#!/usr/bin/env python3 from datetime import datetime import json from typing import Dict, List import urllib.request import urllib.error import urllib.parse import file_writer import renderer import kiosk_secrets as secrets class weather_renderer(renderer.abstaining_renderer): """A renderer to fetch forecast from wunderground.""" def __init__(self, name_to_timeout_dict: Dict[str, int], file_prefix: str) -> None: super().__init__(name_to_timeout_dict) self.file_prefix = file_prefix def periodic_render(self, key: str) -> bool: return self.fetch_weather() def pick_icon( self, conditions: List[str], rain: List[float], snow: List[float] ) -> str: # rain snow clouds sun # fog.gif # hazy.gif # clear.gif # mostlycloudy.gif F F 6+ X # partlycloudy.gif F F 4+ 4- # cloudy.gif # partlysunny.gif F F X 5+ # mostlysunny.gif F F X 6+ # rain.gif T F X X # sleet.gif T T X X # flurries.gif F T X X (<1") # snow.gif F T X X (else) # sunny.gif F F X 7+ # tstorms.gif seen_rain = False seen_snow = False cloud_count = 0 clear_count = 0 total_snow = 0.0 count = min(len(conditions), len(rain), len(snow)) for x in range(0, count): seen_rain = rain[x] > 0 seen_snow = snow[x] > 0 total_snow += snow[x] txt = conditions[x].lower() if "cloud" in txt: cloud_count += 1 if "clear" in txt or "sun" in txt: clear_count += 1 if seen_rain and seen_snow: if total_snow < 10: return "sleet.gif" else: return "snow.gif" if seen_snow: if total_snow < 10: return "flurries.gif" else: return "snow.gif" if seen_rain: return "rain.gif" if cloud_count >= 6: return "mostlycloudy.gif" elif cloud_count >= 4: return "partlycloudy.gif" if clear_count >= 7: return "sunny.gif" elif clear_count >= 6: return "mostlysunny.gif" elif clear_count >= 4: return "partlysunny.gif" return "clear.gif" def fetch_weather(self) -> bool: if self.file_prefix == "stevens": text_location = "Stevens Pass, WA" param = "lat=47.74&lon=-121.08" elif self.file_prefix == "telma": text_location = "Telma, WA" param = "lat=47.84&lon=-120.81" else: text_location = "Bellevue, WA" param = "id=5786882" www = urllib.request.urlopen( "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?%s&APPID=%s&units=imperial" % (param, secrets.openweather_key) ) response = www.read() www.close() parsed_json = json.loads(response) # https://openweathermap.org/forecast5 # {"cod":"200", # "message":0.0036, # "cnt":40, # "list":[ # {"dt":1485799200, # "main":{"temp":261.45,"temp_min":259.086,"temp_max":261.45,"pressure":1023.48,"sea_level":1045.39,"grnd_level":1023.48,"humidity":79,"temp_kf":2.37}, # "weather":[ # {"id":800,"main":"Clear","description":"clear sky","icon":"02n"} # ], # "clouds":{"all":8}, # "wind":{"speed":4.77,"deg":232.505}, # "snow":{}, # "sys":{"pod":"n"}, # "dt_txt":"2017-01-30 18:00:00" # }, # {"dt":1485810000,.... with file_writer.file_writer(f"weather-{self.file_prefix}_3_10800.html") as f: f.write(f"""

Upcoming weather at {text_location}:

""") f.write("""
""") count = parsed_json["cnt"] ts = {} highs = {} lows = {} wind: Dict[str, List[float]] = {} conditions: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} rain: Dict[str, List[float]] = {} snow: Dict[str, List[float]] = {} precip: Dict[str, List[float]] = {} for x in range(0, count): data = parsed_json["list"][x] dt = data["dt_txt"] # 2019-10-07 18:00:00 (date, time) = dt.split(' ') wind[date] = [] conditions[date] = [] highs[date] = None lows[date] = None rain[date] = [] snow[date] = [] precip[date] = [] ts[date] = 0 for x in range(0, count): data = parsed_json["list"][x] dt = data["dt_txt"] # 2019-10-07 18:00:00 (date, time) = dt.split(' ') _ = data["dt"] if _ > ts[date]: ts[date] = _ temp = data["main"]["temp"] if highs[date] is None or highs[date] < temp: highs[date] = temp if lows[date] is None or temp < lows[date]: lows[date] = temp wind[date].append(data["wind"]["speed"]) conditions[date].append(data["weather"][0]["main"]) if "rain" in data and "3h" in data["rain"]: rain[date].append(data["rain"]["3h"]) else: rain[date].append(0) if "snow" in data and "3h" in data["snow"]: snow[date].append(data["snow"]["3h"]) else: snow[date].append(0) # {u'clouds': {u'all': 0}, # u'sys': {u'pod': u'd'}, # u'dt_txt': u'2019-10-09 21:00:00', # u'weather': [ # {u'main': u'Clear', # u'id': 800, # u'icon': u'01d', # u'description': u'clear sky'} # ], # u'dt': 1570654800, # u'main': { # u'temp_kf': 0, # u'temp': 54.74, # u'grnd_level': 1018.95, # u'temp_max': 54.74, # u'sea_level': 1026.46, # u'humidity': 37, # u'pressure': 1026.46, # u'temp_min': 54.74 # }, # u'wind': {u'speed': 6.31, u'deg': 10.09}} days_seen = set() for date in sorted(highs.keys()): day = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts[date]) formatted_date = day.strftime("%a %e %b") if formatted_date in days_seen: continue days_seen.add(formatted_date) total = len(days_seen) first_day = True days_seen = set() for n, date in enumerate(sorted(highs.keys())): if n % 3 == 0: if n > 0: f.write("") f.write('
') remaining = total - n if remaining >= 3: width = "33%" else: width = f'{100/remaining}%' precip[date] = [] aggregate_precip = 0.0 for r, s in zip(rain[date], snow[date]): aggregate = r + s aggregate_precip += aggregate precip[date].append(aggregate) if first_day: while len(precip[date]) < 8: precip[date].insert(0, 0) first_day = False day = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts[date]) formatted_date = day.strftime("%a %e %b") if formatted_date in days_seen: continue days_seen.add(formatted_date) f.write( f'
\n' ) # Date f.write(f''' ''') # Conditions icon icon = self.pick_icon(conditions[date], rain[date], snow[date]) f.write(f''' ''') # Low temp -- left color = "#000099" if lows[date] <= 32.5: color = "#009999" f.write(f''' ''') # Total aggregate_precip in inches aggregate_precip *= 0.0393701 if aggregate_precip > 0.025: f.write(f''' ''') else: f.write(" \n") # High temp + precip chart color = "#800000" if highs[date] >= 80: color = "#AA0000" f.write(f''' ''') # Precip graph f.write(f'''
''') f.write("
") return True #x = weather_renderer({"Stevens": 1000}, "stevens") #x.periodic_render("Stevens")