpolished and full of
+bugs. While it has its moments of brilliance, it is not yet as strong
+as some other freely available engines like Yace or Crafty. If you
+<link linkend="bugs">find a bug</link>, especially one related to
+like to hear about it.</ulink>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+When I reach a point in this project where I am happy with the playing
+strength, usability, stability and portability of the engine I'll
+release it under the GPL or a similar license. Until then please
+consider the source code an alpha-quality prerelease. Do not
+redistribute, sell, or modify my chess engine.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Typhoon has a modest (and probably outdated) homepage on the Internet
+at <ulink url="http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess/">
+http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess/</ulink>. Drop by and
+have a look. Typhoon has played in three (3) tournaments to date,
+<ulink url= "http://www.vrichey.de/cct3/">CCT3</ulink>, <ulink url=
+"http://www.vrichey.de/cct4/">CCT4</ulink> and <ulink url=
+"http://www.vrichey.de/cct5/">CCT5</ulink>. In CCT3 it placed 30th of
+32. In CCT4 it placed 15th of 46. In CCT5 is placed 6th of 45.
+The engine also plays from time to time on the <ulink
+url="http://www.chessclub.com">Internet Chess Club</ulink> where it
+maintains a <ulink
+standard rating around 2500 and a blitz rating around 2700</ulink>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Finally, all files in this archive except where otherwise noted are
+Copyright (C) 2002-2006 by Scott Gasch. They come with no warranty
+of any kind. There are known bugs in the engine. If you choose to
+use the chess engine then you do so at your own risk. Caveat emptor.
+ </para>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Acknowledgments </title>
+ <para>
+Thanks to all the members of the <ulink
+url="http://www.talkchess.com"> Computer Chess Club (CCC)</ulink>
+discussion board especially Bob Hyatt (<application>Cray
+Blitz</application>, <application>Crafty</application>) and Bruce
+Moreland (<application>Ferret</application>,
+<application>Gerbil</application>) for their patience and willingness
+to explain chess-programming concepts.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Thanks to Eugene Nalimov and Ernst Heniz
+(<application>DarkThought</application>) for their continuing work on
+high quality endgame tablebases.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Thanks to Tim Mann for his continuing work on
+<application>xboard</application> /
+<application>WinBoard</application>. Thanks to Tom Kerrigan
+(<application>TSCP</application>, <application>Stobor</application>)
+for publishing <application>TSCP</application> source code which was
+the first chess engine I read and the reason I became interested in
+chess programming. Thanks to Thorsten Greiner for writing and
+publishing the source to his <application>Amy</application> program
+and (again) to Bob Hyatt for writing and publishing the source to
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Thanks (again) to Ernst Heinz for publishing his research on
+computer chess.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Thanks to FM Vincent Diepeveen (<application>Diep</application>) for
+his discussions and expert advice. Many thanks to Dann Corbit for the
+initial port of typhoon to the <application>Microsoft Visual
+C/C++</application> and <application>Intel C++</application>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Thanks to IM Mark Chapman for his help with opening book lines and his
+patient expert analysis of chess positions.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Thanks to Peter McKenzie (<application>LambChop</application>,
+<application>Warp</application>) for discussing chess programming
+ideas and sharing his thoughts and advice.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Finally many thanks to Steve Timson
+(<application>Chester</application>) for sharing his good ideas and
+listening to my lousy ones... without his advice typhoon would surely
+not be as strong as it is today.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+The binaries included in the typhoon distribution are based, in part,
+on code that I did not write. Such code remains under the copyright
+notice of it's author. I'm grateful to the original authors of the
+code listed below for sharing it and giving me permission to use it.
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><filename>mtf.c</filename> (Mersenne Twister random number
+ generator) is Copyright (C) 1997 by Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji
+ Nishimura. It has been included in typhoon with the authors'
+ permissions.
+ </para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>
+ (part of) <filename>system.c</filename>, specifically the case
+ insensitive string comparison and manipulation functions, were
+ taken from the source code for the BSD C runtime library when
+ they were found to be not present on Win32. This code was
+ released under the BSD license and remains Copyright (C) 1987 by
+ Regents of the University of California.
+ </para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>
+ <emphasis>Win32 timer code</emphasis> was donated by Dann Corbit
+ during the initial port of typhoon to Win32. It's used with the
+ author's permission. Thanks, Dann!
+ </para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>
+ <filename>egtb.cpp</filename> was written
+ by Eugene Nalimov, released as part of crafty, and reused with
+ the author's permission.
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="quickstart">
+ <title>Quick Start Guide</title>
+ <para>
+This is the raw step-by-step guide for getting your copy working on
+your computer. If you have questions about any step, stop reading
+the Quick Start Guide and move on to the <link linkend="compile">
+detailed explanation</link> later in this document. In fact, if
+you are not impatient, go ahead and skip the whole Quick Start
+Guide; everything covered here is also covered more completely
+later on.
+ </para>
+ <orderedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+Verify that you are either running some flavor of <application>Windows
+NT (NT/2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista)</application>, <application>
+FreeBSD</application>, <application>Linux</application> or <application>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+Verify that you intend to run the chess engine on an x86
+microprocessor (Intel Pentium, AMD Athlon, Intel-based Mac, etc...)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+If you plan to compile the engine from source code, follow the
+steps below. If you have a precompiled binary for your system
+you can skip these.
+ <orderedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ You will need either <application>gcc, g++</application>, and
+ <application>gmake</application> or the <application>Microsoft
+ Visual C++</application> compiler.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ You will also need a copy of the <application>nasm</application>
+ assembler.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Copy the source code to a directory on your machine (or
+ <link linkend="svn">use Subversion</link> to get a
+ snapshot).
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ If you're using <application>gcc, g++</application> and
+ <application>gmake</application> have a look at
+ <filename>GNUmakefile</filename> and make sure all
+ variables look reasonable to you. Then, from the
+ commandline type <userinput>make PERF_COUNTERS=1</userinput>.
+ This will produce a binary image
+ called <filename>typhoon</filename> if all goes well.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If you're using <application>MSVC</application>, select
+ the "Release" configuration and build it. If all
+ goes well it will produce a binary called <filename>
+ typhoon.exe</filename> in the <filename>Release/</filename>
+ subdirectory. Note that you may have to edit
+ the project settings to point to where <filename>nasm.exe
+ </filename> can be found on your system.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ If you want to build a multithreaded version of the engine
+ with <application>gcc</application>, add
+ <userinput>MP=1</userinput> to your <application>gmake
+ </application> commandline. If
+ you're interested in building a multithreaded engine with
+ <application>MSVC</application> just build the "MP Release"
+ configuration.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </orderedlist>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ All you need to play chess is the typhoon binary itself and
+ some chessboard GUI program (like Tim Mann's <ulink
+ url="http://www.tim-mann.org/xboard.html"><application>
+ xboard</application> (or <application>winboard</application>)
+ </ulink>). To run typhoon under <application>xboard</application>
+ just type <userinput>xboard -fcp /path/to/typhoon</userinput>.
+ Note that typhoon requires version 4.2.3 or higher of
+ <application>xboard</application> (or
+ <application>WinBoard</application>).
+ There is also a <link linkend="winboard">section
+ about using typhoon under <application>xboard</application>
+ or <application>WinBoard</application></link> later in this guide.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If you want an opening book you can either download one from
+ <ulink url="http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess/books">my
+ site</ulink> or build your own from PGN. If you're interested
+ in the latter, <link linkend="makebook">see the guide section
+ about building a book from scratch</link>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If you're interested in doing anything non-trivial with
+ the engine you'll probably want to read the sections on
+ <link linkend="commandline">commandline arguments</link>,
+ <link linkend="commands">commands</link>, and
+ <link linkend="egtb">tablebases</link> later in this document.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </orderedlist>
+ <para>
+If you have any problems, please read the rest of this guide before
+ </para>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>System Requirements</title>
+ <para>
+Typhoon only runs on x86 microprocessor based systems. This means
+that your Intel Pentium or AMD Athlon system will work. This also
+means that more recent Apple Macs will run the program. I have
+not yet ported the code to any other processor architecture.
+It's possible that there will be a native AMD64 port of typhoon
+in the future (namely, when I buy a machine).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Typhoon only runs under <application>Windows NT</application>
+(<application>Windows NT 4.0</application>, <application>Windows 2000
+</application>, <application>Windows XP</application>, <application>
+Windows Server 2003</application>, <application>Windows Vista
+</application>), <application>FreeBSD</application>,
+<application>Linux</application> and <application>OSX</application>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Specifically, the engine, when built with Microsoft Visual C/C++, is
+known not to work with <application>Windows 95</application>,
+<application>Windows 98</application>, and <application>Windows
+ME</application>. Some third parties have reported that the engine
+does work under <application>Windows 98</application> when built with
+Cygwin but I have never tried this configuration. If you're not sure
+what version of Windows you are using, click "start" then "run" then
+type <userinput>winver</userinput>. If the version reported is
+greater than or equal to 5.0 then your operating system can definitely
+run typhoon.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+The codebase may build on other operating systems for Intel-based
+processors. If <application>gcc</application> and <application>
+nasm</application> are available for your platform of choice, give
+</ulink> how it goes.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+If you got a precompiled version of typhoon from some third party then,
+of course, you need to make sure the version you received was built for
+your system.
+ </para>
+I do <emphasis>not</emphasis> currently provide a precompiled version
+of the code and that running any program someone else built for you
+is inherently risky. Make sure you trust the source of such an image
+and be careful running it. If you're unsure of the integrity of the
+source of the precompiled package it's better to build your own.
+ <para>
+To run the engine your computer should have something reasonable like
+at least 128Mb or memory and around 10Mb of free hard drive space for an
+opening book.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+The engine does not need to be run with administrative privileges but if
+you do run it with elevated privileges it will do some nice things like
+try to lock its memory and run with slightly raised priority.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+While a chess GUI (like <application>xboard</application>,
+<application>WinBoard</application>, or
+<application>Arena</application>) is not technically "required"
+in order to typhoon, they make the experience more enjoyable.
+The engine itself has no UI to speak of -- it is its only
+output is text based. Therefore it's strongly recommended that you
+download and install some GUI frontend to use with typhoon.
+There is a <link linkend="winboard">section</link> later in this
+guide that describes where to get <application>WinBoard</application>
+and how to get the engine working with it.
+ </para>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="compile">
+ <title>Compilation Guide</title>
+ <para>
+If you want to compile the chess engine from source code (which may be
+your only option since at present I do not distribute binary images of
+the engine) you will probably need to use
+<application>gcc/g++</application> with GNU
+<application>make</application>, <application>gcc/g++</application>
+with BSD-style <application>make</application> or <application>Microsoft
+Visual C/C++</application>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+I've built typhoon successfully on pretty much every version
+of <application>gcc</application> from 2.8 onward. I've also used
+all of the Microsoft compilers from <application>VC6.0</application>
+onward. As far as I know any of these should work fine with the
+caveat that the <filename>typhoon.sln</filename> file currently
+checked in and available on the source site is for
+<application>Microsoft Visual C/C++ 2003</application>.
+ </para>
+I have never tried using <application>mingw</application>
+(<application>gcc</application> for <application>Windows</application>)
+or Intel's <application>icc</application> (which claims to compile
+<application>MSVC</application> projects) so if you try one let me know
+how it goes. The code is reasonably compiler agnostic so getting it to
+build on some other random C/C++ compiler should be relatively
+painless... I hope. If you have any success porting the codebase
+drop me a line</ulink>.
+ <para>
+In order to build <filename>x86.asm</filename> you will also need a copy of
+the <ulink url="http://nasm.sourceforge.net/wakka.php?wakka=HomePage">
+Netwide Assembler (<application>nasm</application>)</ulink>. Some
+(much hairier) alternatives are to translate the assembly language
+to work with some other assembler or to just use the C-language
+versions of the routines in <filename>x86.asm</filename>. Neither
+option is recommended. Make sure that if you are building typhoon
+on a Mac you have a version of <application>nasm</application> that
+can produce mach0 format object files (i.e. it supports the
+<userinput>-f macho</userinput> commandline flag).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Start by copying everything from <ulink
+into a directory on your machine. While you can do this manually (or
+with wget/fetch), a cool alternative is to use <ulink
+</ulink> (a version control system) to <link linkend="svn">check out
+a read-only snapshot of the code</link> from my server. The reason
+I do not have a pre-packaged code archive is because the code you can
+download from the URL above is a current snapshot of the chess engine;
+when you use the URL above you are getting the most recent update of
+the engine available.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Have a look at the <filename>README</filename> file to humor me.
+Then, what happens next depends largely on what compiler you have
+chosen to use.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+If you decided on the <application>gcc/g++/gmake</application>
+toolset, take a look at the <filename>GNUmakefile</filename>.
+You might want to change some variables such as CC, CXX and NASM,
+and CPU based on the system you plan to build with. The defaults
+are probably reasonable in most cases.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+If you have a BSD-style <application>make</application>, take a
+look at <filename>Makefile</filename> instead.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+In order to build a single threaded release version of the chess
+engine, type <userinput>make PERF_COUNTERS=1</userinput>.
+A multithreaded release version is almost the same, just add an
+<userinput>MP=1</userinput> to the line. Whereas both <application>
+Linux</application> and <application>FreeBSD</application> based
+systems require explicit no build flags, to build for Apple
+<application>OSX</application> systems you should add an additional
+<userinput>OSX=1</userinput> to the build commandline.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+While we're on the subject, here's a list of the preprocessor
+symbols that you can use when building typhoon and their effects:
+ <informaltable>
+ <tgroup cols="2">
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>Preprocessor symbol</entry>
+ <entry>Effect on image</entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry>DEBUG</entry>
+ <entry>Produces a much slower image that has extra checks
+ enabled. Symbols are not stripped. See <link
+ linkend="debug">the section about DEBUG builds</link> for
+ more information.</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>TEST</entry>
+ <entry>Bakes some unit testcases into the image, enables
+ the <userinput>test</userinput> command. Refer to
+ <link linkend="test">the section about TEST builds</link>
+ for more information.</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>ASM</entry>
+ <entry>Causes <application>gcc</application> to produce
+ intermediate assembly language (<filename>.s</filename>)
+ files during the build.</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>EVAL_DUMP</entry>
+ <entry>Causes the engine to pay attention to all terms
+ affecting a position's evaluation and be dump them
+ after every eval. Read <link linkend="evaldump">
+ the section about EVAL_DUMP builds</link> to learn
+ more.</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>EVAL_TIME</entry>
+ <entry>Causes the engine to pay attention to how many
+ processor cycles it spends evaluating each position.
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>PERF_COUNTERS</entry>
+ <entry>Enables several performance related counters
+ in the engine.</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>BOUNDS_CHECKING</entry>
+ <entry>If you have patched your version of <application>
+ gcc</application> to include <userinput>-fbounds-checking
+ </userinput>, this builds an image with baked in
+ bounds checking support.</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>MP</entry>
+ <entry>Enables the threadpool and search-splitting code
+ needed to support more than one thread searching at a
+ time.</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>DUMP_TREE</entry>
+ <entry>Produces dumps of search trees in XML format. Tree
+ dump files can be viewed with a web browser or using the
+ <application>typhoonui.exe</application> viewer in the
+ <application>Subversion</application> repository.
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>OSX</entry>
+ <entry>Produces a binary for Intel-based Apple Macs</entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </informaltable>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Building with <application>MSVC</application> involves selecting a
+configuration and compiling. You probably want to build "Release"
+or "MP Release". The only wrinkle is that in the custom build step
+you will probably have to set the path to
+<application>nasm</application> on your system. The resulting image
+will be either <filename>Release\typhoon.exe</filename> or
+<filename>MP Release\typhoon.exe</filename> depending on which
+configuration you built.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+The image you build can run stand-alone as a text-based chess engine
+with no opening book. But if you want to run in a more comfortable
+manner, read on to the next sections which cover the details of setup.
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="svn">
+ <title>Using <application>Subversion</application> to get Typhoon</title>
+ <para>
+I use the <application>Subversion</application> version control system to
+develop typhoon. If you have <application>svn</application>
+installed on your system you can use it to check out a read-only
+snapshot of the source code on your machine, keep up to date with
+changes I make, access file histories, project branches and change
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Just use the URL <filename>http://wannabe.guru.org/svn/typhoon</filename>
+as your repository path. To get the initial snapshot of the code
+issue the <userinput>svn checkout</userinput> command from a directory
+you created to house the typhoon source code:
+ </para>
+svn checkout http://wannabe.guru.org/svn/typhoon/trunk
+ <para>
+The command <userinput>svn co</userinput> is a shorthand version of
+<userinput>svn checkout</userinput>. Also, if you want more of the
+typhoon project than just the current code, you can omit the
+<userinput>/trunk</userinput> from the end of your command. Warning,
+this will checkout a bunch of papers, PGN files, opening books,
+etc; the disk space requirements for the full repository are non
+ </para>
+ <para>
+In order to synchronize your enlistment with the current state of the
+code on my machine, use the <userinput>svn up</userinput> command.
+Another useful commands is <userinput>svn log
+http://wannabe.guru.org/svn/typhoon</userinput> which will give you a
+high level overview of what changed from revision to revision. An
+alternative is <ulink
+Using <userinput>svn diff</userinput> allows you to see source code
+changes at a file level.
+ </para>
+svn up
+When I am actively developing the engine I make at least one checkin
+a week (usually more like one a day). So if you want to track the
+bleeding edge, this is the way to do it.
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="install">
+ <title>Installation Guide</title>
+ <para>
+Once you have a typhoon binary image (either from building it
+yourself or from downloading a precompiled binary from some third
+party) you may want to do some simple setup work.
+ </para>
+ <orderedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+The first thing you may want to do is to install Tim Mann's graphical
+chessboard. The UNIX version is called <application>
+xboard</application> and the Windows version is called <application>
+WinBoard</application>. Both can be obtained from the site <ulink
+url="http://www.tim-mann.org">http://www.tim-mann.org</ulink>. This program
+will provide a nice graphical user interface to typhoon which is a
+text-based engine. Without it you'll be stuck looking at chessboards
+on a commandline interface. There is a <link linkend="winboard">chapter
+later in this guide</link> about how to configure the engine to work
+under WinBoard.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+An alternative to <application>xboard</application>/<application>
+WinBoard</application> is <application>Arena</application>, another
+graphical chessboard program which can be downloaded at <ulink
+While I have only done preliminary testing with Arena, typhoon seems to
+work just fine as a WB2 engine under <application>Arena
+1.99beta2</application>. Since I haven't done much with Arena, if
+you want to add typhoon as an Arena engine you're on your own.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+After you've installed either <application>xboard</application>,
+<application>WinBoard</application> or <application>Arena</application>
+you'll need to copy the typhoon image into some directory on your hard
+drive. I usually use <filename>C:\typhoon</filename> but you can put
+it wherever you like. I'll be referring to the directory you put
+the image in as the "typhoon installation directory" from now on in
+this guide.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+You now have all you need to play chess. However, without an opening
+move library the engine will play the same opening moves every game.
+If you want an opening move library you have two choices: either
+download one or build one yourself.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+The former choice is easier and I have several opening books available
+on my server. You can get them from <ulink
+http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess/books</ulink>. The larger
+the file, the more opening moves in the library. If you choose to
+download an opening library file, just pick one and save it to the
+typhoon installation directory as <filename>book.bin</filename>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+The advantage of building your own opening library is that it's an
+easy way to tailor the playing style of the engine. It will only play
+the opening lines you train it with. To go this route you will need
+a PGN file full of games you want the engine to learn opening moves
+from. Read <link linkend="makebook">the section about making a
+custom opening book</link> for detailed instructions.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+Just as an opening library is a database of common opening moves for
+the engine to use, an endgame tablebase is a database of endgame
+positions that the engine can access during the endgame. Typhoon
+knows how to read Eugene Nalimov format EGTB files which are the same
+ones that the popular engine Crafty uses. These files are quite
+large; all 3-4-5 man files are over 7Gb in size compressed. A
+good resource for learning more aboue EGTB files (including
+where to get them) is
+<ulink url="http://www.aarontay.per.sg/Winboard/egtb.html">
+ </para>
+ <para>
+If you have EGTB files on your disk you can tell typhoon where they are
+using the "--egtbpath" commandline argument. This flag preceeds a
+quoted, semi-colon delimited path:
+ </para>
+typhoon --egtbpath "C:\egtb\three;C:\egtb\four;C:\egtb\five"
+ <para>
+You will know that typhoon found and could use the EGTB files if you
+see it produce a message like "Found 5-men endgame table bases."
+during startup.
+<link linkend="egtb">More information about the use of EGTB
+files</link> appears later in the guide.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+The final thing you'll need to do to run the engine on your computer
+is set the hash table sizes based on the amount of memory you have
+in your computer. If you run the engine stand-alone (i.e. not under
+a GUI like WinBoard) you can issue the command "dump sizes" to see
+how much memory the pawn hash table and main hash table are using.
+As you can see, the default is for the engine to use just over
+300Mb of physical memory:
+ </para>
+white(1): <userinput>dump sizes</userinput>
+sizeof(PAWN_HASH_ENTRY). . . . . . . . . 88 bytes
+sizeof(HASH_ENTRY) . . . . . . . . . . . 16 bytes
+sizeof(MOVE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 bytes
+sizeof(ATTACK_BITV). . . . . . . . . . . 4 bytes
+sizeof(SQUARE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 bytes
+sizeof(POSITION) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1428 bytes
+sizeof(MOVE_STACK) . . . . . . . . . . . 233992 bytes
+sizeof(PLY_INFO) . . . . . . . . . . . . 424 bytes
+sizeof(COUNTERS) . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 bytes
+sizeof(SEARCHER_THREAD_CONTEXT). . . . . 264056 bytes
+sizeof(GAME_OPTIONS) . . . . . . . . . . 1136 bytes
+sizeof(MOVE_TIMER) . . . . . . . . . . . 40 bytes
+sizeof(PIECE_DATA) . . . . . . . . . . . 16 bytes
+sizeof(VECTOR_DELTA) . . . . . . . . . . 4 bytes
+sizeof(GAME_PLAYER). . . . . . . . . . . 16 bytes
+sizeof(GAME_HEADER). . . . . . . . . . . 64 bytes
+sizeof(GAME_MOVE). . . . . . . . . . . . 60 bytes
+sizeof(GAME_DATA). . . . . . . . . . . . 72 bytes
+sizeof(SEE_LIST) . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 bytes
+sizeof(BOOK_ENTRY) . . . . . . . . . . . 36 bytes
+Current pawn hash table size . . . . . . 46137344 bytes (~44 Mb)
+Current main hash table size . . . . . . 268435456 bytes (~256 Mb)
+ <para>
+If this amount exceeds the amount of physical memory on your machine
+the engine will be extremely slow. It is possible to reduce the
+memory footprint of the engine by setting the sizes of the main hash
+table and the pawn hash table. To do so, use the "--hash" and
+"--pawnhash" commandline options. These flags take an argument which
+is the number of entries in the table. This number must be an even
+power of two. For example:
+ </para>
+typhoon --hash 16384 --pawnhash 1024
+ <para>
+The above command allocates a hash table of 16384 (2^14) entries and
+a pawn hash table of 1024 (2^10) entries. Since each main hash entry
+is 16 bytes in size, the total memory used by 16384 main hash entries
+is approximately 256kb. Likewise each pawn hash entry is currently
+88 bytes in size making the total memory used by 1024 of them around
+ </para>
+ <para>
+If you don't understand any of this, just use the numbers in the
+sample above. Since they are very low the engine will definitely
+not use too much memory for your computer. If you did
+understand the paragraph above and care about "optimal performance" then
+you should set the engine to use as much memory as you can spare.
+More hash table entries means a higher hash hit percentage and a faster
+search in most cases.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </orderedlist>
+ </sect1>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter id="running">
+ <title>Running Typhoon</title>
+ <para>
+This chapter covers typhoon's commandline arguments and command
+parser. It gives a list of useful commands for interacting with the
+engine. Note that if you are running the engine under
+<application>WinBoard</application> or some other GUI front end then
+your interface will send the commands to typhoon on your behalf. This
+is a much easier way to interact with engine and is recommended for
+most users. The following sections assumes you are an advanced user
+and running typhoon in text mode in order to interact with the program
+ </para>
+ <sect1 id="commandline">
+ <title>Commandline Arguments</title>
+ <para>
+The following section covers the commandline arguments available when
+starting the engine and the affect of each on its behavior.
+ <orderedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+The <emphasis>--cpus</emphasis> argument, followed by a number, can
+be used with multiprocessor builds of typhoon to indicate how many
+searcher threads should be created. The number of searcher threads
+should be set to the number of processors in the system:
+ </para>
+ <screen>
+typhoon --cpus 2
+ </screen>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+The flag <emphasis>--command</emphasis>, followed by a quoted string,
+can be used to pass an initial command to the engine. Typhoon will
+execute the initial command before processing any user input. The
+initial command is often used to specify a script to execute.
+ </para>
+typhoon --command "bench"
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+The <emphasis>--hash</emphasis> and <emphasis>--pawnhash</emphasis>
+arguments take a number indicating the size of the main hash table
+and pawn hash table respectively. These sizes must be even powers
+of two or they will be rounded down. These commands allow you to
+tailor engine memory usage to the size of physical memory on your
+system. See the <link linkend="install">installation guide</link>
+for a full discussion of how this argument works.
+ </para>
+typhoon --hash 16384 --pawnhash 1024
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+Use <emphasis>--egtbpath</emphasis> with a quoted string in order to
+set the path in which the engine should search for Nalimov format
+EGTB files. The string can contain more than one directory if the
+different directories are separated by semi-colons (;).
+ </para>
+typhoon --egtbpath "C:\TB\three;C:\TB\four;C:\TB\five"
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+Use <emphasis>--batch</emphasis> to indicate that the engine should
+never listen to user input from the console. This flag takes no
+additional parameters and must be used in conjunction with the
+<emphasis>--command</emphasis> flag. The presence of
+<emphasis>--batch</emphasis> causes the engine to skip starting
+an input thread and exit immediately after executing the initial
+ </para>
+ <screen>
+typhoon --command "script C:\ECM.EPD" --batch
+ </screen>
+ </listitem>
+ </orderedlist>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Entering Moves</title>
+ <para>
+The most common input you'll probably send to the engine is a chess
+move. Typhoon understands moves in two (2) formats: Standard Algebraic
+Notation (SAN) and the <userinput>d2d4</userinput> format. When you
+enter a move in one of these formats that affects a piece of the side
+on move, the move will be made and the board redrawn.
+ </para>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="commands">
+ <title><application>WinBoard</application> Commands</title>
+ <para>
+Typhoon supports many commands that are part of the
+<application>WinBoard</application> protocol. These commands are
+fully documented in Tim Mann's xboard engine interface document at
+<ulink url="http://www.tim-mann.org/xboard/engine-intf.html">
+http://www.tim-mann.org/xboard/engine-intf.html</ulink>. I will
+briefly discuss a subset of them here.
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><emphasis>xboard</emphasis>, <emphasis>random</emphasis>,
+ <emphasis>hint</emphasis>, and <emphasis>variant</emphasis>, and
+ <emphasis>edit</emphasis> are not implemented in typhoon and are
+ basically no-ops. Typhoon can only play regular chess, no
+ variants are supported. To edit a position typhoon uses the
+ newer opcode <userinput>setboard</userinput>.
+ </para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><emphasis>quit</emphasis> is used to exit the chess
+ program.
+ </para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><emphasis>new</emphasis> is used to start a new game.
+ This sets the computer to play black, resets the maximum search
+ depth, resets the board, and clears all internal data
+ structures.
+ </para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><emphasis>force</emphasis> puts the engine in "force
+ mode" which means it plays neither side.
+ </para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><emphasis>white</emphasis> and <emphasis>black</emphasis>
+ are used to tell the engine what color the opponent plays and
+ what side has the move currently. For example
+ <userinput>white</userinput> means the engine should play black
+ and that it is current white's turn to move.
+ </para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><emphasis>sd</emphasis> can be used as an alternative to
+ <userinput>set SearchDepthLimit</userinput> to set the maximum
+ depth in ply that the engine should search a position. The
+ maximum value is 63, the minimum is 1.
+ </para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><emphasis>st</emphasis> can be used to query or set the
+ clock. If <userinput>st</userinput> is followed by a parameter
+ the clock is switched into fixed time per move mode and the
+ parameter specifies the number of seconds to search per move.
+ </para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><emphasis>time</emphasis> can be used in addition to
+ <userinput>set ComputerTimeRemainingSec</userinput> to notify
+ the engine about how much time remains on its clock. This value
+ affects time per move allocation.
+ </para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><emphasis>otim</emphasis> can be used in addition to
+ <userinput>set OpponentTimeRemainingSec</userinput> to notify
+ the engine about how much time remains on the opponent's clock.
+ This value affects draw-value calculation.
+ </para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><emphasis>go</emphasis> tells the engine that it plays the
+ side on move and to begin searching immediately.
+ </para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><emphasis>?</emphasis> can be used to interrupt the search
+ and instruct the engine to "move now".
+ </para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><emphasis>result</emphasis> is used to report the end of a
+ game and its result. It requires an argument to indicate the
+ result and allows an optional comment. For example:
+ <userinput>result 1-0 {black resigns}</userinput>,
+ <userinput>result 1/2-1/2 {stalemate}</userinput>. The optional
+ comment, if supplied, becomes the result description in the PGN
+ header of the game. This command triggers book learning and
+ prints out a PGN record of the game.
+ </para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><emphasis>undo</emphasis> and <emphasis>remove</emphasis>
+ can be used to take back one half-move or one full-move
+ respectively.
+ </para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><emphasis>easy</emphasis> and <emphasis>hard</emphasis>
+ instruct the engine to ponder (think on the opponent's time) or
+ not to ponder respectively.
+ </para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><emphasis>name</emphasis> can be used in addition to
+ <userinput>set OpponentName</userinput> to set the name of the
+ opponent. This is used to construct PGN headers.
+ </para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para id="rating"><emphasis>rating</emphasis> can be used in
+ addition to <userinput>set ComputerRating</userinput> or
+ <userinput>set OpponentRating</userinput> to set the ELO rating
+ of the computer and its opponent. This information is used in
+ draw value calculation and PGN header construction. The
+ <userinput>rating</userinput> command requires two (2)
+ parameters; the first is the computer's rating and the second is
+ the opponent's rating.
+ </para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><emphasis>computer</emphasis> can be used in addition to
+ <userinput>set OpponentIsComputer true</userinput> to inform the
+ engine that is it playing against another computer. This
+ setting changes draw value calculation and affects some position
+ evaluation terms.
+ </para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><emphasis>rated</emphasis> and
+ <emphasis>unrated</emphasis> can be used to inform the engine
+ that the game it is playing is rated or unrated. Typhoon uses
+ this information in draw value calculation and when deciding
+ whether to allow a move takeback. This is not part of the
+ <application>WinBoard</application> protocol but rather is a
+ hack I added to my copy of <application>WinBoard</application>
+ in order to accommodate move takebacks on Internet Chess
+ Servers.
+ </para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><emphasis>level</emphasis> is used setup the chess clock.
+ This command takes three (3) parameters. The first is the number of
+ moves per time period, the second is the computer's starting
+ clock value and the third is the increment added to the
+ computer's clock per move.
+ </para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><emphasis>setboard</emphasis> is used to setup a position
+ on the chessboard. It requires an argument which is the
+ position to setup in FEN format.
+ </para>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Miscellaneous Commands</title>
+ <para>
+There are still some other commands that have been hacked in and are
+not part of the <application>WinBoard</application> protocol. These
+commands may change at any time and should not be relied upon to
+remain constant in future versions.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Note also that these commands are hard to access when the engine is
+running under <application> WinBoard</application>. If you want
+to use them you might consider running the engine from the console.
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis>board</emphasis> can be used to dump a text-mode
+ drawing of the current board position as well as the current
+ FEN.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis>pgn</emphasis> can be used to dump a PGN record of
+ the current game.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis>fen</emphasis> can be used to display the current
+ board position in FEN format. With an argument this command
+ behaves the same way that <userinput>setboard</userinput> does:
+ it sets the current board position.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis>avoid</emphasis>, <emphasis>solution</emphasis>,
+ <emphasis>id</emphasis> and <emphasis>script</emphasis> are
+ commands normally used to set test positions for the engine.
+ They are covered in more detail in another section.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis>bench</emphasis> is a command to run an engine speed
+ benchmark. It is discussed in detail in another section.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis>book</emphasis> is a command to manage opening books
+ and is discussed in detail in another section.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis>dump</emphasis> and <emphasis>test</emphasis> are
+ commands to show internal engine state and run self diagnostic
+ checks. See the source code for details.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis>eval</emphasis> can be used to display a static
+ evaluation score of the current board position. If the engine
+ is built with EVAL_DUMP defined it will display the terms
+ that combined to arrive at the eval score.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis>help</emphasis> displays a brief command list.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis>set</emphasis> is used to show or change the state of
+ engine variables. It is discussed in detail in another section.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis>version</emphasis> is used to display the version
+ number and build configuration of the engine.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Typhoon Variables</title>
+ <para>
+Many aspects of the engine's behavior can be controlled by setting the
+values of variables. Variables in typhoon are names that hold some
+value. Variables can hold numbers, strings, times, boolean flags,
+and so on. To view the present state of a variable or to change it
+you use the <userinput>set</userinput> command.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+With no arguments, <userinput>set</userinput> displays the present
+state of all system variables:
+ </para>
+AnnounceOpening => "TRUE"
+BatchMode => "FALSE"
+BlackPlayer => "typhoon"
+BlackRating => 0
+BlackDescription => "Ver: 1.00 Build Time: 09:08:03 Jul 4 2006"
+BlackIsComputer => "TRUE"
+BookFileName => "book.bin"
+BookProbeFailures => 0
+ComputerTimeRemainingSec => 600
+EGTBPath => "C:\egtb\three;C:\egtb\four;C:\egtb\five"
+GameDescription => "(null)"
+GameLocation => "(null)"
+GameIsRated => "FALSE"
+GameResultComment => "(null)"
+LastEval => 0
+LogfileName => "typhoon.log"
+MoveToPonder => "(null)"
+MovesPerTimePeriod => 4294967295
+OpponentTimeRemainingSec => 600
+PendingInputEvents => 0
+PonderingNow => "FALSE"
+PostLines => "TRUE"
+SearchDepthLimit => 63
+SearchTimeLimit => 0
+SearchStartedTime => 0.000000
+SearchSoftTimeLimit => 0.000000
+SearchHardTimeLimit => 0.000000
+SearchNodesBetweenTimeCheck => 0
+ThinkOnOpponentsTime => "TRUE"
+ThinkingNow => "FALSE"
+TournamentMode => "FALSE"
+VerbosePosting => "FALSE"
+WhitePlayer => "(null)"
+WhiteRating => 0
+WhiteDescription => "(null)"
+WhiteIsComputer => "FALSE"
+Xboard => "FALSE"
+ <para>
+When used with one argument, <userinput>set</userinput> displays the
+value of a subset of the engine variables that begin with the user
+supplied argument. For example:
+ </para>
+<userinput>set s</userinput>
+SearchDepthLimit => 63
+SearchTimeLimit => 0
+SearchStartedTime => 0.000000
+SearchSoftTimeLimit => 0.000000
+SearchHardTimeLimit => 0.000000
+SearchNodesBetweenTimeCheck => 0
+ <para>
+In order to set the value of any variable, use the
+<userinput>set</userinput> command with two arguments: the first to
+indicate what variable name is being set and the second to supply a
+new value for that variable. For example:
+ </para>
+<userinput>set tourn t</userinput>
+ <para>
+Note that some variables are read only and cannot be set manually.
+To change such variables I'm afraid you're stuck editing the source
+ </para>
+ <para>
+When you use the <userinput>set</userinput> command, the letter case
+of a variable name is not significant; the names "WhitePlayer" and
+"whiteplayer" refer to the same variable in typhoon. Additionally as
+you noticed in the example above, you may abbreviate any variable or
+value name when using the set command as long as the abbreviation is
+unique. For example you could use <userinput>set tourn t</userinput>
+to achieve the same result as <userinput>set TournamentMode
+True</userinput> with less typing.
+ </para>
+ </sect1>
+ <chapter id="book">
+ <title>Opening Book</title>
+ <para>
+A chess engine's opening book is a library of moves in different
+positions that it can access and play in leu of a searching for a
+move. These moves are usually drawn from well known opening lines
+played by human masters. The primary purpose of an opening book is to
+impart some level of understanding of opening theory to the engine. A
+secondary goal of an opening book is to vary the deterministic play of
+the engine.
+ </para>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Opening Book Commands</title>
+ <para>
+Commands affecting typhoon's opening book are prefixed with the
+<userinput>book</userinput> opcode. They are:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><para>
+ <emphasis>book name</emphasis>, which sets the opening book
+ filename. If you do not use this command the engine defaults
+ to using <filename>book.bin</filename> as the opening book.
+ If you want to use something else or to create a new opening
+ book, use this command to override the name of the opening
+ book file.
+ </para>
+<userinput>book name newbook.bin</userinput>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem><para>
+ <emphasis>book import</emphasis>, which can be used to import
+ book learning from an old book into a new one or to merge
+ opening lines from a PGN file into the current opening book.
+ Any book editing or learning that takes place in a position is
+ recorded in typhoon's <filename>book.edt</filename> file. If
+ you wish to apply these book changes to another book in the
+ future, use <userinput>book input</userinput>. This command
+ also is how you create or merge new lines into the opening
+ book. For more information about creating an opening book,
+ <link linkend="makebook">see the appropriate section</link>.
+ </para>
+<userinput>book import /home/scott/typhoon/pgn/twic.pgn</userinput>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem><para>
+ <emphasis>book dump learning</emphasis>, which shows book
+ learning in the current position.
+ </para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>
+ <emphasis>book dump moves</emphasis>, which shows a list of all
+ moves in the opening book at the current position.
+ </para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>
+ <emphasis>book tourn</emphasis>, which displays or toggles
+ tournament mode. This is equivalent to the <userinput>set
+ TournamentMode</userinput> command.
+ </para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>
+ <emphasis>book openings</emphasis>, which sets the name of the
+ book opening lines file for use when announcing opening lines.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Downloading a Pre-built Opening Book</title>
+ <para>
+Creating your own custom opening book has the advantage of allowing
+you complete control over what line are included. But it requires
+some time, a machine with a lot of memory, and a good source of PGN
+ </para>
+ <para>
+If you want to save yourself the trouble of making a custom opening
+book you can choose from several pre-built typhoon books which are
+available at <ulink url="http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess/books">
+ </para>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="makebook">
+ <title>Building a Custom Opening Book</title>
+ <para>
+You may want to build a custom opening book with typhoon. This
+section will describe the process for you and give a few tips about
+book building.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+To begin you will need to collect the games you want to include in
+your custom book into a single PGN file. PGN is a standard format for
+storing chess games in text files. Programs like the freely available
+<application>scid</application> which can be obtained from <ulink
+can be very helpful when you are trying to organize and maintain large
+collections of chess games. Commercial programs like <application>
+ChessBase</application> do a good job too, of course.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Typhoon knows how to read PGN format files and import the moves from
+each game in the PGN file into it's opening book. However at this
+time typhoon's PGN reader is a little picky about what it can process.
+In general it's pretty good but it will not read games with move lists
+that do not have a space between the move number and the move. It
+also can become confused by variations or comments in the PGN
+notation. I suggest you use a chess database to normalize the PGN
+file you intend to use for your opening book before sending it through
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Once you have your PGN file ready you have to decide whether you want
+to merge the openings in the PGN file with typhoon's book or create a
+new book from scratch. The engine has an opening book filename that
+you can set via the <userinput>book name</userinput> command. If this
+file exists then the engine will append new openings to it. If this
+file does not exist then the engine will create it. By default, this
+file is called <filename>book.bin</filename>. Here's how to override
+the default:
+ </para>
+ <screen>
+white(1): <userinput>book name D:\typhoon\regence.bin</userinput>
+Opening book name set to "D:\typhoon\regence.bin"
+ </screen>
+ <para>
+Now that you have set the name of the opening book you can import your
+PGN file to create the new opening lines. To do this type
+<userinput>book import
+Of course replace
+with the
+name of your PGN file. Typhoon will read the PGN file one game at a
+time and store the moves in the book file in BookName. If typhoon
+encounters a game containing an error or a move it does not understand
+it will output a line like "** BAD Game NNNN (line NNNNNN)
+saw=XXX... skipped" and discard all moves in that game.
+Unfortunately the PGN parser is fairly picky which is why normalizing
+your PGN input using a chess database program before building a book
+is a good idea. Here's what to expect:
+ </para>
+ <screen>
+white(1): <userinput>book import D:\typhoon\pgn\misc\regence.pgn</userinput>
+The opening book D:\typhoon\regence.bin does not exists, creating new book
+Stage 1: reading and parsing PGN
+** BAD Game 19498 (line 416067) saw="xc2"... skipped.
+** BAD Game 53900 (line 1148893) saw="Rxf8+"... skipped.
+** BAD Game 72836 (line 1560210) saw="O-O"... skipped.
+Done reading PGN.
+Straining out unpopular positions to compact buffer...
+Compacting the opening book... one moment.
+Done, compacted 2517462 positions into 135201.
+Sorting the book... this may take a while.
+Merging book and writing to disk.
+Book successfully built...
+ </screen>
+Book building can take quite a while, especially on a machine with
+limited memory. I suggest you have at least 1Gb of memory to build
+a large opening book. If you find that building a book takes multiple
+hours you can decrease the number of entries in typhoon's "membook" by
+adjusting the MemBookSize variable. Note that the smaller you make
+the "membook", though, the more often typhoon will flush unpopular
+positions from the opening book. Everytime this happens you risk
+losing good book lines.
+It is safe to terminate typhoon while it is building an opening book if
+it takes too long. However there is no way to pick up where it left off
+and all work on the opening book will be lost.
+ <para>
+When you have finished building an opening book I recommend you exit
+typhoon and restart the engine. This is not strictly required but is
+a good idea. Once you have <userinput>quit</userinput> typhoon you
+can check to make sure your new book exists. To use it, simply use
+the <userinput>book name</userinput> command to instruct typhoon to
+use an alternate opening book. An alternative is to rename the file
+you downloaded as <filename>book.bin</filename>, the engine's default
+opening book name.
+ </para>
+ <screen>
+white(1): <userinput>quit</userinput>
+Freeing dynamic memory allocations...
+Closing logfile...
+Terminating input thread...
+D:\typhoon\Release><userinput>dir ..\regence.bin</userinput>
+ Volume in drive D is New Volume
+ Volume Serial Number is 1412-36C8
+ Directory of D:\typhoon
+10/10/2002 04:14 PM 4,867,236 regence.bin
+ 1 File(s) 4,867,236 bytes
+ 0 Dir(s) 58,596,573,184 bytes free
+ </screen>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Book Learning</title>
+ <para>
+At the end of every game typhoon adjusts its opening book by updating
+the win/loss statistics on the line of opening moves it just saw
+played. This leads to a positive/negative reinforcement of different
+openings and, hopefully, to superior play over a long period of time.
+Typhoon will not adjust the opening book after bullet games, after it
+beats a low-rated opponent, or after it is beaten by a high rated
+opponent (<link linkend="rating">see the <userinput>rating</userinput>
+command</link>). It will also not adjust the opening book if the
+losing side lost by forfeit.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+When typhoon adjusts the opening book it records the learning in a
+file on disk called <filename>bklearn.dat</filename> as well as in
+the book file. This allows you to view the learning information
+periodically and watch which opening lines are receiving what kind
+of reinforcement.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Unfortunately typhoon cannot learn new opening moves from game play --
+it can simply change the weight of moves it already knows in a given
+position. In order to teach typhoon new moves, use the <userinput>
+book import</userinput> command to merge a new PGN file with the
+current opening book.
+ </para>
+STDIN> result 0-1 {MoonShot checkmated}
+[Event "Rated blitz computer chess game"]
+[White "MoonShot (computer)"]
+[Black "typhoon 0.906 (00:42:58, Oct 8 2002) (computer)"]
+[WhiteElo "2795"]
+[BlackElo "2731"]
+[Result "0-1"]
+[Opening: "[B92] Sicilian : Najdorf, Opovcensky Variation"]
+[Description: "{MoonShot checkmated}"]
+1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6
+6. Be2 e5 7. Nb3 Be7 8. O-O O-O 9. Be3 Be6 10. f4 exf4
+11. Rxf4 Nc6 12. Nd5 Bxd5 13. exd5 Ne5 14. a4 Nfd7 15. Rb4 b6
+16. Qf1 a5 17. Rb5 Bg5 18. Bd4 Rc8 19. c3 Re8 20. Re1 Nc4
+21. Bxc4 Rxe1 22. Qxe1 Rxc4 23. Nd2 Rxa4 24. Qd1 Rxd4 25. cxd4 Be3
+26. Kh1 Bxd4 27. b4 a4 28. Nf3 Be3 29. Qxa4 Qc8 30. Qa3 Bf2
+31. h3 Qc4 32. Qa8 Nf8 33. Qe8 h5 34. g3 Qd3 35. Kg2 Be3
+36. Ng1 Qc2 37. Kh1 Qf2 38. Qxe3 Qxe3 39. Kg2 Nd7 40. g4 Qd3
+41. Rxb6 Nxb6 42. Nf3 Nxd5 43. Kg3 h4 44. Kf2 Qe3 45. Kf1 Nf4
+46. Nxh4 g5 47. b5 gxh4 48. b6 Qe2 49. Kg1 Qg2
+{MoonShot checkmated}
+ | c5 (+0.00)
+ | d6 (+0.00)
+ | cxd4 (+0.00)
+ | Nf6 (+0.00)
+ | a6 (+0.00)
+ | e5 (+0.00)
+ | Be7 (+0.00)
+ | O-O (+0.00)
+ | Be6 (+0.00)
+ | exf4 (+0.00)
+ | Nc6 (+0.00)
+ | Bxd5 (+0.00)
+ | Ne5 (+0.00)
+ | Nfd7 (-0.90)
+ | b6 (-0.79)
+ | a5 (-0.08)
+ | Bg5 (-0.12)
+ | Rc8 (+0.32)
+ | Re8 (-0.02)
+ | Nc4 (+0.14)
+ | Rxe1 (+0.67)
+ | Rxc4 (+0.22)
+ | Rxa4 (+0.72)
+ | Rxd4 (+0.63)
+ | Be3 (+0.78)
+ | Bxd4 (+0.75)
+ | a4 (+0.75)
+ | Be3 (+0.81)
+ | Qc8 (+1.21)
+ | Bf2 (+1.33)
+ | Qc4 (+2.87)
+ | Nf8 (+4.59)
+ | h5 (+6.03)
+ |* Qd3 (+9.50)
+ |* Be3 (+12.06)
+ |* Qc2 (+13.36)
+ |** Qf2 (+13.78)
+ |** Qxe3 (+14.91)
+ |** Nd7 (+15.16)
+ |** Qd3 (+15.44)
+ |** Nxb6 (+16.04)
+ |** Nxd5 (+17.53)
+ |******** h4 (+57.50)
+ |******** Qe3 (+57.52)
+ |******** Nf4 (+57.56)
+ |******** g5 (+57.60)
+ |******** gxh4 (+57.62)
+ |******** Qe2 (+57.64)
+ |******** Qg2 (+57.66)
+BookLearn: Revising opening book line...
+BookLearn: Changed 26 book positions.
+ </sect1>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter id="egtb">
+ <title>Endgame Tablebases</title>
+ <para>
+Endgame tablebases are special databases that contain game theoretic
+information about different board configurations with very few pieces
+left on the board. When a chess engine finds a position in a
+tablebase it will play perfectly by using the tablebase data. For
+example, by accessing a tablebase an engine might instantly determine
+that a certain configuration of king vs. king, knight and bishop is a
+mate in 38 for the stronger side.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Eugene Nalimov has created a collection of endgame tablebases that
+typhoon knows how to access during its search. At present all 3, 4
+and 5 man endgames have a corresponding tablebase and some 6 man
+endgames also have a tablebase. The drawback of tablebases is they
+require a large amount of hard disk space to store and are slow to
+access. The benefit of tablebases is that they can drastically
+improve engine endgame play in certain positions.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+This chapter is about tablebases, where to find them, how to generate
+them, how to validate them, how to compress them, and how to use them
+with typhoon.
+ </para>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>An Overview of Tablebases</title>
+ <para>
+As the previous section explains, tablebases are endgame databases
+that contain information the engine can use to play perfectly in some
+endgames with a low number of pieces on the board. There are ten (10)
+3-man tablebases, sixty (60) 4-man tablebases, and two-hundred twenty
+(220) 5-main tablebases. At present some 6-man tablebases have been
+generated but are not in wide use because of their large disk space
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Typhoon uses Nalimov format tablebases. These tablebases come two (2)
+ways: compressed and uncompressed. Typhoon can use either type. The
+compressed variety use much less disk space than their uncompressed
+equivalents and are only slightly slower to access. Nalimov
+tablebases are compressed with a program called
+<filename>datacomp.exe</filename>. You can distinguish compressed
+files from uncompressed ones by looking at the extension: compressed
+tablebases end with <filename>.emd</filename>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+To store all 3 and 4-man tablebases (compressed) on your hard drive
+you will need approximately 31Mb. If you want to store all 3, 4 and
+5-man tablebases (compressed) you'll need more like 7.5Gb of drive
+space. It is estimated that the full set of 6-man tablebases (when
+they are available) will consume approximately 1Tb (1024Gb) of drive
+space. And for you psychopaths out there, if you wrote one tablebase
+entry on every atom in the universe you could still not store a 32-man
+endgame tablebase file.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Now that you know how much of your hard drive these things will use
+you may (or may not) want to know where to get them. One option is to
+download them from Bob Hyatt's FTP site at <ulink
+</ulink>. Remember we're talking about transferring 7.5Gb of data;
+you'll need a nice fast connection to even consider this. With a 56K
+modem this will take 40 hours (at least) -- probably more.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+An alternative to transferring the tablebases is to generate them on
+your own computer. This way you only have to download the program
+that makes the tablebases -- when it runs it will use your computer's
+CPU to compute the tablebase data and save it on your hard drive. The
+<filename>tbexe.zip</filename> and <filename>tbgen.zip</filename>
+files on the above FTP site contain the program, source code, and a
+README file that explains the generation process. I have never been
+though this personally but I have heard that it takes about one week
+of processing time on a computer with a reasonably fast processor and
+large amount of memory to generate a full set of 3, 4 and 5-man EGTBs.
+It should also be noted that the generation program creates
+<emphasis>uncompressed</emphasis> tablebase files so you will need
+approximately 40Gb of drive space to attempt this. Once you have
+generated the tablebases, though, you can use
+<filename>datacomp.exe</filename> to compress them and save some
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Another choice is to buy these tablebases on CD. <ulink
+url="http://www.chessbase.com">Chessbase</ulink>, <ulink
+url="www.gambitsoft.net">Gambitsoft</ulink>, and <ulink
+url="http://store.convekta.com/">Convekta</ulink> all sell sets of
+Nalimov tablebases on multiple CDs/DVDs.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Finally, this section would be incomplete without a link to Aaron
+Tay's great frequently asked question (FAQ) list about endgame
+tablebases which is online at <ulink
+http://www.chesskit.com/aarontay/Winboard/egtb.html</ulink>. This
+helpful page covers different tablebase formats, how to validate your
+tablebases, how to generate your tablebases and more.
+ </para>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Using Nalimov Format Tablebases with Typhoon</title>
+ <para>
+Once you have some Nalimov format tablebase files (compressed or
+uncompressed) getting typhoon to use them is pretty easy. Use the
+<userinput>set egtbpath</userinput> command to tell typhoon where on
+your hard drive to look for the tablebase files. If your tablebase
+files are in more than one directory, just separate the directories by
+semi-colons (;).
+ </para>
+<userinput>set egtbpath D:\typhoon\egtb\three;D:\typhoon\egtb\four</userinput>
+Rescanning EGTB path...
+...Found 4-men endgame table bases.
+ <para>
+When you change the value of the <userinput>EGTBPath</userinput>
+variable typhoon automatically rescans the path looking for tablebase
+files. Scanning can take a few seconds. If everything goes well you
+will see a message like "...Found N-men endgame table bases".
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+It is recommended you use complete sets of endgame tablebase files.
+If you try to use 5-man tablebases without some 4-man tablebases or
+4-man tablebases without some 3-man tablebases the engine can become
+confused and misplay endgames. It is acceptable to use only some
+5-man files if you have all 4-man and 3-man files, though. Likewise
+it is acceptable to use some 6-man files if you have all 3, 4 and
+5-man files to support them.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </sect1>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter>
+ <title>Benchmarks</title>
+ <para>
+Benchmarking is the process of measuring the speed of the chess
+engine. This chapter deals with how to run and interpret the
+results of the benchmark.
+ </para>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>The <userinput>bench</userinput> Command</title>
+ <para>
+The command to begin a benchmark is <userinput>bench</userinput>. Be
+aware that the benchmarking process can take a while and be prepared
+to wait.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+The <userinput>bench</userinput> command runs the same benchmark
+that Bob Hyatt built into the <application>Crafty</application>
+chess engine (at least the copy of <application>Crafty</application>
+that I have, which is a few versions out of date). It consists of
+searching in a series of positions and computing the overall nodes
+(positions) per second during the searches. This is a good overall
+speed test for typhoon.
+ </para>
+Beginning Bob Hyatt's crafty benchmark sequence.
+This takes a while -- please be patient.
+DEPTH LIMIT --> stop searching now
+move c3c2
+DEPTH LIMIT --> stop searching now
+move e5e6
+DEPTH LIMIT --> stop searching now
+move f4f5
+DEPTH LIMIT --> stop searching now
+move d7f5
+DEPTH LIMIT --> stop searching now
+move b7e4
+DEPTH LIMIT --> stop searching now
+move c8f5
+Benchmark results:
+ 122409037 nodes searched
+ 495 sec
+ 247057 overall nps
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Benchmark Results</title>
+ <para>
+Please see <ulink
+ url="http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess/benchmarks.html">http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess/benchmarks.html</ulink>
+ for up-to-date benchmark results. If you benchmark typhoon and your
+ system is not on the list below please <ulink
+ and I will include them here. </para>
+ </sect1>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter>
+ <title>Test Suites</title>
+ <para>
+One way to measure the strength of a chess engine is to run it
+against a test suite -- a collection of positions and solution moves
+(or moves to avoid). Typhoon supports running test suites and this
+chapter deals with how to run a test suite against the engine. It
+also contains a table of test suite results reported by other users.
+ </para>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Test Suite Commands</title>
+ <para>
+The typhoon commands that support test suites are
+<userinput>solution</userinput>, <userinput>avoid</userinput>,
+<userinput>id</userinput>, and <userinput>script</userinput>. The
+<userinput>solution</userinput> command sets up a solution move;
+typhoon can handle up to three (3) solutions per position. The
+<userinput>avoid</userinput> command sets up a move to avoid; typhoon
+can handle up to three (3) avoid moves per position. The
+<userinput>id</userinput> command simply adds a free form text name
+for a test position. And the <userinput>script</userinput> command
+reads the contents of a file on disk and treats everything in it as
+user input.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+You can set up either <userinput>solution</userinput> moves or
+<userinput>avoid</userinput> moves but not both in the same position.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+Here's an example of how these commands work together.
+ </para>
+<userinput>st 5</userinput>
+<userinput>script \typhoon\tests\wac.epd</userinput>
+SCRIPT> <userinput>setboard 2rr3k/pp3pp1/1nnqbN1p/3pN3/2pP4/2P3Q1/PPB4P/R4RK1 w - -</userinput>
+SCRIPT> <userinput>solution Qg6</userinput>
+SCRIPT> <userinput>id "WAC.001"</userinput>
+SCRIPT> <userinput>go</userinput>
+ 1u -1.91 00:00:00.08 486 PV= 1. Qe3 Nxe5 [Q] 2. dxe5 [Q] <-2.00>
+ 1u -1.56 00:00:00.11 556 PV= 1. Ne8 <-2.00>
+ 1. -1.56 00:00:00.12 576 PV= 1. Ne8 <-2.00>
+ 2. -1.18 00:00:00.21 1099 PV= 1. Ne8 Qf8 <-2.00>
+ 3+ -0.35 00:00:00.30 3727 Qg6! ++
+FORCED MATE --> stop searching now
+ 3. +MATE1 00:00:00.40 8406 PV= 1. Qg6 fxg6 2. Nxg6+ [+] [MATE]
+tellothers depth=3, score=+MATE1, n=8406, nps=20863, PV= 1. Qg6 fxg6 2. Nxg6+ [+] [MATE]
+move g3g6
+ <para>
+In the above example the user first types <userinput>st 5</userinput>.
+This sets the clock to fixed-time-per-move mode and tells the engine
+to search exactly five (5) seconds per position. Next the user types
+<userinput>script /typhoon/tests/wac.epd</userinput>. This begins the
+execution of a script file. From now on typhoon will take commands
+from this script file one at a time until the file has been completely
+executed. Commands that typhoon reads from a script have "SCRIPT>"
+printed before them. The script uses <userinput>setboard</userinput>,
+<userinput>solution</userinput> and <userinput>id</userinput> to set
+up a test position, a solution move, and the position name. Then the
+script sends typhoon the <userinput>go</userinput> command and the
+engine starts thinking. Because the engine has been told to search
+exactly five (5) seconds per move, it will stop searching this
+position when five (5) seconds are up. At this time it will count the
+position as solved if the move it plays matches any of the solution
+move(s) (or does not match any of the avoid move(s)). It also keeps
+track of how long it took to see the correct move. Once a script has
+finished running completely typhoon will print out some final
+statistics about the test suite run and begin to watch the keyboard
+for commands again.
+ </para>
+TEST SCRIPT execution complete. Final statistics:
+ correct solutions : 272
+ incorrect solutions : 28
+ total problems : 300
+ total nodecount : 40376223
+ avg. search speed : 125601.9 nps
+ avg. solution time : 0.4 sec
+ avg. 1st move beta : 0.936
+Time-to-solution histogram:
+00.00s .. 00.20s: ******************************* (73)
+00.20s .. 00.40s: ************************************************** (119)
+00.40s .. 00.60s: ************** (31)
+00.60s .. 00.80s: ******* (15)
+00.80s .. 01.00s: *********** (34)
+ not solved : **************** (28)
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Test Suite Results</title>
+ <para>
+Here are some test suite results obtained by typhoon running on my
+development machine which is an AMD Athlon XP 1.533Ghz / 512Mb. In
+the table the suite abbreviation "ECM" refers to <ulink
+url="http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/ECM.EPD">"Encyclopedia of
+Chess Middlegames"</ulink> and "WAC" refers to <ulink
+url="http://wannabe.guru.org/scott/hobbies/chess/WAC.EPD">"Win At
+ </para>
+ <informaltable>
+ <tgroup cols="4">
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>suite</entry>
+ <entry>sec/move</entry>
+ <entry>score</entry>
+ <entry>date</entry>
+ <entry>hardware</entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry>ECM</entry>
+ <entry>20</entry>
+ <entry>674 / 879</entry>
+ <entry>Dec 22, 2004</entry>
+ <entry>Dual 1.533ghz Athlon MP</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>WAC</entry>
+ <entry>20</entry>
+ <entry>296 / 300</entry>
+ <entry>Jan 11, 2002</entry>
+ <entry>Dual 1.533ghz Athlon MP</entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </informaltable>
+ </sect1>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter id="winboard">
+ <title>Advanced WinBoard Configuration</title>
+ <para>
+This chapter covers how to get typhoon running under
+<application>WinBoard</application>, a free, open source graphical
+front-end for chess engines. For more information about
+<application>WinBoard</application> or to download it, see <ulink
+</ulink>. This chapter is also relevant to
+<application>xboard</application>, WinBoard's X11-based version. More
+information about these chess GUI programs is also available in
+<ulink url="http://www.aarontay.per.sg/Winboard/Winboard.html">
+Aaron Tay's WinBoard FAQ</ulink>.
+ <para>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Playing Locally</title>
+ <para>
+Probably the most common way you will want to use typhoon with
+<application>WinBoard</application> is to play local chess matches
+against the program using <application>WinBoard</application> as the
+display. To do this you will need to use
+<application>WinBoard's</application> <filename>-fcp</filename> and
+<filename>-fd</filename> commandline options like this:
+ </para>
+ <screen>
+<userinput>winboard -fcp "typhoon" -fd <replaceable>typhoon_directory</replaceable></userinput>
+ </screen>
+ <para>
+The <filename>-fcp</filename> option sets
+<application>WinBoard's</application> <emphasis>first chess
+program</emphasis> and the <filename>-fd</filename> sets the
+<emphasis>first chess program directory</emphasis>. You should use
+the directory you installed typhoon in after the
+<filename>-fd</filename> option. Once
+<application>WinBoard</application> is running, set the "Machine Plays
+Black" or "Machine Plays White" menu option.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Probably the best way to remember this is to create a little batch
+file to start up <application>WinBoard</application> for playing
+locally against typhoon.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+Typhoon's thinking lines may not be compatible with
+<application>WinBoard</application> and can cause it to crash when you
+enable the "Show Thinking" menu option. I advise you not to do this.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Also, typhoon's support for "Analysis Mode" in
+<application>WinBoard</application> is incomplete at the time of
+writing and may lead to problems. Please don't enable either of these
+WinBoard features for now. Both shortcomings will be addressed in
+future releases of the engine.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+If everything is working right typhoon should play instantly in the
+early moves of a new game. If typhoon has to think for more and a
+second or two about early moves it may not see the opening book.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+If you run into trouble getting typhoon to work under
+<application>WinBoard</application> I suggest looking at
+<filename>typhoon.log</filename>. This file, which is created by
+typhoon every time it is invoked, will contain a record of the
+interaction between the engine and <application>WinBoard</application>
+and may help to isolate the problem. You can also enable
+<application>WinBoard</application> logging by using the
+<filename>-debug</filename> commandline option to
+<application>WinBoard</application>. This will cause the creation of
+<filename>winboard.log</filename> which also may help you track down
+the problem.
+ </para>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Engine vs. Engine Matches</title>
+ <para>
+With <application>WinBoard</application> it's possible to play one
+chess engine against another. This section explains how to set this
+up and how to run engine vs. engine matches as fairly as possible.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+To run two engines under <application>WinBoard</application> just use
+both the <filename>-fcp</filename> and the <filename>-scp</filename>
+commandline options. <filename>-fcp</filename> sets the
+<emphasis>first chess program</emphasis> while
+<filename>-scp</filename> sets the <emphasis>second chess
+program</emphasis>. You may want to use the related
+<filename>-fd</filename> and <filename>-sd</filename> options too.
+Then, once <application>WinBoard</application> is running, set the
+"Machine Plays Both" option and watch them fight.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+It's really not advisable to test engines by playing them under
+WinBoard on a single processor machine. However running on a
+two single-threaded engines on a multi-processor (or multi-core)
+machine is a great way to test engines.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+If you do choose to run an engine vs. engine match on a single
+processor machines you should turn off pondering on both engines so
+that they do not constantly compete for system processor resources.
+The next step is to make sure that each engine has equal access to the
+machine's memory. When playing engine-engine matches, you should set
+the hash table sizes of both engines by hand to roughly half the total
+memory on the machine. Be absolutely sure that combined memory
+requirements of the two engines does not exceed the amount of physical
+memory on your machine or you will run into swapping which will slow
+the engine(s) down severely.
+ </para>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Playing on an Internet Chess Server</title>
+ <para>
+Internet Chess Servers are machines on the Internet that allow
+multiple people/engines to connect and play chess against one
+another. <application>WinBoard</application> knows how to connect to
+and communicate with these servers and therefore you can use it to
+play typhoon against other people and machines connected to the same
+Internet Chess Server. This is a good way to test two chess engines
+because when they play over the Internet, unlike when they both play
+on the same machine, they do not have to fight each other for access
+to the processor and memory resources of a single computer.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+It's unethical and against the rules of most Internet Chess Servers to
+use a computer engine to make moves on a human account. Your human
+rating should not be aided by machine and your opponents have the
+right to know they are playing against a computer. Most Internet
+Chess Server administrators are pretty good at catching people who
+cheat and banning them from playing. Please don't use typhoon to
+cheat on Internet Chess Servers! Likewise, if you are running typhoon
+on a chess server I would be grateful if you would list the program
+name and hardware configuration in your account's finger notes.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ <para>
+To connect to an Internet Chess Server with typhoon+WinBoard use the
+following commandline options when invoking
+<application>WinBoard</application> in addition to the normal
+<filename>-fcp</filename> and <filename>-fd</filename> options
+described in the last sections: <filename>-zp</filename> (enable chess
+engine to ICS code), <filename>-ics</filename> (connect to ICS
+server), <filename>-icshost</filename> (ICS server hostname),
+<filename>-xpopup</filename> (no popup windows),
+<filename>-xautoraise</filename> (no popup windows),
+<filename>-xexit</filename> (no popup windows), and
+<filename>-reuse</filename> (no need to restart the engine process,
+reuse the current one). You may also want to use
+<filename>-icsHelper</filename> (program name to use to connect to the
+ICS, something like timestamp.exe or timeseal.exe),
+<filename>-zippyPassword</filename> and
+<filename>-zippyPassword2</filename> (passwords are for controlling
+the chess engine remotely). For more information about what these
+commands do, see the documentation in
+<filename>winboard.hlp</filename> and
+<filename>README.zippy</filename>, both of which are included with
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Here's a sample script based on the one I use to connect typhoon to the
+<ulink url="http://www.chessclub.com">Internet Chess Club</ulink>.
+This script loops forever restarting the engine and
+<application>WinBoard</application> if they lose connection to the ICS
+server or terminate for some reason. You can break out of the script
+by pressing ^C.
+ </para>
+@echo off
+cd /d C:\typhoon
+"C:\program files\winboard\winboard.exe" /zp /ics /icshost
+ chessclub.com /icshelper C:\progra~1\winboard\timestamp.exe /fcp
+ C:\typhoon\release\typhoon.exe /xzt /xexit /xpopup /xautoraise
+ /reuse /debug /zippyPassword xxx /zippyPassword2 yyy
+sleep 3
+kill -f typhoon.exe
+kill -f winboard.exe
+sleep 3
+goto :again
+ <para>
+There are many different Internet Chess Servers on the 'Net. Some are
+free, others cost money to use. Some are very busy and others are
+pretty sparsely used. There's a list of chess servers on Tim Mann's
+website at <ulink url="http://www.tim-mann.org/ics.html">
+ </para>
+ </sect1>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter id="bugs">
+ <title>Testing Typhoon</title>
+ <para>
+Typhoon was released in the present, somewhat buggy state mainly
+so that I could benefit from a large pool of testers. Therefore,
+I am very interested in reports about how the engine does. This
+chapter is about how you can help test typhoon. Thanks for
+helping to make the engine stronger!
+ </para>
+ <sect1 id="debug">
+ <title>A DEBUG build</title>
+ <para>
+With a simple modification to the build instructions presented in
+<link linkend="compile">an earlier section</link> it is possible to
+produce a DEBUG build of the chess engine. A DEBUG build is an
+engine that runs much more slowly than normal because it is very
+carefully double checking every calculation for errors. If an
+error is found a DEBUG build makes it easier to understand and
+fix the problem than a normal build.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+In order to make your own DEBUG build, just add <userinput>DEBUG=1
+</userinput> to the commandline when you build the engine. The
+engine will be called <filename>_typhoon</filename> instead of
+the usual <filename>typhoon</filename>.
+ <para>
+I try to run DEBUG builds of the engine for long periods of time
+in order to expose bugs. If you have a spare machine and some time
+it would be great if you would be willing to do the same. If your
+send me an email</ulink> with the message and output of the
+<userinput>version</userinput> command.
+ </para>
+ <sect1 id="test">
+ <title>A TEST build</title>
+ <para>
+A TEST build is one that has some extra testcode compiled into it.
+TEST builds will also run the testcode once automatically at startup.
+I run TEST builds periodically in order to make sure that I have not
+broken anything with my changes. TEST builds are also helpful when
+you are trying to port the engine to a new platform; if you get a
+TEST build to run cleanly (especially a TEST/DEBUG build) then you
+can be pretty sure the port is good.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+If you want to build your own TEST engine, just add <userinput>TEST=1
+</userinput> to the <application>make</application> commandline.
+ </para>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="evaldump">
+ <title>An EVAL_DUMP build</title>
+ <para>
+An image built with the <userinput>EVAL_DUMP</userinput> preprocessor
+symbol defined will output several debugging messages every time it
+runs the evaluation routine (see <filename>eval.c</filename>). It
+will also break down the terms contributing to the eval score when
+the user types the <userinput>dump eval</userinput> command.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+These features are useful if you are curious as to what the engine
+thinks of a position. Of course, it doesn't make sense to run the
+evaluator on a position that is not quiet.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Since the engine produces output everytime it runs an evaluation and
+because the engine typically runs the evaluation routine hundreds of
+thousands of times per second, you should not attempt to search with
+an engine build using the EVAL_DUMP flag. It's too verbose.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+If you find a position where you think the engine's evaluation is
+totally wrong, please send it to me. While I can't promise anything
+(some positions are too complicated for static analysis), I will
+definitely take a look.
+ </para>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Typhoon Crashes</title>
+ <para>
+The engine should hardly ever crash. If you find a reproducible way
+to crash the engine I definitely want to hear about it. Please
+describing how you managed to crash the engine and the output of
+the <userinput>version</userinput> command.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+If you have a <filename>typhoon.core</filename> file, send that along
+with a copy of your <filename>typhoon</filename> image. Better yet,
+build <link linkend="debug">a DEBUG build</link>, crash it,
+and send me the <filename>_typhoon.core</filename>, and <filename>
+_typhoon</filename> files. That makes it easier to figure out what
+went wrong.
+ </para>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Typhoon Blunders</title>
+ <para>
+While not as severe as outright engine crashes, I am also interested
+in positions where the program makes a terrible move. I'm not a
+strong chessplayer so your impressions about the engine's strengths,
+weaknesses, trends that indicate errors in judgment, and so on are
+email them to me</ulink> along with the output of the
+<userinput>version</userinput> command.
+ </para>
+ </sect1>
+ </chapter>
+ </book>