#!/usr/bin/env python3 from dataclasses import dataclass import logging import platform from typing import Callable # Note: this module is fairly early loaded. Be aware of dependencies. import config import presence logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) args = config.add_commandline_args( f'({__file__})', 'Args related to __file__' ) args.add_argument( '--site_config_override_location', default='NONE', const='NONE', nargs='?', choices=('HOUSE', 'CABIN', 'NONE'), help='Where are we, HOUSE, CABIN?', ) @dataclass class SiteConfig(object): location: str network: str network_netmask: str network_router_ip: str presence_location: presence.Location is_anyone_present: Callable[None, bool] arper_minimum_device_count: int def get_location(): """ Where are we? >>> location = get_location() >>> location == 'HOUSE' or location == 'CABIN' True """ return get_config().location def is_anyone_present_wrapper(location: presence.Location): p = presence.PresenceDetection() return p.is_anyone_in_location_now(location) def get_config(): """ Get a configuration dataclass with information that is site-specific including the current running location. >>> cfg = get_config() >>> cfg.location == 'HOUSE' or cfg.location == 'CABIN' True """ hostname = platform.node() try: location_override = config.config['site_config_override_location'] except KeyError: location_override = 'NONE' if location_override == 'NONE': if '.house' in hostname: location = 'HOUSE' elif '.cabin' in hostname: location = 'CABIN' if location == 'HOUSE': return SiteConfig( location = 'HOUSE', network = '', network_netmask = '', network_router_ip = '', presence_location = presence.Location.HOUSE, is_anyone_present = lambda x=presence.Location.HOUSE: is_anyone_present_wrapper(x), arper_minimum_device_count = 50, ) elif location == 'CABIN': return SiteConfig( location = 'CABIN', network = '', network_netmask = '', network_router_ip = '', presence_location = presence.Location.CABIN, is_anyone_present = lambda x=presence.Location.CABIN: is_anyone_present_wrapper(x), arper_minimum_device_count = 15, ) else: raise Exception(f'Unknown site location: {location}') if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()